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China ready to cede land for part of Arunachal Pradesh?

Forget about India, even Trump chickened out and accepted One China policy...Basically, Indians are trying to act macho, over playing and portraying aggressive behavior intentionally, hoping that China will get afraid and take India serious but problem for them is that China is laughing like a boss...Honestly speaking, any outsider can tell that it is Indians who are seemed to be desperate not Chinese....

This whole scenario cracks me up :lol:

The thing I must admire about China is the way they deal with things - such a cool way...You guys definitely have lot of confidence and patience in your bones...:enjoy:
Respect from Karachi, Pakistan... :china::pakistan:
:rofl: Sound stupid but Indians like to cry a river when ever we did something in Tibet such construct the railway, build dam, divert water :cool:...they're just tooo sensitive, imagine if we go forward and open the passage for Monsoon to cross to China

....do you even understand how weather currents work ? Are are you claiming china will blow up the Himalayas?
As believable ad your claim that the moon is Chinese because the Chinese princesses married the moon
Chinese and their claims

That was Hilarious :lol:
That was Hilarious :lol:
SCS dispute in a nutshell ,claim some ancient lore , put up a map then annex .by that logic Pakistan belongs to India regardless of who rules that territory, since its been historically ruled by indian kingdoms Its a direct attacks any country that respects sovereignty
There are many more, unable to edit since it was my first post

Indonesia :: parts of China's unilaterally claimed nine-dash line overlap Indonesia's exclusive economic zone near Natuna islands. Although China has acknowledged Indonesia's sovereignty over Natuna islands, the PRC has argued that the waters around Natuna islands are Chinese "traditional fishing grounds".

China can only give threats. It can do nothing to India. Soon China has to accept India's claims & make peace with India, if not what ever threats given for India is going to come back for themselves.

India is starting to build ties with Taiwan & trade directly, flushing your one china policy in our rest room. India is not coward who will gift our territory like how Pakistan gifted Kashmir & opening our country for another country to lay Silk CPEC to get silk f<cks & becoming a slave. Pakistan has also brought & placed Russia with their foolish super power triangle fantasy in its mind. Wait & watch how your country will be ripped & raped apart by Russia & you won't even know.

I have been reading all the posts about how Russia has become friend of Pakistan & dumped India. Neither anybody here nor any of the country top politicians, analysts or defence personnel has been able to see what's the game plan of Russia. I am surprised I can see what Russia's game is, but 190 million people can't see what's cooking, even after so many series blasts.

Once China plays up it's dirty Maoist games in India, Xin Jiang is just waiting to erupt & explode everywhere across China. You can't rule out the peaceful Tibetians wont be also used to teach China in the language it understands. China's fears & panic will be seen soon when it comes to the negotiating table & settle border issues with India, like how it did with Russia & very soon China will accept Massod Azhar is a terrorist & also give way for India NSG membership. Write it down.

I can feel the sense of an insecure Indian trying to talk tough, if you think India can play Taiwan card, we can play ULFA and Maoist cards, and they're just at our border while you have to run thousand miles of ocean for Taiwan...Taiwan might wish to be independent but can't do any harm to China but ULFA and Maoist are within India's heart...any front stab or back stab could be fatal for India especially with Chinese support.:butcher:
SCS dispute in a nutshell ,claim some ancient lore , put up a map then annex .by that logic Pakistan belongs to India regardless of who rules that territory, since its been historically ruled by indian kingdoms Its a direct attacks any country that respects sovereignty

I am well aware of Chinese strategy as are most sensible Indians and much of the globe. The only people who are ignorant are the chinese themselves.

Unless there is free speech and exchange of information in China, this state of affairs will continue. Propaganda will triumph over reality.

Its a waste of time debating with the deaf and blind. Only thing they can do is parrot the propaganda again and again. Which is why I don't waste my time with chinese posters.
....do you even understand how weather currents work ? Are are you claiming china will blow up the Himalayas?

No I don't but I will let Chinese weather experts to cope with Indian Monsoon :D, I'm not the first to think of this Idea, thousand or millions of Chinese think like me, borrow Indian Monsoon to restore our desert land in Tarim basin and Taklamakan desert...:azn:
who said the Amir of Afghanistan never agreed with the Durand line, but the the Amir of Afghanistan did agree with the Durand line in 1919 in the treaty of Rawalpind

Nope. Your English-comprehension skills are proving to be a good match for the Chinese here. Go back and see what I posted. And come back when you get an education. Till then the only skills you're demonstrating is OCD for the Capslock and a limited ability to articulate solely through emoticons.

only those Britains robe for us

Robe or bathrobe?

don't forget Gujarat massacre

Says the man from the country whch used tanks against their own kids in their own capital - a.k.a. the Tienanmen Square Massacre. (Btw how many kids were butchered - 2000? 5000?)

Tibet was a internationally recognised independent country, with trade relations with U.S. , uk , Soviets. you have 0 rights on any territorial claims post annexation.

Ya, Good luck with that , stopping Bhramaputra will hit Bangladesh & Bhutan harder than India.

Don't bother arguing with this lot. Except for one or two the rest seem to be professional zealots who would cheerfully claim that Chad was part of China because three alphabets are common. Most would not even be able to place where the Brahmaputra originates and where it enters India.

You had captured Twang in 1962, why did you give it back ?

Ans: Because it was NOT yours.

Alright genius. To whom does Tawang belong to then? India? Did Tibet also cede Tawang to the British? And even if they did, you guys should've given Tawang back to the Tibetans in exile since you guys have always prided yourselves in being the protectors of the Tibetans.

Truly despicable.

As for why the Chinese retreated from Tawang in 1962. They backed off because Tawang was simply indefensible. They would've needed to expend shit ton of resource to hold it. Nothing more nothing less. It had nothing to do with who truly owns it.
Alright genius. To whom does Tawang belong to then? India? Did Tibet also cede Tawang to the British? And even if they did, you guys should've given Tawang back to the Tibetans in exile since you guys have always prided yourselves in being the protectors of the Tibetans.

Truly despicable.

As for why the Chinese retreated from Tawang in 1962. They backed off because Tawang was simply indefensible. They would've needed to expend shit ton of resource to hold it. Nothing more nothing less. It had nothing to do with who truly owns it.

Did China ASK India for Twang ? That should answer the question.

Your explanations for backing off from twang is the same reason India backed off from your invasion of Tibet.

I'm wondering myself why Indians are so sensitive of low IQ Chinese activities over Tibet :rofl:

We find it convenient.
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