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China seeks links with Taiwan to defend disputed islands

When you discuss here about dispute Island as title of the thread you have to know what is mean Cod of Conduct (COC) which has been finished in draft, to be negotiate with China in next step.

It's not the language problem but rather what were you trying to convey to me on your post #7 in a riddle form. Who were the lobby groups, what pension and investment and how 'they' pushed the Chinese government as far as they can? And finally What have these above gibberish to do with my post #6.

Now you bring in the COC to limit the moves of China and Taiwan. Well, let me tell you something, the COC applies to Vietnam as well. BTW you guys keep claiming China and Taiwan 'robbed' your islands, how tcan hey robbed what's not yours to begin with? At least no one recognized they are yours other than yourselves.
It's not the language problem but rather what were you trying to convey to me on your post #7 in a riddle form. Who were the lobby groups, what pension and investment and how 'they' pushed the Chinese government as far as they can? And finally What have these above gibberish to do with my post #6.

Now you bring in the COC to limit the moves of China and Taiwan. Well, let me tell you something, the COC applies to Vietnam as well. BTW you guys keep claiming China and Taiwan 'robbed' your islands, how tcan hey robbed what's not yours to begin with? At least no one recognized they are yours other than yourselves.

If you are really living in Hongkong, I think you know well about lobby activities, it's existing every where in the world. Who can get more budget of Govt ? Army or other infrastructure investment ? Why state officials are rich ? In china the word; Guan xi is very important.

By San Francisco conference 1951 of UN, claim of China to Islands of Vietnam was rejected.
There's no need to prove your immense knowledge of China to me, which has no bearing to the thread, and your government is not exactly the model of righteousness and efficiency.

The Colonial French and Brits took our properties by force and award them to some third world dingy countries when we were weak and at that we're intended to get every inch of our land back, by force if necessary. Any conference or arbitration without our active participation is to be declared illegitimate and illegal.
Claims and counterclaims, differences in opinion are among the things to make the world goes around, isn't it? We shall wait for the outcomes then.
Claims and counterclaims, differences in opinion are among the things to make the world goes around, isn't it? We shall wait for the outcomes then.

In time of Qing Dynasty of China, china full map didn't included Islands of Vietnam. Official book printed in China stated: The last point of China is ended by seaside of Hainan Island.
im not exactly sure about this but dont thailand have problems with china?
im not exactly sure about this but dont thailand have problems with china?

Most ASEAN nations are friends of China and Thailand is one of the closest. Of course, more often than not, allies and friends do bicker at times.

@ Rechoice

It's not up yo you or your country to say where China border should end. Your proofs of Vietnam ownerships, as far as China is concern, obvious are not even worth the papers they printed on.
im not exactly sure about this but dont thailand have problems with china?
Yeah, problem for Thailand is that her political-economic is control by chinese, Thai's King, Thai-prime minister are chinese too, that's why those thai-chinese willing to sell thai's soil to china and native Muslim thai-a real owner of Thailand- is called insurgency
The Muslim Insurgency in Southern Thailand
Authors: Jayshree Bajoria, and Carin Zissis
Updated: September 10, 2008


Over the past four years, an insurgency in Thailand's southern, predominantly Muslim provinces has claimed nearly three thousand lives. The separatist violence in these majority Malay Muslim provinces has a history traceable back for more than half a century. Some experts say brutal counterinsurgency tactics by successive governments in Bangkok have worsened the situation. Political turmoil in Bangkok and tussle between supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and the country's military have further contributed to the instability, working to stymie any serious initiatives for a long-term solution to the crisis.

Historical Grievances

Thailand has faced secessionist movements since it annexed the independent sultanate of Patani
The Muslim Insurgency in Southern Thailand - Council on Foreign Relations
How many countries will be independence states in future ? :welcome:

They will remain part of China into the next millenium after the defeat of vietnam and their unconditional surrender of all the islands to China @ the SCS battles in 2012!
Most ASEAN nations are friends of China and Thailand is one of the closest. Of course, more often than not, allies and friends do bicker at times.

@ Rechoice

It's not up yo you or your country to say where China border should end. Your proofs of Vietnam ownerships, as far as China is concern, obvious are not even worth the papers they printed on.

China has to obey rules of laws world wide accepted, himself china has been signed.

They will remain part of China into the next millenium after the defeat of vietnam and their unconditional surrender of all the islands to China @ the SCS battles in 2012!

Don't say idiot things, without victory of Soviet Union and USA on Japan in WW II, you are still servants of Japanese.
Don't say idiot things, without victory of Soviet Union and USA on Japan in WW II, you are still servants of Japanese.

Vietnam was under Japanese control's so if they didn't lose you guys would also still be servants as well.
Vietnam was under Japanese control's so if they didn't lose you guys would also still be servants as well.

It depends, if Japan still controlling Viet Nam that more than likely Viet Nam will has more chances to take back Quangdong, Quangxi.

Japan occupied Viet Nam that only has the short, quickest way to enter or re-enter to China at anytime due to the tactics of any Armies.

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