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China not to copy Western system

Don't slam India when the CCP is worshiping the West, too! Look at all those English signs in some remote cities where a foreigner might visit once a while, if there is any! Look at what the CCP did to the Chinese language. You might not know that Mao wanted to latinize Chinese language, but in end, the second wave of simplification failed. Look at some stupid Businessmen that hire white man as some showcase. I want China to retain its unique culture, but I am sorry to say that China is losing its uniqueness in its city planning, entertainment industries, and etc.

Examine our own problems, instead of slamming India. India has its own problems, so does China. Be more objective.

I agree that we should stop treating foreigners as special.
This is 2013, not 1949. Plus, the CCP was USSR backed. Remember Soviet Republic in Yan'an while Nationalist was fighting Japanese invasion? Assuming that by defeating Nationalist Party, the CCP gained legitimacy, can the descendants of the people that used to support the CCP choose different paths? Do they still have to adhere to their ancestors' choice?

That I tend to agree with. As I said earlier in my posts, there are lots of different interest groups that want to protect their assets and power, but the CCP must balance those interest groups and gradually reform its political system, instead of spewing nonsense empty slogans.

This speech obviously carry important political signal when China has just undergone the once in a decade changing of the guard.

It set the tone of the direction of the new leadership, has ramification both internally and externally. The whole world including inside China is watching.

I do wonder what are you expecting, maybe it look like an empty slogan to you, but that speech serve the interest of China and need not do more.

China should strictly follow the socialist path <---WTF!!!

China is not a communist country anymore. What the hell the socialist path is? Can someone explain it to me? I do believe no one can answer and explain it to me, as it's not exist nor divined in any ideology schools. It just an empty name.

Some people call it as Socialism with Chinese characteristic, or the real name is Confucianism characteristic. So much confusion!

It's better for China to just return to Confucianism, ditch the stupid COMMUNIST name!!! Just be honest and use the Confucianism name with proud.
just propaganda for brainwashed people who stand against history. Fact is China has already adopted western democracy on village level as Global Times just reveals.

Democratic elections in most Chinese villages: official - CHINA,Two sessions 2013 - Globaltimes.cn

Communism has very bitter legacy in China particularly during the time of the founder Mao Zedong, so any steps towards western way of democracy loosening the state control will have serious backlash from the Chinese society.
Exept for their food...everything in China is a poor copy of the west. (including socialism....heard of Marx etc.?)
China should strictly follow the socialist path <---WTF!!!
That should be understood as a joke, nothing more than a new word invention of CCP.
China is not a communist country anymore. What the hell the socialist path is? Can someone explain it to me? I do believe no one can answer and explain it to me, as it's not exist nor divined in any ideology schools. It just an empty name.

Some people call it as Socialism with Chinese characteristic, or the real name is Confucianism characteristic. So much confusion!

It's better for China to just return to Confucianism, ditch the stupid COMMUNIST name!!! Just be honest and use the Confucianism name with proud.
China is more capitalism than the US. Only money matters. Confucianism is good, no question.
"Western" style democracy is a failing system. Just look at two of the three of the major democratic countries.

1. UK - Every five they have a general election, but the PM can call an election when he/she thinks the timing is in his/her favour.
If the government changes hand, they have a brand new policy and could reverse the hard work that were done before by the previous party.
The people do not actually election the PM. It is the winning MPs who are in majority elects the PM. So it is very possible the PM is elected by the minority of the people.
What kind of democracy is that?

2. the US - Same thing. Elections were held every 4 years.
The opposition in congress spent the majority of their time and energy to defect the sitting president, instead of doing things which benefit the people.
The president is not elected by the people directly, but by electoral college.

3. India - Need I say more. It is very similar to the UK system. See point 1.
There was no primaries. The candidates were picked by the local parties. So the people who voted for their candidates had no choices. It is very possible all the candidates were bad apples.
There are myriad of political parties in India, from local, religious, national, caste... you name it, which do not have the national interest in mind.
Most of the time, the ruling party was a minority government formed by making comprises with other small parties

The "western" democracy in my analogy is like piloting a ship in a rough sea. Very so often, a new hand takes the over the stirring wheel and stirs the ship in a different direction. How can the ship (people) goes where it wants to go???

I am glad China is not going that route.

China should strictly follow the socialist path <---WTF!!!

China is not a communist country anymore. What the hell the socialist path is? Can someone explain it to me? I do believe no one can answer and explain it to me, as it's not exist nor divined in any ideology schools. It just an empty name.

Some people call it as Socialism with Chinese characteristic, or the real name is Confucianism characteristic. So much confusion!

It's better for China to just return to Confucianism, ditch the stupid COMMUNIST name!!! Just be honest and use the Confucianism name with proud.

I wish China can do that since communism has very bad publicity in the world and anything we do would give the international media and public some wild imagination that evil communism must be behind it!!! lol

However, domestically, the name of "communism" has significant implication for legitimacy of the party. Otherwise, why should the people even support the party? With communism in its name, the party can retain its legacy and, therefore, legitimacy. Plus, there are still some pockets of people that want communist rules!

We have this dilemma. It reminds me of KMT when KMT said that with reform, the KMT party will destroy itself, but without reform, the KMT party will destroy the nation. Party or nation? That's the question. China needs someone with bigger vision than petty self interests.
just propaganda for brainwashed people who stand against history. Fact is China has already adopted western democracy on village level as Global Times just reveals.

Democratic elections in most Chinese villages: official - CHINA,Two sessions 2013 - Globaltimes.cn

First of all, democracy does not mean western system. In old days, small tribes and villagers select high prestige (&#24503;&#39640;&#26395;&#37325;) elders as their leaders. The difference is today's leaders mean power and money instead if sacrifice.

Similarly, capitalism&#65292;communism are not just western concepts. Many people were doing business in China and SE Asia. And in primitive society, people share everything.

The west made these concepts into some mutual exclusive theories. In my opinion, that's a big mistake. We should choose whatever is good for us, whether it is capitalism or communism, democracy or whatever.
This is the last chance for the West to ultimately implant their color revolution into China, but their plan just failed badly.
Who in the West believes that? China isn't a tribe-with-a-flag like Guinea or Syria or a collection of societies with an army on top like Pakistan; it has a millenia-long history of nationalism. So Chinese may be influenced by the West but China follows its own path. Any Westerner who thinks they can invent and direct their own revolution there is mighty mistaken - do such people even exist?
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