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China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

To be precise, in all of the Han Chinese history, Han would only fight Han and the only people who fight other people are the Mongol and Manchurian

From Xia (夏), Ethnic Han have been fighting Ethnic Han up until the Qin Dynasty (秦朝) for which Qin Shihuang (秦始皇) united Greater China for the first time. But things goes sideway again after he die up into a point where Today China was made up with 16 different States and they are warring each other.

Some work has done by Qin Emperor to fight off the "Barbarian" to the North (Mongol) well, long story short, it just fell short of target....

Modern Unified China does not form until 1910 when Sun Yet Sin Remove the last emperor and form the Republic of China

It bring back some bad memory remembering all those Chinese History from classes....
Ignorance hybrid.When Han dynasty dystroyed millions of huns,your patheic european fathers were living in the shadow of thousands of hun warriors,when Tang dynasty conquered almost entire Gokturk Khanate,You pathetic europe was envaded by some stupid north African.Shame on you,shameless and ridiculous Yankee viets hybrid who claim he is a chinese hate chinese so much.
Look at the pure slavery history of india,and they say chinese are cowards now,hahahaha.A race that ruled by muslims,turks and britains for a thousand year.
Ignorance hybrid.When Han dynasty dystroyed millions of huns,your patheic european fathers were living in the shadow of thousands of hun warriors,when Tang dynasty conquered almost entire Gokturk Khanate,You pathetic europe was envaded by some stupid north African.Shame on you,shameless and ridiculous Yankee viets hybrid who claim he is a chinese hate chinese so much.
In the shadow....as opposed to under them, screaming "daddy" , we well know the difference. PS....what is an ignorance hybrid....some silly slope construct?
The arrogance in this thread is only coming from you Chinese. Trust me, America is here to stay and if it does sink China will sink with it.
We're not the ones ignoring the pattern of history. I can't say the same for you. Countless powers disappeared from history, and thinking yourselves to be immune is not only arrogant, but downright stupid.

Agreed that if one can simply take from you, they will, it is the basis of nature, and a fundamental reason for the second amendment.

As for the history of it,
Again that was only possible due to the incompetence of the Chinese government and the consequent technological disparity between the colonial powers and China. How exactly do you expect the US to be as defenseless as China was in those days, considering the technology of today? Decades of neglecting maintenance?
I do not expect the United States to be defenceless even when it goes into decline. It will be a slow process. To be honest, there are other ways to take advantage of your loss without having to use direct force.
Not the I ignore the fact that Nation rise and fall. But 2 reason I brush this off easy.

Reason 1.) When it happens, if it does, it will be WAY BEYOND MY GRAVE. So why I have to care about it??
Reason 2.) When US Fall, there will NOT be another power to take over US, as globalisation of the world comes, there are no one country that would be more important than the others. When US Vacate the seat, there will be no taker.

It's simply stupid to ignore the fact that where the world need China, China need the world more. And NO COUNTRY CAN SURVIVE ON ITS OWN. Unless you are talking about the global domination of China, then I can surely say, this will never happens.
Of course you don't care what happens after you die. Hence why Chinese are the oldest continuous civilization in the world while United States existed for little more than two centuries. Also, to think that no power will ever be dominant in the world stage is plain o' wishful thinking. There has always been a dominant power, and always will be. Your failure to learn from history will be your undoing.
Of course you don't care what happens after you die. Hence why Chinese are the oldest continuous civilization in the world while United States existed for little more than two centuries. Also, to think that no power will ever be dominant in the world stage is plain o' wishful thinking. There has always been a dominant power, and always will be. Your failure to learn from history will be your undoing.

Lol, continuous....no more than any other....and MANY different rulers of the weak nation.....who has ruled the US Anglo Saxons?
Lol, continuous....no more than any other....and MANY different rulers of the weak nation.....who has ruled the US Anglo Saxons?
Like I said, a nation rise and falls. We have experience both many times over. Someone will take advantage of United States when it is in a vulnerable position. It's a matter of time, not a matter of if. You don't have to accept reality if you choose not to, but that won't stop the wheels of history.
We're not the ones ignoring the pattern of history. I can't say the same for you. Countless powers disappeared from history, and thinking yourselves to be immune is not only arrogant, but downright stupid.

I do not expect the United States to be defenceless even when it goes into decline. It will be a slow process. To be honest, there are other ways to take advantage of your loss without having to use direct force.

I never said we are immune, I just said we will take you with us. ;)
Lol, continuous....no more than any other....and MANY different rulers of the weak nation.....who has ruled the US Anglo Saxons?

Woooooh,mighty and invincible Anglo saxons,the ruler race for indians.how sick and stupid indian slavery mindset.Do you know how many times England has been invaded and ruled in history?
Woooooh,mighty and invincible Anglo saxons,the ruler race for indians.how sick and stupid indian slavery mindset.Do you know how many times England has been invaded and ruled in history?

invaded yes. ruled by whom? You must be thinking about the time before there was an entity called england.
I never said we are immune, I just said we will take you with us. ;)
Like the Soviets were going to take America with it? Funny talk is funny. The only thing you will take along with you when you fall from power is a river of your own tears.
Like I said, a nation rise and falls. We have experience both many times over. Someone will take advantage of United States when it is in a vulnerable position. It's a matter of time, not a matter of if. You don't have to accept reality if you choose not to, but that won't stop the wheels of history.

Thanks for remind Americans that it will one day fall. And you are definitely correct, one day, America will fall from its position as the preeminent power on earth. But thanks for your reminder, Americans will work harder to ensure that this day will come later than sooner.

By the various viking powers including normans

Its true that England was invaded. But the last invasion was at 1066 by the Normans. And the Normans have integrated into the existing English culture. England is a culture made up mostly by invaders only. The existing Britons were either killed, integrated, or are Welsh.

An example of what an original English look like is Katherine Zeta Jones. Todays English are mainly Viking, German or Norman invaders.

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