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China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

The only way that would happen is AS IF CHINA WILL INVADE THE EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS.

That I want to see. When it does happens.

They won't even be able to get boots on the ground.

The same arrogant attitude that you can't fall from grace is exactly what will bring about your downfall. Surely and steadily, our power grows each single day, while yours diminishes.

The arrogance in this thread is only coming from you Chinese. Trust me, America is here to stay and if it does sink China will sink with it.
Nations rise and fall. Civilizations fractures and unite. That is the dominant pattern of history. Failure to recognize it as so is pure stupidity. Failure to recognize you are in decline is also a sign of stupidity.

I did not say a few decades. Hell, I even said it may not happen within this century. Just know Chinese as a people forgives little and forget nothing.

Not the I ignore the fact that Nation rise and fall. But 2 reason I brush this off easy.

Reason 1.) When it happens, if it does, it will be WAY BEYOND MY GRAVE. So why I have to care about it??
Reason 2.) When US Fall, there will NOT be another power to take over US, as globalisation of the world comes, there are no one country that would be more important than the others. When US Vacate the seat, there will be no taker.

It's simply stupid to ignore the fact that where the world need China, China need the world more. And NO COUNTRY CAN SURVIVE ON ITS OWN. Unless you are talking about the global domination of China, then I can surely say, this will never happens.

They won't even be able to get boots on the ground.

The arrogance in this thread is only coming from you Chinese. Trust me, America is here to stay and if it does sink China will sink with it.

I don't eve think China can force India to do anything they don't want. Then they started talk about the big playas club......
Not the I ignore the fact that Nation rise and fall. But 2 reason I brush this off easy.

Reason 1.) When it happens, if it does, it will be WAY BEYOND MY GRAVE. So why I have to care about it??
Reason 2.) When US Fall, there will NOT be another power to take over US, as globalisation of the world comes, there are no one country that would be more important than the others. When US Vacate the seat, there will be no taker.

It's simply stupid to ignore the fact that where the world need China, China need the world more. And NO COUNTRY CAN SURVIVE ON ITS OWN. Unless you are talking about the global domination of China, then I can surely say, this will never happens.

I don't eve think China can force India to do anything they don't want. Then they started talk about the big playas club......

The sensible Chinese do not act all high and mighty, Indian do it a lot because they got delusions of grandeur. Chinese population is a plus for them but also a huge burden on them when it comes to money and resources. Not to mention they may have a huge landmass but large chunks are disputed such as Xinxiang with its local populace and the Tibetan issue.
The sensible Chinese do not act all high and mighty, Indian do it a lot because they got delusions of grandeur. Chinese population is a plus for them but also a huge burden on them when it comes to money and resources. Not to mention they may have a huge landmass but large chunks are disputed such as Xinxiang with its local populace and the Tibetan issue.

Most sensible and decent Chinese I know weren't even heard of this forum. Seems to me, 90% of the Chinese here are either loonie or they have some expectation of their own government that there are never going to fulfil. In other word, those Chinese don't know how the world work.......
Most sensible and decent Chinese I know weren't even heard of this forum. Seems to me, 90% of the Chinese here are either loonie or they have some expectation of their own government that there are never going to fulfil. In other word, those Chinese don't know how the world work.......

Well that is probably the case for all nationalities except the Pakistani in Pakistan because this is their website. I always said this site attracts the crazies. :lol:
Well that is probably the case for all nationalities except the Pakistani in Pakistan because this is their website. I always said this site attracts the crazies. :lol:

I can accept crazy opinion, but to a point where delusional argument took over........

Even US in this current states cannot ask for their own Indian (American Indian) Artefacts back from the Brits and European. I wonder how bad America was or How good the Chinese was to be able to allow them to loot us back lol
I can accept crazy opinion, but to a point where delusional argument took over........

Even US in this current states cannot ask for their own Indian (American Indian) Artefacts back from the Brits and European. I wonder how bad America was or How good the Chinese was to be able to allow them to loot us back lol

That is cause nobody here stays dwelling in the past, it is a move forward mentality. Spend your life thinking about back when and taking revenge and you will get left behind. :D
all is not well on your southern border and thats going to be the flash point in the next decade or so

Drug cartels are a minor nuisance that is no threat to the political stability/ legitimacy of the US government or any of its states.
Chinese have never been the conquering type of people. In fact they built giant walls to keep invaders out. I doubt this mindset will ever change.
China was never under colonial rule, in fact it's the only thing saving the boys you sent to our shores to fight for money and domination ironically enough.

You see when the Chinese European wars started, the technology would give the West an advantage, but since the West couldn't actually sent too many troops, and the guns were insanely slow to load, a mass human wave is hugely effective. At the time China had maybe 2 million strong men, maybe they are not great shape, but hand to hand they can still match the Europeans, why did China get defeated then?

The emperors realized the West had designs on certain lands, but not the conquest of China or the over throw of the empire. So they largely dealt with the West much like the Romans did with the Huns and Germans. Threat, but not the biggest. The biggest is internal.

So before you think China was colonized, think again.
Actually China did try to fight the colonial powers, it was called the opium wars and the boxer rebellion.

Internal weakness and corruption were definitely huge major factors in China's loss, on that we both agree, if China could have united, it would have.

Actually, The Chinese could have been carved into spheres of influence by the European powers if the US had not pushed its open doors policy to preserve China's administrative and sovereign control of, well, China, and keep the money flowing to China's coffers in order for it to be able to deal with the administrative costs of running the country.

This was pure self interest as the US had no sphere of influence and so viewed this happening as a threat to its own trade in China by reducing where it could trade, so no im not trying to paint the US as China's savior, though it might have consequently been so.

The Open Door Policy: Doing Business in China

source said:
China was in political and economic disarray as the end of the 19th century approached. The giant was not recognized as a sovereign nation by the major powers, who were busy elbowing one another for trading privileges and plotting how the country could be partitioned. The imperial nations sought spheres of influence and claimed extraterritorial rights in China.

The United States took Far Eastern matters more seriously after the Spanish-American War, when they came into possession of the Philippines. In the fall of 1898, President McKinley stated his desire for the creation of an "open door" that would allow all trading nations access to the Chinese market. The following year, Secretary of State John Hay sought a formal endorsement of the concept by circulating diplomatic notes among the major powers, enabling the secretary to be credited with authoring the Open Door policy.

Hay’s proposal for an Open Door Policy called for the establishment of equal trading rights to all nations in all parts of China and for recognition of Chinese territorial integrity (meaning that the country should not be carved up). The impact of such an Open Door Policy would be to put all of the imperial nations on an equal footing and minimize the power of those nations with existing spheres of influence.

No nation formally agreed to Hay’s policy; each used the other nations' reluctance to endorse the Open Door as an excuse for their own inaction. An undeterred Hay simply announced that agreement had been reached. Only Russia and Japan voiced displeasure.

On the surface, it appeared that the United States had advanced a reform viewpoint, but the truth was otherwise. The U.S. had no sphere of influence in China, but had long maintained an active trade there. If other nations were to partition China, the United States would likely be excluded from future commercial activities. In short, Hay was simply trying to protect the prospects of American businessmen and investors.

another source The Open Door Policy and the Boxer War: The US and China | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Chinese have never been the conquering type of people. In fact they built giant walls to keep invaders out. I doubt this mindset will ever change.

They did conquer Tibet, xinxiang, and part of Mongolia but did not venture to far out lands due to isolationist policy.
Chinese have never been the conquering type of people. In fact they built giant walls to keep invaders out. I doubt this mindset will ever change.


The Wall isn't exactly on the borders of modern day China.
Chinese have never been the conquering type of people. In fact they built giant walls to keep invaders out. I doubt this mindset will ever change.

That's because of ultra non-extremist teachings of the land/Buddhism.. India suffered the fate it did because of the same. Being such an ancient civilizations India/China evolved through the worst and ended up with philosophies teaching us peaceful existence, without weapons, without wars. But that was not supposed to last long and time proved how wrong our ancestors were? Then started the invasions of extremists from other lands. They caught us without any guards, massacred us and this continued till we decided to fight back again. Now we have learning's from our history, both good an bad and we are very well prepared today to face any challenges of the day..
The Pacific didn't stop United States from looting China, same way it's not going to protect you when you fall. Nations have tendencies to turn into vultures when they sense your weakness. Why play nice with you when they can simply take from you? Like you did with them.

Agreed that if one can simply take from you, they will, it is the basis of nature, and a fundamental reason for the second amendment.

As for the history of it,
Again that was only possible due to the incompetence of the Chinese government and the consequent technological disparity between the colonial powers and China. How exactly do you expect the US to be as defenseless as China was in those days, considering the technology of today? Decades of neglecting maintenance?
the major expension of China's border was not done under ethnic Han Chinese ruling but rather under mongols and manchurians
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