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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

Lets keep it simple.

You do not recognize One India, we do not recognize one China.

You build the CPEC, we host the TIbetian govt. in Exile and host the Taiwan parliamentary delegation to improve ties with both nation. We sign the LEMOA and build relationship with Japan. We sell missiles to Vietnam and build deeper ties with them.We will support global views on the SCS and oppose china's claim.

When the time is right, we will very well put a embassy in Taiwan. Make no mistake about it.

Better learn to accept this reality. Either way you have no choice.

Sure you can host as long as you want of Exile Tibetan, this don't do any tangible harm to China but we have an economy corridor go through your so claim Kashmir ;), which got the better deal?, do your math..India always got empty hand from Exile Tibetan while we will have access to Indian Ocean thank to our Pakistan brothers and Sisters:lol:.

As for Taiwan, since it's a renegade province, if India tried to play this card, nothing prevent China to play ULFA and Maoist card as they're just at our border, the delegation of these two factions to China will be a tectonic bombs or shockwave to India...that why your government dare not to cross the red line beside some low profile meeting.

LOL - you are asking for it for the 20th time - I assume you think the first 19 times India said "Yes"! hahahhaha. You can keep demanding all you like - like demanding Taiwan. But you can't do much.

We're not in the rush to claim these land back because you're not running out of time, but as long as India comply to China's demand for xxx round talk we can drag this issue for ever and constantly annoying India and remind them that these boundaries issue is not over :lol:
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Whole of Aksai Chin is with China right now. So you have already given a lot more than an inch to China. :)
Yes. It is controlled by China. But it is disputed territory and we still claim it.so it's still our land illegally controlled by China.
Ask you government to make an official declaration that "no border negotiation with China from now on", and we shall see what will happen...and I'm also curious of what will be happened
Negotiations are going on to retrieve our land illegally occupied by China. In 1960 China offered to recognise AP in return for Aksai chin but we refused. Recently China offered to trade part of Aksai chin for tawang we refused. Our position is clear AP and Aksai chin both are ours.
Sure you can host as long as you want of Exile Tibetan, this don't do any tangible harm to China but we have an economy corridor go through your so claim Kashmir ;), which got the better deal?, do your math..India always got empty hand from Exile Tibetan while we will have access to Indian Ocean thank to our Pakistan brothers and Sisters:lol:.

As for Taiwan, since it's a renegade province, if India tried to play this card, nothing prevent China to play ULFA and Maoist card as they're just at our border, the delegation of these two factions to China will be a tectonic bombs or shockwave to India...that why your government dare not to cross the red line beside some low profile meeting.

We're not in the rush to claim these land back because you're not running out of time, but as long as India comply to China's demand for xxx round talk we can drag this issue for ever and constantly annoying India and remind them that these boundaries issue is not over :lol:
That's ok - lol - send an email everyday too.
Negotiations are going on to retrieve our land illegally occupied by China. In 1960 China offered to recognise AP in return for Aksai chin but we refused. Recently China offered to trade part of Aksai chin for tawang we refused. Our position is clear AP and Aksai chin both are ours.

Well our position is also claire, both South Tibet and Aksai Chin are ours, the only thing left is to see who will prevail to get these lands.

That's ok - lol - send an email everyday too.

You don't need to get my email, just pays visit everyday to this PDF, you will be updated:D
Well our position is also claire, both South Tibet and Aksai Chin are ours, the only thing left is to see who will prevail to get these lands.

You don't need to get my email, just pays visit everyday to this PDF, you will be updated:D
Not yours - that would go straight to the SPAM box. China can keep sending one to India since China feels the need "remind". That too probably goes straight to the SPAM box.
No we don't beg, India to comply and Indians government always promptly been on time during the Meeting :lol:, dare them said "NO" to China?
LOL - We say "No" at every meeting - that's why you keep begging for repeat meetings.
Sure you can host as long as you want of Exile Tibetan, this don't do any tangible harm to China but we have an economy corridor go through your so claim Kashmir ;), which got the better deal?, do your math..India always got empty hand from Exile Tibetan while we will have access to Indian Ocean thank to our Pakistan brothers and Sisters:lol:.

As for Taiwan, since it's a renegade province, if India tried to play this card, nothing prevent China to play ULFA and Maoist card as they're just at our border, the delegation of these two factions to China will be a tectonic bombs or shockwave to India...that why your government dare not to cross the red line beside some low profile meeting.

We both know that is a a lie. China gets its knickers in a twist over Dalai Lama and TIbet. It keeps the pot burning and is a direct contradiction to your claims of one china.

Your access to Indian ocean is subject to the overwhelming presence of India and US in the Indian ocean. To the whims of Baloch nationalist/Freedom Fighters and to the threat of Indian direct action over territory which is in dispute and hence pakistan cannot claim an attack on its sovereign self.

For all practical purpose, Taiwan is a free Nation and the presence of their parliamentary delegation just proved it.

All the best in encourage the now defunct ULFA and diminishing maoist. :lol: .... for now the Modi govt. has already refused to recognize the one china policy and has thus negated years of chinese effort in one stroke.

All the hyperbole cannot deflect this reality. Now learn to live with it.
we has to cede land whats in their control not whats with us already ,then we can talk..
Well our position is also claire, both South Tibet and Aksai Chin are ours, the only thing left is to see who will prevail to get these lands.
yes. i agree time will tell who will prevail. and i sincerely hope for peaceful resolution of dispute.
Well our position is also claire, both South Tibet and Aksai Chin are ours, the only thing left is to see who will prevail to get these lands.

You don't need to get my email, just pays visit everyday to this PDF, you will be updated:D

We will have to bring Tibetians on the talking table to get Tibet's illegal occupation by Chinese rednecks.
Who pull on who first ? Who harbor Tibetan slave owners in 1957 when was uppon a time that China-India sing Chini-India bhai bhai song, now you can sing Indi-Chini bye bye song...we don't care.Try to promote Tibetan independence, we will return you the same favor,

as I mentioned before India is not as robust as China if we decide to play the dirty game. Let see where should we start : Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh, Tamil Nadu?...or should we start by support Maoist or ULFA :sniper:

:crazy::crazy: this is why you should go to real schools not CPR propaganda campaign for Chinese education.

Tibet and Indian-raj, Nepal have historic relations withe the tibatian government LONG before the han-chinese invaded them their land in 1950 , long before the 1913's "friendship treaty" was signed. india is the ancestral roots of Buddhism the cultural .the British raj & its allied princely states of NE always kept the status quo for tibet.
on the other hand, relations with commie china started in 1950.

saying we wouldn't give asylum to the Tibetan government and its god figure is just retarded, comparing Tibet a government with historical influence in the region vs a foreign power like china that just annexed it, even after after tibet stating itself independent for over 4 decades. even USA didn't recognize your claims over tibet till the late 70s, while India recognized it. even after your countries continuous shelling over our illequiped soldiers who just got Independence .

china is falling apart day by day, just like the soviets, a fake nation will never last

hong kong
inner mongolia

60% of chineses territory will be freed before the end of 21 century , SCS is a noose that's set just for china
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