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China to construct three more dams on Brahmaputra river

dams are built to control the flood and water flow,China won't divert that river completely.damming and diverting are different things,but China does have plan to divert some other rivers in Tibet.

i also dont think china is going to do that but what do you mean by diverting completely?
can you post some plans here
We built many dams along the Yangtze River,including the world's biggest dam upstream the river,those dams help the downstream provinces and cities a lot,those dams dont hurt Nanking,Shanghai and so many other downstream cities.they help them.
ya ur condition is like a ***** trouble from both sides and Bangladesh in the middle being pounded with dams after dams.

BTW its gonna hurt u ppl more than us.

what bad karma had bangkadeshis had done to get a half submerged/drowning land and land with water scarcity. :D

Lets see if we are hurt or not. While i lack the intelligence in dams, i trust our Chinese friends as they have always been a great friend to us.
i also dont think china is going to do that but what do you mean by diverting completely?
can you post some plans here

It's just a plan,and I dont think the plan involves any big rivers,Tibet has enough glaciers and small rivers and lake which we can use.

The zeal for engineering China’s rivers continues unabated among hydrologists. But will the latest proposal – to move water from Tibet to Xinjiang
Chinese scientists have dreamed up yet another mega engineering scheme: to divert water from Tibet along a course that follows the Tibet-Qinghai railway line to Golmud, through the Gansu Corridor and, finally, to Xinjiang, in north-west China.

The man behind the proposal is Wang Guangqian, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of Tsinghua University’s State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering. Although the Ministry of Water Resources has not given its support to the scheme, Wang insists it is “feasible”.

On June 3, Wang revealed that the authorities are considering a water-diversion plan for western China. He told reporters that, the previous day, Li Ruihuan – former member of the standing committee of the Political Bureau and chair of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) – had gathered Wang and others together to give and listen to presentations on the proposal. He said that everyone there was in agreement: “It is time for a water-diversion project in western China.”

It has previously been suggested that such a project could move 200 billion cubic metres of water a year – the equivalent of four Yellow Rivers. It would require core project finance of more than 200 billion yuan (US$30.9 billion) and be “an unprecedented undertaking in the history of the Chinese people.”
Guo believes this project would not only ease water shortages in the north of China, but also transform desert landscapes, increase farmland, provide power and create jobs.

“It would only take five to eight years to build, and cost 225 billion yuan [US$34.7 billion] in 1997 terms,” Guo said, adding that the Yarlung Zangbo, Nu River and Lancang River are capable of providing some 380 billion cubic metres of water annually – more than enough to cover the 206 billion cubic metres required each year by the project.
animelive, bro, it will affect Bangladesh too, no?

China shouldn't harm downstream countries base on the official statement

Asked about the plans to build the dams, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a media briefing here that "China has always taken a responsible attitude towards the development of cross border rivers".

"Any new project has to go through scientific planning and study with consideration of the interests of lower and upper stream countries", he said.
don't worry ,we built many dams upstream the Yangtze River and those dams help Chongqing,Wuhan,Shanghai... to become world class cities and greatly improved their waterways.
I guess it safe to say that BD and India can alway verify the rate of water flow across their boundaries respectively to determine the honnesty of China.
I guess it safe to say that BD and India can alway verify the rate of water flow across their boundaries respectively to determine the honnesty of China.

well lets hope for the best personally i think chinese will not harm us i admire their honesty & infrastructure
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