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China speaks better English than India, says study

It was your friend Ray who started attacking Chinese people, as usual. :wave:

As before, I have no problem with Indian people as individuals. In fact, the Indian minorities in HK are very well behaved, and contribute a lot to our society.

What annoys me is the country itself, as well as hypocritical Indian patriots like Ray.

Again some casting straw in the winds, are you?

You chaps pretend to be Holier than Thou and when you are caught by the short and curly with facts from your own 'respected and honest' China Daily, the Communist mouthorgan, you start all the wailing and breast beating of how you all are being wronged.

Cut out the charade.

What do you mean that Indians in HK are well behaved? They are captives and hence have to conform to the law of the masters?

Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.

Make no mistake about that!
It was your friend Ray who started attacking Chinese people, as usual. :wave:

And yes, I do find it hypocritical that Indians are so willing to put their own countrymen down over skin tone, let alone black people.

And then try to take some moral high ground over Chinese for the issue of racism. :rofl:

Tell me where has he said that Indians discriminate against the black?
You chaps pretend to be Holier than Thou and when you are caught by the short and curly with facts from your own 'respected and honest' China Daily, the Communist mouthorgan, you start all the wailing and breast beating of how you all are being wronged.

You mean holier than thou Indians, who discriminate against black people for having dark skin?

What rank hypocrisy.
And so ? Which is precisely the reason why you won't find Indians discriminate based on color and your references to the sole article also does not portray any discrimination... rather curiosity from the spectators. Feeling out of place does not mean that one is being discriminated.

Heck I would feel out of place going to a redneck village in the heartland of the US, but does it mean that I am being discriminated based on my color? Leave US, even if I were to go to a place in China, where people aren't familiar seeing "Indian" faces, I would be stared at... should I scream racism in that case?

No of course not, but this was far more than that.


I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner

end quote.
I already posted the article and thought you would at least try reading it first. Typical Ray, can't see anyones articles besides your own.

www.outlookindia.com | 'India Is Racist, And Happy About It'

Let us say that it has been addressed by other Indians and it is not material for me to do so,'

But not one Chinese has addressed the extracts of China Daily.

I take it that the Communists of China especially China Daily are bogus in their thoughts and not worth the time and energy of other Chinese Communists or their Camp followers, running dogs and roader (Chinese phrases).
You mean holier than thou Indians, who discriminate against black people for having dark skin?

What rank hypocrisy.

Not really.

It is about those who are discriminated who are Chinese by birth but have a darker colour!!

And then when this is showcased, it is convenient stated that it is not about colour, but adultery!!

Now, who is hypocritical?

I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner

end quote.

What can one do if he/ she wears a chip on their shoulder than because of their colour everyone discriminates them.

I too feel damned irritated when the shop assistant gives more attention to a pretty girl first and then attends to me.

If I go to a bank, I go to attend to my financial issues and not lounge and mooch around for one cup of tea! That too, mass produced tea!

In a world that is moving fast, I would be a wimp if I think people have time to show attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt.
What do you mean that Indians in HK are well behaved? They are captives and hence have to conform to the law of the masters?

Well, for an Indian to shout racist crap about Chinese people, in a city like Hong Kong with 95% Han Chinese... is not a very clever idea.

But once they get home to the safety of their computers, maybe they start trolling against Chinese people on the internet. Like we see here.
No of course not, but this was far more than that.


I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner

end quote.

Are all of his claims verifiable? I doubt so.
Let us say that it has been addressed by other Indians and it is not material for me to do so,'

But not one Chinese has addressed the extracts of China Daily.

I take it that the Communists of China especially China Daily are bogus in their thoughts and not worth the time and energy of other Chinese Communists or their Camp followers, running dogs and roader (Chinese phrases).

It hasn't been addressed at all. He only addressed the lack of racism in American culture, not Indian in his experience.
And so ? Which is precisely the reason why you won't find Indians discriminate based on color and your references to the sole article also does not portray any discrimination... rather curiosity from the spectators. Feeling out of place does not mean that one is being discriminated.

Heck I would feel out of place going to a redneck village in the heartland of the US, but does it mean that I am being discriminated based on my color? Leave US, even if I were to go to a place in China, where people aren't familiar seeing "Indian" faces, I would be stared at... should I scream racism in that case?
There is no discrimination in China for we have no reason to be like that.People stare at Indian just like thay look on blond ones for not familiar with.
I don't know the circumstances in India that they look on chinese,do they think we have funny faces and smile for this?
I already posted the article and thought you would at least try reading it first. Typical Ray, can't see anyones articles besides your own.

www.outlookindia.com | 'India Is Racist, And Happy About It'

Please note that it has been answered by Indians adequately.

Do now wear your correcting glass for your myopia.

Answer or get another Chinese to answer Post 333 and the extracts of China Daily.

And try not to run away by posting what already has been addressed by Indians and try to use it as a smokescreen for the lack of courage and intrinsic honestly in addressing what your revered China Daily had to say.

I am not prone to saying the same thing over and over again as if I were talking to a doorknob!
There is no discrimination in China for we have no reason to be like that.People stare at Indian just like thay look on blond ones for not familiar with.
I don't know the circumstances in India that they look on chinese,do they think we have funny faces and smile for this?

So, you admit that the CHINA DAILY (Post 333) are a set of downright liars!

In other words, what is vetted by the Chinese Communist party and the Chinese govt and published, is a whole lot of hogwash and the handiwork of lying Communist apparatchiks and govt?

As far as gawking at Chinese, I don't think that should happen normally since we have Tibetans and Nepalese in India and though they have sharper features than the Chinese, yet it is only the discerning who can make the difference out.

Of course, if someone appears to look like the Man in Moon, then I could not vouchsafe what would be the reaction!
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