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China rolls out red carpet for Sudan president

guys leav this topic....Chinese have business interest their so they invite him with red carpet...lets not make a fuss about it...
It's you guys, who are trying to steal the legacy of Buddha from Nepal.

Anyway, back to the topic. :wave:

When You fail to prove then Off Topic as usual. You are follower of Our Rituals not we following any Chinese. I have unlimited evidence to prove that as i know Buddhism more than you.

Yes, Stick to the Topic. Don't bring India and compare your superiority as always as it will never ever happen.
Good move. Even the Sudanese President must have been amused by that red carpet.
When You fail to prove then Off Topic as usual. You are follower of Our Rituals not we following any Chinese. I have unlimited evidence to prove that as i know Buddhism more than you.

Yes, Stick to the Topic. Don't bring India and compare your superiority as always as it will never ever happen.

What a joke! Without Buddhism, China already had 2000 years of culture. Long after Buddhism is gone, China will still have culture. The most popular religion in China is ATHEISM. The biggest organized one is ISLAM. China also influenced countries far superior to India, such as Vietnam, Korea and Japan. No one signs up to learn Hindi but millions from Africa to Austria are learning Chinese.
Document - Sudan: Arms continuing to fuel serious human rights violations in Darfur | Amnesty International

ABOVE: Actual amnesty international report about the People's Republic of China of supplying arms, ammunition and related equipment to Sudan that was used in the genocide even when the Chinese knew there were UN sanctions against it and that it was being used to slaughter hundreds of thousands

HA, who you trying to "FOOL"? why Single out China when many other countries including "INDIA" sold arms to Sudan? "Hypocrisy" to another NEW level?:lol:

Summary of Findings

(All figures are given in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise indicated)

Which countries are selling arms to Sudan?

Category 1, Direct Providers: The countries in this category voluntarily reported to official databases that they sold arms to Sudan since 2004. In many cases the trade figures are backed up by media reports of arms transfers or military cooperation agreements. When Human Rights First requested clarification of the reports, these countries failed to respond, with the exception of Cyprus and Slovakia.

Direct Providers were (in alphabetical order): Belarus, China, Cyprus, India, Iran, Kenya, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, and Turkey.

Belarus sold Sudan 41 armored combat vehicles and 12 fighter jets since the year the U.N. arms embargo began.

Sudan claims to have bought $55 million worth of weapons from China since 2004 while China claims to have sold Sudan just over $700,000. Since China and Sudan reportedly entered into a military cooperation agreement worth $80 million in 2005, the higher figure is likely closer to the true value.

Cyprus sold approximately $130,000 worth of rifles, explosives, and other materiel from 2004-2006 to Sudan. In April 2008, Cyprus amended its domestic legislation to prohibit exports of sporting and hunting weapons to Sudan.

In 2005, an Indian defense firm entered into contracts worth more than $17 million to provide battlefield surveillance radar, communication equipment and night vision equipment to the government of Sudan. Sudan also claims to have received over $1.5 million worth of armored fighting vehicles from India since 2004. India claims total arms sales to Sudan of just over $200,000.

Iran reports total arms sales of over $12 million to Sudan, including almost $8 million worth of tanks.

Kenya exported to Sudan over $30,000 worth of weaponry including tanks and small arms.

Russia sold Sudan 33 new military aircraft since 2004, and has reportedly provided training, advisors and pilots for Russian aircraft in the Sudanese Air Force. Some Russian pilots have reportedly flown missions over Darfur.

Senegal exported almost $6 million worth of ammunition and parts to Sudan since 2004.

Turkey reports that it transferred over $120,000 worth of small arms and parts to Sudan since 2004, while Sudan reports receiving over $400,000 worth of weapons, including tanks.
Arms Sales to Sudan, 2004-2006 | Human Rights First
^^^ selling of arms was not against the sanctions- it was selling of arms they knew was being used in the genocide.

Amnesty International’s position on the arms and security trade (9)
Amnesty International takes no position on the arms trade per se, but is opposed to transfers of military, security or police (MSP) equipment, technology, personnel or training - and logistical or financial support for such transfers - that can reasonably be assumed to contribute to serious violations of international human rights standards or international humanitarian law. Such violations include arbitrary and indiscriminate killing, “"disappearances”" or torture. To help prevent such violations, Amnesty International campaigns for effective laws and agreed mechanisms to prohibit any MSP transfers from taking place unless it can reasonably be demonstrated that such transfers will not contribute to serious human rights violations. Amnesty International also campaigns for MSP institutions to establish rigorous systems of accountability and training to prevent such violations

Russian and Chinese undermining of sanctions
Amnesty International issued a report[112][113][114] accusing Russia and the People's Republic of China of supplying arms, ammunition and related equipment to Sudan. This hardware has been transferred to Darfur for use by the government and the Janjaweed militias and thus violating a UN arms embargo against Darfur. In its report it showed a photo of Chinese-made Fantan fighters that have been seen at Nyala, Darfur and a Ukrainian Antonov-26 aircraft (painted white). The report provided evidence (including eyewitness testimony) that the Sudan Air Force has been conducting a pattern of indiscriminate aerial bombings of villages in Darfur and eastern Chad using ground attack jet fighters and Antonov planes. The report contained an image of a Russian made Mi-24 attack helicopter (reg. n° 928) at Nyala airport in Darfur in March 2007. For several years the Sudan Air Force has used this type of attack helicopter for operations during Janjaweed attacks on villages in Darfur. The report also showed evidence that the government has been camouflaging military aircraft and helicopters by painting them white and in doing so, tried to cover up their military use by claiming that they were civilian in nature. The white Antonov-26 aircraft was reported to have been used in Darfur in bombing missions. Recently it has been confirmed by Airforces Monthly Magazine for June 2007, that China and Iran have financed and delivered "newer" aircraft for Sudan. The most recent additions have been 15-20 A-5 Fantan ground attack aircraft. Also confirmed by Airforces Monthly is the use of Mil Mi-24 Hind gunships and Mil Mi-171 Assault Helicopters. They have been photographed painted in UN markings and white color for disguised use in illegal attack missions into the Darfur Region. The base in which they have been seen is at Nyala Airport in the Darfur Region. 8 Hinds have been confirmed operating in the Darfur region. One An-26 transport has been also confirmed delivered from a Russian civil aviation corporation. This aircraft is modified with bomb racks, and painted in U.N. white for illegal bombing missions into Darfur. The aircraft serial 7705 is used, but actually confirmed as 26563. Training for Sudanese crew has recently been confirmed to have been conducted and ongoing at Dezful-Ardestani Air Base in southern Iran.

What a joke! Without Buddhism, China already had 2000 years of culture. Long after Buddhism is gone, China will still have culture. The most popular religion in China is ATHEISM. The biggest organized one is ISLAM. China also influenced countries far superior to India, such as Vietnam, Korea and Japan. No one signs up to learn Hindi but millions from Africa to Austria are learning Chinese.

No one is talking about Your own Culture. Of course, You have your own too and it's very old. I am not like your friend CD who deny the facts. I always accept the facts. I also believe 50% World will follow ATHEISM in next century.

Hindi word didn't came, It was about Sanskrit, Gautam Buddha and Ancient India. Your friend bought India by comparing India and Sudan GDP nominal and was saying many thing which is beyond truth, So things went towards off topic due to denial.

I always fail to understand, Why you guys always bring India in every topic. Sudan-China has nothing to do with India. Check every thread, CD always bring India without any reason. He Just Post for the sake of posting anything Negative about India, be it Imaginary. So, That way only most of the Topics go Off-Topic.
Are you dumb or just playing dumb to cover up your "hypocrisy"?
Does the Sudan government ever told you how will they use the "WEAPONS" being purchased?:lol::lol:

there is something called documented evidence and eye witness accounts- you see that thing flying up there? it's Chinese aircrafts.. being dumb is not knowing that Sudan was heavily using aircrafts to bomb villages. being dumb is being shown evidence of Chinese aircrafts being used and continuing to supply it to them. Finally the height of being dumb is not knowing why the report signaled out China and Russia and going " During a meeting in Beijing, the Defence Minister of China reportedly told Sudan's joint chief of staff that military relations had been "developing smoothly" and said: "[We] are willing to further develop military co-operation between our two countries in all areas." :D :D
Amnesty International: China must arrest Sudanese President

16 June 2011

China must arrest Sudanese President The Chinese government should immediately withdraw its invitation to Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir, and arrest him if he travels to Beijing, Amnesty International said today.

Omar Al-Bashir is due to meet Chinese President Hu Jintao and other high-ranking officials as part of a visit from 27-30 June

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued two arrest warrants for Omar Al-Bashir for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur. The warrants, issued in 2009 and 2010, charge him with criminal responsibility on 10 counts, including murder, extermination, forcible transfer of population, torture and rape.

“If China welcomes Omar Al-Bashir it will become a safe haven for alleged perpetrators of genocide”, said Catherine Baber, Deputy Asia Pacific Director at Amnesty International. “China should not allow Omar Al-Bashir to enter its territory, and must arrest him if he turns up.”

Although China is not a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, it is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, which decided in 2005 to refer the situation in Darfur – since 1 July 2002 – to the ICC Prosecutor.

The resulting resolution –which China had the power to veto but did not – urges all states to cooperate fully with the ICC.

All states have a shared responsibility to ensure that persons suspected of genocide and crimes against humanity are investigated. Where there is sufficient admissible evidence, suspects must be prosecuted in fair trials without recourse to the death penalty.

“If China provides a safe haven for Al-Bashir thousands of victims in Africa will perceive China as an accomplice to crimes under international law”, Catherine Baber said.

Sudanese Online - Amnesty International: China must arrest Sudanese President
there is something called documented evidence and eye witness accounts- you see that thing flying up there? it's Chinese aircrafts.. being dumb is not knowing that Sudan was heavily using aircrafts to bomb villages. being dumb is being shown evidence of Chinese aircrafts being used and continuing to supply it to them. Finally the height of being dumb is not knowing why the report signaled out China and Russia and going " huh- we poor Chinese don't know how read evidence and reports" :D :D

Mr "WISE GUY", read my POST carefully one more time, try to use your brain for once in your life time, will you, WHAT i MEANT was how the arms suppliers which including your beloved INDIA knew HOW will the Sudan government use the "WEAPONS" for??
Perhaps if a gun shop SOLD a gun to a customer, do the customer need to tell the shop whats the purpose for the "gun", should the gun shop be "RESPONSIBLE" for the crime if ever committed by using of the GUN being "SOLD"? Are you for real DN? :what:
PS, i really feel sorry for you when you need to edited your POST almost every single time, it really proved how ......you are.
If I write a shloka by Buddha in Sanskrit, will any East Asian or any Nepalese for that matter be able to decipher it? We have got plenty of legacy which mind you we didn't ask for, the whole world just gave it to us. :lol: I rest my case.

Nepal and India have common legacy.


LOL, besides, the term Buddha means something here, Siddhartha Gautama was one person, he became Buddha in another place. And a great king of unified India sent his emissaries with the word.

But then this dumdum thinks the world considers Churchill a hero for his support of imperialism and not for his defeat of imperialism!!!

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