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China seeks links with Taiwan to defend disputed islands

If Japan didn't lose the war then there probably won't be any Viets left, all would have died from famine under Japanese rule. Only these trolls enjoy mentioning that China would be servants if Japan didn't lose.
If Japan didn't lose the war then there probably won't be any Viets left, all would have died from famine under Japanese rule. Only these trolls enjoy mentioning that China would be servants if Japan didn't lose.

He he, think back, how many massacre in China like Nanjing was ?
Victory of Soviet union and USA on Japan Imperial is liberated Asian people from Japan nazists, it's truth.
He he, think back, how many massacre in China like Nanjing was ?
Victory of Soviet union and USA on Japan Imperial is liberated Asian people from Japan nazists, it's truth.

Yes they liberated us so what's your point? Because nobody understand what you are trying to aim with your earlier statement that China would still be a servant but failed to see that there wouldn't be any Viets left. We don't understand what this has to do with this topic.
If Japan didn't lose the war then there probably won't be any Viets left, all would have died from famine under Japanese rule. Only these trolls enjoy mentioning that China would be servants if Japan didn't lose.

Yes, that's how and what they are calling a difference in between 2 countries has same 1 enemy.

Nanjing got well TREATED by Japanese more than Viet Nam and we are so JEALOUS whatever China could suffered. See the difference?

Now, China provoke SEA and waking up Japan, Korea soon ..... there is more Nanjing for China and yet Japan, Korea now its has Viet Nam allies. Less dropping bloods and gain more to ENTER or RE-ENTER to China without sweat.
No i don't see the difference so can you explain it more thoroughly? WAIT your English sucks so badly that i have no idea what you are trying to say.
Yes, that's how and what they are calling a difference in between 2 countries has same 1 enemy.

Nanjing got well TREATED by Japanese more than Viet Nam and we are so JEALOUS whatever China could suffered. See the difference?

Now, China provoke SEA and waking up Japan, Korea soon ..... there is more Nanjing for China and yet Japan, Korea now its has Viet Nam allies. Less dropping bloods and gain more to ENTER or RE-ENTER to China without sweat.

If there wasn't US, today's Japan would get instantly crushed in a confrontation against China.

It has no independent military industry complex, while China has everything on its own. :coffee:
If there wasn't US, today's Japan would get instantly crushed in a confrontation against China.

It has no independent military industry complex, while China has everything on its own. :coffee:

I really like yours IF:

IF U.S not nuke Japan then China still got control - occupied by Japan.

IF Bill Clinton did not signed for China to getting WTO then China must REMAINS at third World country.

IF Viet Nam now have Le Duan re-born then China will not keeping bully Viet Nam over SCS. (Le Duan is the man who fought for 4 big wars like French, US, Cambodia, China latest)


IF All of the countries are exiled Chinese on their soils then China will back to the third World levels.

And ...... [IF] Chinese STOP their arrogant then the WORLD would love to enjoy all Chinese regardless that China Communist or Non Communist so .. and so ....
I think you use Google to troll here, then you can't understand my idea, he he. English can't "suck" anythings.:P

Yours English ain't sucks but the person [you quoted] who is pretending not to understand that called SUCKS or google translate either way.
No one can understand you..How old are you by the way?
Yours English ain't sucks but the person [you quoted] who is pretending not to understand that called SUCKS or google translate either way.

REad it again, its rechoice that is using the translator. Google translator sucks. Explain to him what "sucks" mean in Vietnamese.

Also, Taiwan does not need any help from China to defeat Vietnam in SCS. Do you need to borrow someone else's foot to squash a bug?
Any Taiwanese poster on this site is a fraud. They would support re unification with CHina. Thats a fact
Any Taiwanese poster on this site is a fraud. They would support re unification with CHina. Thats a fact

So you are being racist for calling a Taiwanese poster on this site a fraud, are you? stop all racism.

BTW: where do you get that all Taiwanese would support reunification with China? Almost none support immediate reunification, most support status quo and a few advocate independence. Dont open your mouth on things you know nothing about.

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