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China ready to abandon "no military alliance" policy

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are friends with China. South Korea under Roh Moo Hyun was also a friend, but unfortunately under the military puppet Lee, has turned away.
Many of the countries you've mentioned house or have housed US military bases, and have good relations with the US.
There are the disputes with Malaysia and Indonesians have been known to persecute the Chinese living there.
Simple BRICS = pain in the @ss for West but 1st we must unite.we cant end US rule alone or divided simple as that no country alone can take on USA
Chinese strategists suggested the move in a conference sponsored by China’s National Security Policy Commission, which is led by senior military officers who are virulently anti-American.

Already, recent Chinese strategic decisions have indicated a new policy already is under way.

“History of the world tells us that, whether it’s in political, economic or military arenas, Western nations, without any exception, always resorted to alliances,” said one Chinese security analyst.

“China must change its non-alliance policy,” he said. “We must consider forming alliances. Otherwise, in a future war with the U.S., we will not be able to politically or militarily counter America’s global alliance network just by ourselves.

“Without an alliance system of our own,” he said, “we will never be able to win.”

Yang Mingje of the Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relations, China’s largest strategic think-tank run by the Ministry of State Security, said the view among Chinese strategists is that while the U.S. is looking to put more of its military forces in the Pacific, the U.S. continues to have a global agenda, since “China has become a global power.”

To fight a globalized China, he said, the U.S. also must act globally as it did during the Cold War.

Any alliance with neighbors may be questionable, since Beijing has upset many of them with claims of historical rights to disputed islands and in regions where there are disagreements over offshore drilling access.
May be questionable? That is being far too generous in description. Try absolutely abominable.

Alliances do not come to be without two equally important attributes: Benefits and Threats. 'Threats' does not have to come from whoever is proposing an alliance, else it is coercion. Instead 'Threats' are usually external and can be replaced with adverse consequences if not accepted and those adverse consequences also does not have to come from whoever is offering an alliance. For example, the Swiss is usually offered with many alliances but the reason why they have repeatedly declined is because they are militarily strong enough to deter any aggression and economically self sustaining enough to survive any attempt at economic isolation by anyone. Many countries do not have this luxury, hence proposals of alliances of any type are taken very seriously.

So what does China have in terms of 'Threats'' to present to potential allies? US? They are going to laugh. They are going to look at South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Viet Nam, and the list of those who are comfortable with US is long. Many of them are not in any alliances with US, other than the usual trade policies, so why should they view US as a 'threat'? What benefits does China have to offer in terms of military alliances? Zilch. Arms? These countries can buy, if not from China then from US or from the Europeans. Protection? From whom? Again, US? More like the 'Threats' are the Chinese themselves and the benefits, if any, are simply not worth it.
LOL he means an alliance with our friends like Pakistan and Iran. We don't need india so stop trying to bandwagon with us, shoo!

india will help China take on USA. By defeating india and extracting reparations in the form of all the gold hordes existing in your country, China will become so rich and powerful we will overwhelm the West.

:lol: your delusions are always worth an afternoon chuckle :tup:

but it's good to hear that the people in-charge know the realities on the ground. a lone china (even with your higher than mountain friends) can't do jack in asia, let alone the world.
IMHO, Few years down the line, China will be in a position to dictate terms.....

India, with its massively scandalous economy, will remain where it is.....
Many of the countries you've mentioned house or have housed US military bases, and have good relations with the US.
There are the disputes with Malaysia and Indonesians have been known to persecute the Chinese living there.

Indonesians persecute Chinese-Indonesians, not Chinese. Chinese-Indonesians are seen in a bad light because they're "like the Jews of Southeast Asia" (not my words) and they're accused of ridiculous things like controlling 70% of the Indonesian economy.

Malaysia has pretty good relations with China, they use us to maintain their Su-30's. Again, any anti-Chinese sentiment is due to the Malays being indoctrinated with ridiculous things like "Chinese are Jews and Singapore is Israel" to keep their ruling regime in power.

Malaysia Seeks China's Logistic Support For Su-30 Fighters | China Military Power Mashup
China scares every single one of her neighbors, who's there to align with except N.Korea amongst the Asian countries? At best, her allies will be the Muslim nations that hate the US but they aren't powerful.
Russia won't be a reliable ally since they refuse to be 2nd to China.

Alliances are not made to be 2nd to anyone, alliances are made to be PARTNERS.

Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia and the six former republics would make an ideal Military Alliance with Russia and China. The 22 members of Arab League might also possibly join this Alliance.
Indonesians persecute Chinese-Indonesians, not Chinese. Chinese-Indonesians are seen in a bad light because they're "like the Jews of Southeast Asia" (not my words) and they're accused of ridiculous things like controlling 70% of the Indonesian economy.

Malaysia has pretty good relations with China, they use us to maintain their Su-30's. Again, any anti-Chinese sentiment is due to the Malays being indoctrinated with ridiculous things like "Chinese are Jews and Singapore is Israel" to keep their ruling regime in power.

Malaysia Seeks China's Logistic Support For Su-30 Fighters*|*China Military Power Mashup

That's what happen when the 'mother country' was weak at the time. It's unlikely to happen there again in the foreseeable future because China is strong and the world has changed.
May be questionable? That is being far too generous in description. Try absolutely abominable.

Alliances do not come to be without two equally important attributes: Benefits and Threats. 'Threats' does not have to come from whoever is proposing an alliance, else it is coercion. Instead 'Threats' are usually external and can be replaced with adverse consequences if not accepted and those adverse consequences also does not have to come from whoever is offering an alliance. For example, the Swiss is usually offered with many alliances but the reason why they have repeatedly declined is because they are militarily strong enough to deter any aggression and economically self sustaining enough to survive any attempt at economic isolation by anyone. Many countries do not have this luxury, hence proposals of alliances of any type are taken very seriously.

So what does China have in terms of 'Threats'' to present to potential allies? US? They are going to laugh. They are going to look at South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Viet Nam, and the list of those who are comfortable with US is long. Many of them are not in any alliances with US, other than the usual trade policies, so why should they view US as a 'threat'? What benefits does China have to offer in terms of military alliances? Zilch. Arms? These countries can buy, if not from China then from US or from the Europeans. Protection? From whom? Again, US? More like the 'Threats' are the Chinese themselves and the benefits, if any, are simply not worth it.

Your Myopic vision is hilarious. Keep living in your DELUSIONAL World

One out of four humans on Planet Earth is a Muslim and the Muslim world views the US as an Enemy.

Add to that 1.5 billion Chinese and Russians and that is half of Planet Earth that views the US as a threat.

All because the US cannot shake the yoke of its ZIONIST MASTERS.

I am waiting for the US to wake up to this reality before it is too late.
Everybody is your friend then why so hush hush about South china sea dispute...:lol:
LOL at indian inferiority. The only countries involved in the dispute are China, Vietnam and Philippines. China's friends and allies are not involved in the dispute so they can ignore it. China is not an insecure, weak country like india that needs to rely on others for courage and weapons!

Many of the countries you've mentioned house or have housed US military bases, and have good relations with the US.
There are the disputes with Malaysia and Indonesians have been known to persecute the Chinese living there.
Those were anti-CCP Chinese. Sort of like Tibetans-in-exile. China never lifted a finger to hep them in the 90's for this very reason. Now we have good relations with Malaysia and Indonesia. Especially Indonesia -- they have publicly supported China on South China Sea issue and warned Australia / USA.

The situation is similar to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Maybe there was some conflict before in the past, but we can get over the past and focus on a bigger threat (for Pakistan and Bangladesh, it's taking down the arjun of course).

Simple BRICS = pain in the @ss for West but 1st we must unite.we cant end US rule alone or divided simple as that no country alone can take on USA
I should stand for Indonesia not india. Everybody knows india is just trying to bangwagon and backstab at the first opportunity. You take us for fools? See my reply to Abhishek.

:lol: your delusions are always worth an afternoon chuckle :tup:

but it's good to hear that the people in-charge know the realities on the ground. a lone china (even with your higher than mountain friends) can't do jack in asia, let alone the world.
LOL Taiwan already surrendered to China last week. Now we are practicing J-10 air strikes in Tibet and violating your air space with our combat helicopters. Even your army chief Singh says your air defenses are totally obsolete. Soon the war will begin and republic of india will be replaced by many smaller nations.

IMHO, Few years down the line, China will be in a position to dictate terms.....

India, with its massively scandalous economy, will remain where it is.....
Yup, why is india such an insufferable bully? Because of its dysfunctional regime. Why is india so weak, compared to a real superpower like China? Because of its dysfunctional regime.

Alliances are not made to be 2nd to anyone, alliances are made to be PARTNERS.

Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia and the six former republics would make an ideal Military Alliance with Russia and China. The 22 members of Arab League might also possibly join this Alliance.
LOL some people here fail to distinguish between an alliance of equals and a client state relationship. Post-Soviet Russia and China started on the right path by settling the border and since then we've teamed up to reduce USA monopoly on world power to create a multi-polar world with USA, Russia and China as the "poles."
China scares every single one of her neighbors, who's there to align with except N.Korea amongst the Asian countries? At best, her allies will be the Muslim nations that hate the US but they aren't powerful.
Russia won't be a reliable ally since they refuse to be 2nd to China.

China is hated and feared by most countries in the world because of its arrogant and aggressive attitude. North Korea is a global concern, its policies are unpredictable.
China has its own problem with muslim population, other muslim nations as allies?
Today Russia considers China as a bigger threat than the US.
China is hated and feared by most countries in the world because of its arrogant and aggressive attitude. North Korea is a global concern, its policies are unpredictable.
China has its own problem with muslim population, other muslim nations as allies?
Today Russia considers China as a bigger threat than the US.

One of them is copying pasting of Russian technology.
China is hated and feared by most countries in the world because of its arrogant and aggressive attitude. North Korea is a global concern, its policies are unpredictable.
China has its own problem with muslim population, other muslim nations as allies?
Today Russia considers China as a bigger threat than the US.
LOL at deformed Viets deluding themselves. Even when USSR signed a formal defense alliance treaty with Vietnam, they could not save you from China's spanking. Now Russia and China protect Syria and Iran against USA. Dirty Viets are begging China for another agent orange spraying to make them even more deformed with bigger heads :lol:
no doubt china is a great power, but but their allies are small, weak, and dependent on either IMF or US or china...... they will need 20 years to become nato and by that time nato will be where......god knows.
LOL at deformed Viets deluding themselves. Even when USSR signed a formal defense alliance treaty with Vietnam, they could not save you from China's spanking. Now Russia and China protect Syria and Iran against USA. Dirty Viets are begging China for another agent orange spraying to make them even more deformed with bigger heads :lol:

as what I said before, just another evidence of how some of the Chinese are: arrogant, aggressive and simply stupid. Be aware that we still have some from this agent orange stuff leftover from the VN war, we will throw to your head!
I don´t know why China holds an arm over Syria; for Russia, it has its own interests in the country. The Russians has a naval base in Tartus. Russia and China do not act in concert.

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