AP didn't post their source, we don't believe in American media, just as you don't believe in Chinese media unless a reliable source has been provided.
This now confirms this, given special honors by Xi himself.
The American news source was vague, and didnt' quote any news that existed at the time or now. Are we suppose to take their word at face value, cause they are Americans?
But official Chinese news, one of the most watched programs, the evening news has in fact confirmed.
Really, we deny? Xi personally gave special honors to the pilots and team, it is me that confirmed the news on this forum.
The other members couldnt' find any links to the story, that doesn't sound suspicious to you?
There's a few articles that I wanted to quote that was supposedly supported by Times of India and other Indian publications, but because I myself couldn't verify I didn't do it.
Some American scientists say F-22 loses stealth in the Rain, F-35 is less than garbage, so what. People say things, is it that hard for you to believe the in a nation that has regions that can be considered developed, and about more than half of the nation semi developed, that we in fact allow different voices on matters that doesn't promote terror or separatism or plotting against the state, which unless mistaken, most nations also don't allow, one of them being India.