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China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

No...You can prove you are not a racist by not using racist slurs when talking about Americans.

But since you are a racist, or at least a racialist, show us at least scientific evidences that all the different races have innate thoughts and behaviors even if the person has never come into contact with a member of his own race.

Now the Chinese members really proved how despicable they are...
But not as despicable and callas as the American members here that are bending over backwards to justify the murder of innocent women and children's in multiple countries that is being perpetrated by the US. How more racist can you get when you don't care about the lives of others by trying to justify their murders just because they are not Americans.

USA killed civilians including women and children in pawan air strike.
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lol, still can't get off the track.

You Asian-Americans hate China so much, yet you still expect that China to care about you?

You should feel China's grand generosity that it won't bother with you.

The existence of your people are unimportant for China, and China has no need to show any love for you.
Looks like someone is caught in a hole of his own digging.

For all your insults against Locke here, if you ever meet him in person, you WILL prove a sniveling coward that you are. You will say 'Sir' to Locke. In an discussion about world events, or perhaps even about China, Locke will put you down like how a rabid dog is often put down. For all the pathetic racist pride you have, you are an inferior to this American -- Gary Locke.
Whether you view Chinese as racists for calling some guy with Chinese ancestry a banana is irrelevant. The guy made a remark about China should be respecting human rights is nothing more than a hypocrite considering how the US is treating those prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. Besides racism is all about hatred for a certain race and American is by definition not a race but immigrants from different parts of the world. Afterall he did express being an American, one who is on the US government payroll so as a US ambassador he is supposed to make some negative comments about China just as other US officials expressing their worries about other countries who are hostile to the US. Not every Chinese American share Mr Locke's point of views so Chinese people from Mainland or other parts of the world calling him a banana is just a specific case. I don't see Mainland Chinese calling every overseas Chinese bananas.
Whether you view Chinese as racists for calling some guy with Chinese ancestry a banana is irrelevant. The guy made a remark about China should be respecting human rights is nothing more than a hypocrite considering how the US is treating those prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. Besides racism is all about hatred for a certain race and American is by definition not a race but immigrants from different parts of the world. Afterall he did express being an American, one who is on the US government payroll so as a US ambassador he is supposed to make some negative comments about China just as other US officials expressing their worries about other countries who are hostile to the US. Not every Chinese American share Mr Locke's point of views so Chinese people from Mainland or other parts of the world calling him a banana is just a specific case. I don't see Mainland Chinese calling every overseas Chinese bananas.
If you are in prison, you will lose most of your rights and freedoms. In fact, joining the military will have you lose much, but not most, of your rights and freedoms. So if you want to talk about Gitmo, bring specifics, else if you want to criticize US about human rights, show how the US government treats ordinary citizens instead of prisoners.

The reality is that no one is holding China up as exemplar of human rights but rather as how NOT to treat ordinary citizens.
If you are in prison, you will lose most of your rights and freedoms. In fact, joining the military will have you lose much, but not most, of your rights and freedoms. So if you want to talk about Gitmo, bring specifics, else if you want to criticize US about human rights, show how the US government treats ordinary citizens instead of prisoners.

The reality is that no one is holding China up as exemplar of human rights but rather as how NOT to treat ordinary citizens.
The US has on a per capita bases 4 times more people locked up then China. How do you explain that for the land of the free ?
And the US is an example for the world for human rights ? You must be kidding. America these days is not being seen as an example for anything anymore. Because the world sees that Americans don't understand humanity they just have hypocrisy.

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And people are now leaving America on mass. Its no longer the country that it used to be. These days only the corrupt goes to America to seek shelter as the US don't punish corruption. Because corruption is the whole system in America.

Record number of Americans give up citizenship

For first time since Depression, more Mexicans leave U.S. than enter - The Washington Post
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Bullshit, when was "banana" ever a racist insult? :rofl: These guys know absolutely nothing about China.

It's almost an equivalent to Indians calling Westernized Indians "coconuts". Is that racist too?

Racism means considering a person superior or inferior based on their ethnicity/race.

What ethnicity/race is Gary Locke? He is ethnic Chinese, so how can there be any racism? :disagree:
The word "racism" has been used too often. It's lost its luster and real meaning. If I disagree with someone of a different race, I'm automatically a racist. So be it, I don't care nor should Chinese. Giving in to western liberal insanity is stupid.
Gambit playing the racist card totally failed here, as simple as that. If Mainland Chinese and Overseas Chinese see Mr Locke as a banana that's not a case of racism anymore because we are not hating other races with that statement. It just reflects Mr Locke's appearance of a Chinese having a soul of a typical American official which always expressing their concerns about unfriendly countries towards the US.

As for the Guatanamo Bay prison, torturing photos have already been leaked so the US is in no position lecturing China or other countries about human rights. I seriously doubt every detainees are linked to unlawful fighters trying to kill US invaders, surely there are innocents inside being tortured but that is something our Gambit refuses to admit. In his eyes every Guatanamo prisoners should be tortured as they don't have any rights.
He doesn't know that "should not tell the truth about Chinese weakness directly "
That's the truth but Chinese officials ( and Chinese state run media ) never accept it, except they report it by themselves.

I respect the bravery of the "banana"
He doesn't know that "should not tell the truth about Chinese weakness directly "
That's the truth but Chinese officials ( and Chinese state run media ) never accept it, except they report it by themselves.

I respect the bravery of the "banana"
If being a dog is considered bravery with vietnamese, you guys are the best.
If being a dog is considered bravery with vietnamese, you guys are the best.

He did tell the truth, didn't he ?

Truth not to be told in China. :coffee:

Why US ambassador to China Gary Locke resigns, according to Chinese netizens
Alia | November 21st, 2013 - 5:39 am
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    Gary Locke, US ambassador to China for the past two and a half years, has officially announced his resignation in 2014. Appointed by US president Barack Obama, Locke joined the US Embassy in Beijing in August, 2011. He has weathered through a series of political dramas during his short tenure, such as the case of “defected” former Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun which was the starting point of the fall of Bo Xilai , and that of the blind dissident Chen Guangcheng who is now in the US.

    Locke’s sudden and early leave has immediately give rise to speculations. The official reason is that he will rejoin his family in Seattle. But Chinese netizens think otherwise.

    The loudest speculation is that Locke and his family have had enough of Beijing’s polluted air. “The post in Beijing has brought too much harm to his lungs.” One netizen 悠一说一 joked. The irony is that it was under Locke’s watch that the US Embassy in Beijing started to publicize PM 2.5 (pollution measurement) information. Raising air pollution awareness may as well be Locke’s biggest legacy in China.

    Many also believed that he decided to step down because he felt poor among China’s money-loaded corrupt officials. As one netizen 芹大菜 pointed out: “He should feel ashamed. He earned less than a Chinese village cadre.”

    Chinese netizens love Locke, and that love began even before his arrival in Beijing. A photo of him shopping at a Starbucks with a backpack at a US airport went viral in China before his assignment started. Chinese netizens were “shocked” because a Chinese official at his level would never pay for his own coffee or carry his own bag.

    Locke won hearts for his humble manners, for his honest, and for the fact that he is the dream official that many Chinese have hoped to have but never did. His popularity, however, may be part of the reason why he resigns.

    “Though Locke simply behaves like all ordinary US officials do, he actually violates all of the unwritten rules of China’s officialdom. He is isolated.” One netizen 徐付群 commented. Another netizen 浪漫拉马丁 commented: “His humble manners and his promotion of PM 2.5 awareness are like a slap in the face of those authoritarians.”

    Chinese public’s favorable view of Locke, at heart, is a result of their disappointment with their own officials. Many of them sarcastically asserted that Chinese officials felt a long relief after hearing about his resignation: “Now that the outlier is gone. They can go back to harmony.”

    “Locke is like a mirror, reflecting the true faces of officials in China. At the same time, he is a window, through which the Chinese people are given a chance to get a taste of the American way of being an official. The Chinese people admire his ‘close-to-the-people’ working style.” Commented netizen 老徐时评. But unfortunately, Chinese officials, as one netizen 李小勇宁宁宁 pointed out, “won’t be more like Locke.”
What if Gary origin not Chinese ? So he's not be called "guide dog" ?
so being Chinese origin is his weakness ?
Gambit playing the racist card totally failed here, as simple as that. If Mainland Chinese and Overseas Chinese see Mr Locke as a banana that's not a case of racism anymore because we are not hating other races with that statement. It just reflects Mr Locke's appearance of a Chinese having a soul of a typical American official which always expressing their concerns about unfriendly countries towards the US.

As for the Guatanamo Bay prison, torturing photos have already been leaked so the US is in no position lecturing China or other countries about human rights. I seriously doubt every detainees are linked to unlawful fighters trying to kill US invaders, surely there are innocents inside being tortured but that is something our Gambit refuses to admit. In his eyes every Guatanamo prisoners should be tortured as they don't have any rights.
My next door neighbor was a Navy guard at Gitmo. According to him, and finally admitted by many human rights activists, what constituted 'torture' was usually blown out of proportions. When the facility was opened, of course the conditions were bare, and even the guards had to live in open air environment while the constructions were on going.

Gitmo is a prison for enemies of the US, not for ordinary criminals. No one but the most gullible take your stale arguments any more.

The US has on a per capita bases 4 times more people locked up then China. How do you explain that for the land of the free ?
And the US is an example for the world for human rights ? You must be kidding. America these days is not being seen as an example for anything anymore. Because the world sees that Americans don't understand humanity they just have hypocrisy.

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And people are now leaving America on mass. Its no longer the country that it used to be. These days only the corrupt goes to America to seek shelter as the US don't punish corruption. Because corruption is the whole system in America.

Record number of Americans give up citizenship

For first time since Depression, more Mexicans leave U.S. than enter - The Washington Post

That intellectually dishonest argument have been discredited a loooooong time ago. For example, if the European countries have no marijuana laws, but we do, then naturally we will have a higher incarceration rate than the Europeans. Marijuana is a legitimate substance abuse law in many countries, no? How about rape, murder, robbery, or assault? Those are good reasons to imprison people, no?

How about political dissent? Ooopss...Your China specializes in that. Care to talk about those 'black jails' in China?
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When Americans can practice racist jokes on a serious accident; so what the heck if China throws a similar towards them.!

These names were released to TV channel by relevant air safety department. "Intern" story was of course lame excuse. It was deliberate racism.
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The article is a spoof of a famous article in Chinese history. Most Chinese would recognized this from the title which is original called "Farewell, Leighton Stuart" penned by Mao and is included in Chinese textbook.

Leighton Stuart is the last US ambassador to China from 1946–1949. That year PRC was founded and US break off diplomatic relation with China mainland until three decades later.

John Leighton Stuart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In reaction to the State Department White Paper on China, Mao Zedong published a sarcastic article Farewell, Leighton Stuart![5] which included the following:

John Leighton Stuart, who was born in China in 1876, was always a loyal agent of U.S. cultural aggression in China. He started missionary work in China in 1905 and in 1919 president of Yenching University, which was established by the United States in Peking. He has fairly wide social connections and spent many years running missionary schools in China, he once sat in a Japanese gaol during the War of Resistance. On July 11, 1946, he was appointed U.S. ambassador to China. He actively supported the Kuomintang reactionaries in prosecuting the civil war and carried out various political Intrigues against the Chinese people. On August 2, 1949, because all the efforts of U.S. imperialism to obstruct the victory of the Chinese people's revolution had completely failed, Leighton Stuart had to leave China quietly.
The chinese can't even invent a good put down. HAHAHAHAHA !!!

your language sucks, English insults sucks. Don't blame us cause you can't translate our language into something good.
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