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China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

The reality is the west is in terminal decline while China is rising. That's fact.

An even bigger fact is that anything can happen in the future. Japans decline in the late 80's should offer some perspctive.

And as long as there are decent living standards no one cares about being a superpower.
An even bigger fact is that anything can happen in the future. Japans decline in the late 80's should offer some perspctive.

And as long as there are decent living standards no one cares about being a superpower.

China is 10 times the size of Japan and 4 times the US in population. China is abundant in natural resources. China has the 3rd largest land area. China is an independent country (unlike Japan). Japan in 1980s was richer than US in per capita GDP. US was strong in the 1980s but now it's own a rapid decline economically and financially. US will do well to reverse its decline, easier said than done of course.
China is 10 times the size of Japan and 4 times the US in population. China is abundant in natural resources. China has the 3rd largest land area. China is an independent country (unlike Japan). Japan in 1980s was richer than US in per capita GDP. US was strong in the 1980s but now it's own a rapid decline economically and financially. US will do well to reverse its decline, easier said than done of course.

the United States is roughly the same size as China while the US is also abundant in natural resources. The US is stronger in absolute and relative terms today than it was in the 1980's, China's might pales against what we were prepared for with the Soviet Union.

The Chinese population is trending a major decline while the US population is growing. Even should the US not continue to be a superpower, the wet dream of China looting the US and Europe is simply not very probable at all unless you are looking in timespans of centuries, in which case anything is possible.

I could say China will instead decline and break up into multiple warlord run states eventually coming under the sovereignty of Korean, Japanese, American, British, and Russian rule and it would be equally possible in timespans of centuries.

That China came under colonial rule given the possibilities shows only how badly your government f'ed up and how stark the technological divide was due to your government's mistakes at the time.

You can dream that China will create an equal technological divide in today's interconnected world, but more is the pity on you.

The reality is the west is in terminal decline while China is rising. That's fact.

Not at all, that is opinion. Such opinionated nonsense can only be consider fact after it has already happened.
May not happen in a decade or even a century, but keep in mind all powers eventually go into decline and fracture. The world is full of other powers ready to take advantage, like you once did with us.

The US is blessed in its geographical position making it exceedingly difficult for the standard world powers to take advantage of the US in a time of weakness. Most of the global powers are centered on the Eurasian landmass.

Keeping good relations with Brazil is a must, and Canada and Mexico are connected to our success as much as we are connected to theirs. Otherwise we have nothing to fear beyond nuclear war.
The US is blessed in its geographical position making it exceedingly difficult for the standard world powers to take advantage of the US in a time of weakness. Most of the global powers are centered on the Eurasian landmass.

Keeping good relations with Brazil is a must, and Canada and Mexico are connected to our success as much as we are connected to theirs. Otherwise we have nothing to fear beyond nuclear war.

all is not well on your southern border and thats going to be the flash point in the next decade or so
Of course, we should.

Back when China was weak, many treasures was stolen by the Brits and the French and whoever else that held a gun.

Today it is still not returned, this is outrageous. China is the second most powerful country on earth, the time of the Europeans had long gone. They are nothing but puppets for the US, though they like to pretend otherwise.

The fact that their laws still return stolen items means that they don't consider finders keepers a thing. Especially if it's found in someone Else's house.

Napoleon's stolen treasure collection was given back after Napoleon's defeat, then I guess Europeans does know if you loot it, you can only keep it if you stay on top.

To have France and England and whoever else display our paintings in their museums and take our treasures on their tours is an insult.

Especially those treasures held by common soldiers and their descendents, who let's face it are the lowest of the low even in their own country is an insult, each day it is not returned.

This is one of the reasons I support an aggressive China. If we deserve to be looked down and looted when we were weak then when we are not things need to be different. However some people are having a hard time adjusting to this. Not talking about the Americans, cause they at this moment is actually better.
the United States is roughly the same size as China while the US is also abundant in natural resources. The US is stronger in absolute and relative terms today than it was in the 1980's, China's might pales against what we were prepared for with the Soviet Union.

The Chinese population is trending a major decline while the US population is growing. Even should the US not continue to be a superpower, the wet dream of China looting the US and Europe is simply not very probable at all unless you are looking in timespans of centuries, in which case anything is possible.

I could say China will instead decline and break up into multiple warlord run states eventually coming under the sovereignty of Korean, Japanese, American, British, and Russian rule and it would be equally possible in timespans of centuries.

That China came under colonial rule given the possibilities shows only how badly your government f'ed up and how stark the technological divide was due to your government's mistakes at the time.

You can dream that China will create an equal technological divide in today's interconnected world, but more is the pity on you.

Not at all, that is opinion. Such opinionated nonsense can only be consider fact after it has already happened.

China was never under colonial rule, in fact it's the only thing saving the boys you sent to our shores to fight for money and domination ironically enough.

You see when the Chinese European wars started, the technology would give the West an advantage, but since the West couldn't actually sent too many troops, and the guns were insanely slow to load, a mass human wave is hugely effective. At the time China had maybe 2 million strong men, maybe they are not great shape, but hand to hand they can still match the Europeans, why did China get defeated then?

The emperors realized the West had designs on certain lands, but not the conquest of China or the over throw of the empire. So they largely dealt with the West much like the Romans did with the Huns and Germans. Threat, but not the biggest. The biggest is internal.

So before you think China was colonized, think again.

Don't look at Japan for China, Japan punched above it's weight when there are no good challengers. It's like when Roy Jones became heavy weight champion, can he fight a real heavy weight that's not a stiff? No way, but in the right circumstances he did become the HW champion.

China is different, rising to the top based on talent, hard work and determination. Fighting still at the lower weight like Floyd Mayweather did when he first started, but could fight against the best at 154 in time.
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Oh so now you will colonize the rest of us as well. :rofl:

You guys can't take back a few islands you claim belonged to you since God knows when and you are out to conquer the world because someone robbed your pottery? :woot:

I though delusional rhetoric belonged to Indians alone. :coffee: :rolleyes:
The same arrogant attitude that you can't fall from grace is exactly what will bring about your downfall. Surely and steadily, our power grows each single day, while yours diminishes.

The US is blessed in its geographical position making it exceedingly difficult for the standard world powers to take advantage of the US in a time of weakness. Most of the global powers are centered on the Eurasian landmass.

Keeping good relations with Brazil is a must, and Canada and Mexico are connected to our success as much as we are connected to theirs. Otherwise we have nothing to fear beyond nuclear war.
The Pacific didn't stop United States from looting China, same way it's not going to protect you when you fall. Nations have tendencies to turn into vultures when they sense your weakness. Why play nice with you when they can simply take from you? Like you did with them.
What a stupid idea!!

In fact, the Chinese government should pay for each and every Chinese citizens and overseas Chinese the visits to the museums in Europe to see all these Chinese artifacts. To serve as reminder of the consequences of being weak nation.

The ones you bought were probaly good, but they are just regular goods and can be freely traded anywhere in the world, there's this teir of goods in EU too. The ones I am talking about are royal.

Like the ones Louis Bonaparte took, the royal jewelry of the Spanish crown to America.

look I am not blaming anyone, if I saw a take some sign I would probably be the first person in there, while punching the second in the head.

But, the point is to prove to the world once and for all that aside from the US, the West is done, in fact the US is the West, the rest are just entourage. Also, China is a leader running after the US, and when two leaders discuss matters, the secretary can take notes, but has no place to talk or sit.

You may need to retract your statement.........

The combine GDP of EU totalling more than what US and China produce independently.

according to IMF in 2012.

EU - 16.584 Trillions
US - 15.685 Trillions
China - 8.227 Trillions

Don't think there are financial crisis in Cyprus and Greece then the whole European Economic is going down the drain. Germany alone is the 4th top GDP in the world followed by France and United Kingdom.

And I believe on average, people live in European still better off than people live in China.
A simple solution would be to loot Europeans and the Americans when the time comes. Yes, I said when, not if. That will break it even.

The only way that would happen is AS IF CHINA WILL INVADE THE EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS.

That I want to see. When it does happens.
I find that funny when people say things like

"Give us a few decade......"
"You can count on it......."
"it is on (Whatever -Insert Adjective here) Decline..."

In a few decade, I believe the alien will take over the world. There will not be an US and a China, deal with it :)
The only way that would happen is AS IF CHINA WILL INVADE THE EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS.

That I want to see. When it does happens.
Nations rise and fall. Civilizations fractures and unite. That is the dominant pattern of history. Failure to recognize it as so is pure stupidity. Failure to recognize you are in decline is also a sign of stupidity.

I find that funny when people say things like

"Give us a few decade......"
"You can count on it......."
"it is on (Whatever -Insert Adjective here) Decline..."

In a few decade, I believe the alien will take over the world. There will not be an US and a China, deal with it :)
I did not say a few decades. Hell, I even said it may not happen within this century. Just know Chinese as a people forgives little and forget nothing.
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