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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

We will consider trading that land only if they give us Shanghai or Hong Kong in return. Else NO Deal!
@PaklovesTurkiye, acceptance to BS is limited.
And they have unlimited source of BS. Is it because they are so used to living in a country full of sh1t?


Check out following links to find out what sort of people we are dealing with...



Thanks for your comment. Suzerainty is not sovereignty and by definition presumes the existence of one distinct political body under varying degrees of control under another. And if Tibet was recognised as part of sovereign China in 1914 there would be no need to invite China distinctly from Tibet as a negotiating party. Furthermore the fact that Tibet signed the agreement despite China walking out shows that even this suzerainty was limited.

Britain itself exercised suzerainty over the princely states as also several kingdoms such as Afghanistan, Bhutan and Sikkim. Even China was, following the Unequal Treaties - under a degree of British suzerainty (along with other european powers). Similarly after WW1 and WW2 the axis / central powers were under Allied suzerainty.
None of that has ever been used to defer or refuse compliance of an international obligation made under the exercise of such suzerainty.

Aksai Chin may be strategically important today with the OBOR initiative but that was not always the case. Zhou in 1960 was clever enough to distinguish the weak claim (Tawang, AP) from the strong claim (Aksai Chin) and merely wanted to capitalise on that - which is why I suspect the PLA withdrew from AP but not from Aksai. I lend stronger credence to inferences made from Chinese actions in 1960 compared to 2017. China in that period was less self-sufficient and forced to adhere to international law. Today of course, it can afford to disregard it altogether (as we saw in the SC Sea ruling). I do not say this to poke fun of China - merely to indicate that leaders in the 60s would have been extra careful to not take actions that would be in breach of international law.

Off topic - I find it cute how your fan kiddy here with the Zia avatar keeps posting his uneducated one-liners and thanking any old post which in his perception is directed against India even remotely. :cuckoo:

I would thank you too if you would apply terminology correctly and not distort. If you are under suzerainty, you're not a sovereign entity. Hence, Britain asked for Chinese endorsement on Tibet border issue. Ideally, to carve out Tibet with Chinese recognition. China of course didn't bite, but lacked the power to stop the British. And in its quest to gain more independence, Tibet went with the British.

Unequal treaty granted European concession on Chinese land, but not vice versa. Therefore, it's deemed as unequal. But Britain had no suzerainty over China. If Britain did, Shimla Accord with China wouldn't be required as Britain would be in charge of Chinese affairs. Get the terminology and definition right.

Aksai Chin has no relevance with OBOR. Zhou's offer was studied in detail by analysts from both sides. If you're familiar with China-India border dispute and military logistics, you would know the strategic importance of Aksai Chin over South Tibet/AP. This point has been widely discussed.
Whole AP and Aksai chin is ours. Not a inch of our land should be ceded to China.
Whole AP and Aksai chin is ours. Not a inch of our land should be ceded to China.

Bilateral ties will be seriously damaged if India allows the Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh in the coming weeks, China warned on Friday while reiterating its contention that the Tibetan spiritual leader is a “separatist”.

The warning from China’s foreign ministry came soon after the country’s former chief negotiator on the border issue, Dai Bingguo, said there should be some give and take to settle the dragging boundary dispute.

The foreign ministry said it is “gravely concerned” about reports that the Dalai Lama will visit the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh in the near future.

The Dalai Lama’s visit will cause “serious damage” to China-India ties, foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told a regular news briefing.

China should mind it's own business & not dictate to us what to do & what not to in our country. If not we will start giving orders to Tibetans in Tibet & Uyghur's in Xin Jiang
Yes, 20 rounds of negotiations with China and India signed the LEMOA and is building closer ties with Japan and Taiwan. Makes you wonder about the 25th round.

But hey, don't like the "high iq" hit you on the way out :lol:

Build closer ties with Japan and Taiwan will give you more bargain on the negotiation table? :rofl: But if we use Tibet Water diversion as bargainchip than India can be disastrous. High IQ
Build closer ties with Japan and Taiwan will give you more bargain on the negotiation table? :rofl: But if we use Tibet Water diversion as bargainchip than India can be disastrous. High IQ

Non recognition of "One china policy" in absence of any such reciprocating gesture on "One India policy" is the bargaining position on the negotiation table.

Discuss your fantasy within yourselves. I have little patience for BS.
its funny that china thinks it can boss around after all the crappy stunts its pulled on India
  • >funding moeiest of nepal-NE india
  • >giving stappled visas to Indian Kashmirs
  • >build CPC in Pakistan occupied kashmir
  • >block NSG membership
  • >VETO the arrest of international terrorist leaders Hafiz and azzar
  • >encroaching into arunanchal pradesh
go the Chinese government can go screw itself , our relations are dead. we such should support Tibetan independence

Who pull on who first ? Who harbor Tibetan slave owners in 1957 when was uppon a time that China-India sing Chini-India bhai bhai song, now you can sing Indi-Chini bye bye song...we don't care.

Try to promote Tibetan independence, we will return you the same favor, as I mentioned before India is not as robust as China if we decide to play the dirty game. Let see where should we start : Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh, Tamil Nadu?...or should we start by support Maoist or ULFA :sniper:

Non recognition of "One china policy" in absence of any such reciprocating gesture on "One India policy" is the bargaining position on the negotiation table.

Discuss your fantasy within yourselves. I have little patience for BS.

Kashmir is not belong to one India and we have proven with CPEC project which is about to finish:lol:, we just bruised your one Indian fantasy dreaming, nerveless your government didn't not declare "one China" not deny it beside having a sideline meeting with Taiwanese official...LMAO...to chicken?? go pay an official visit or install India embassy in Taiwan if you guys have gut.:rofl:

India should explore more with all the SCS dispute countries ,its the right time too. we all saw how much their media burned when we sold brahmos to Vietnam:D

LMAO, come to SCS to witness China's great achievement with all these reclaimed Islands, that will make India more envy and sour grape. And our media just have a great laugh of your brahmos...which India dream to export it since dawn and people start to fall sleep:rofl:



We will consider trading that land only if they give us Shanghai or Hong Kong in return. Else NO Deal!

I can sense that Indians are so envy of Shanghai and Hong Kong :lol:

Whole AP and Aksai chin is ours. Not a inch of our land should be ceded to China.

Ask you government to make an official declaration that "no border negotiation with China from now on", and we shall see what will happen...and I'm also curious of what will be happened :lol:
Whole of Aksai Chin is with China right now. So you have already given a lot more than an inch to China. :)

LMAO, you just nail him on the head :rofl:, Aksai Chin is geostrategic important for China, not only it provide a short link between Xinjiang and Tibet but t as Earlier warning platform to monitor deep inside India territory, it's like an unlimited fuel of an EW aircraft, India is sure envy of China and been deceived.
We don't beg because we all know that your government wouldn't dare not to say "No" about the boundary negotiation, this is the 20th round we drag this issue for ever and India has no choice by to comply to our demand and come back on the negotiation table. If Indian government has the gut then just say No to the negotiation and we will see what will happen. :lol:

Position of strength to negotiate with China???...this sound like blackmail to me :D, doesn't work with China, India has to try harder :lol:

If next day, we recognized NE ASSAM regardless if Indian government approve or not and then use that evident to claim that ASSAM is an independent country as well, are Indian people will accept that?
LOL - you are asking for it for the 20th time - I assume you think the first 19 times India said "Yes"! hahahhaha. You can keep demanding all you like - like demanding Taiwan. But you can't do much.
Kashmir is not belong to one India and we have proven with CPEC project which is about to finish:lol:, we just bruised your one Indian fantasy dreaming, nerveless your government didn't not declare "one China" not deny it beside having a sideline meeting with Taiwanese official...LMAO...to chicken?? go pay an official visit or install India embassy in Taiwan if you guys have gut.:rofl:

Lets keep it simple.

You do not recognize One India, we do not recognize one China.

You build the CPEC, we host the TIbetian govt. in Exile and host the Taiwan parliamentary delegation to improve ties with both nation. We sign the LEMOA and build relationship with Japan. We sell missiles to Vietnam and build deeper ties with them.We will support global views on the SCS and oppose china's claim.

When the time is right, we will very well put a embassy in Taiwan. Make no mistake about it.

Better learn to accept this reality. Either way you have no choice.
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