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China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

BANANA!!! :victory:

It's pretty accurate.


Gary spoke out what the Beijing residents want their govt to know and act accordingly ...
I'ts no surprise to see some blame him while so many support him right inside Chinese language community

I'm a Chinese and I'm inside Chinese language community, where is the so called "so many support" ?
Are you really a Vietnamese ?
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But why must Locke care about China? So what if his ancestry is Chinese? What has China done for him? Yes, it would be nice to have some knowledge about one's ancestry, but unless the person is willing to adopt his ancestors' country in terms of living its culture and speaks the language wholesale, allegiance belongs to where one is borned, grew up, and matured.

Face it, racist...And I mean YOU, buddy...No matter how much and your pals want to dodge, you are exposed for what you are.

Face it, idiot...And I mean YOU, buddy...No matter how much and your pals want to dodge, you are exposed for what you are:lol:

So say a member of the forum group that believes the Chinese is the rightful MASTER of Asia because all other Asiatics are 'inferior' in genetics.

Shame on you , you can only play this kind of dirty trick to sow dissensions among others? :tdown::tdown::tdown:
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So say a member of the forum group that believes the Chinese is the rightful MASTER of Asia because all other Asiatics are 'inferior' in genetics.
I don't believe in superiority/inferiority of genetics. I however, believe in the superiority of culture. Tell me, if Vietnam never existed in history, what impact would it have on the world? Little to nothing.
Yeah...He supposedly 'betrayed' China, even though the only ties he has to China is two generations ago. Only racists have that kind of reasoning. So do continue to call him a 'banana', it will only confirm to the rest of the world the true attitude of the Chinese. Note: I NEVER advocated the Chinese to stop being what they are and how they regard other people. Just like you, am calling a spade -- a spade.
We Chinese are ancestor worshiper. We were taught since young to value our cultural heritage.

Yes, we consider someone who forget/abandon his/her heritage an embarrassing state of affair.

But a "banana" is a "banana", he/she might not care about being accused of that since he/she would not value his/her Chinese heritage much.

How do your accusation of "betrayed" or "racist" fit in there, I really do not know.
Chinese pals, let make him proud of being Chinese origin, not feel shamed about it...
Why you so sensitive about what he say ? He represents for Voice of America ...

What ever he said reflect what the Secretary or President of the States agreed ..

We feel nothing wrong with whatever the US Ambassador in Vietnam with Republic of Vietnam origin say.

FYI, David Shear the US Ambassador in Vietnam could be the one who monitor China closely as he said

US must closely watch China's defence technology: Shear

"We are paying particular attention to Chinese investments in technology development as well as what they are fielding. We must do more than watch and analyse actions," David Shear, nominee for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, told lawmakers.

"To help understand future developments, it is also important to understand what is shaping those investments," he added.

"In January 2007, China used a ground-based missile to hit and destroy one of its weather satellites in an anti-satellite test creating considerable space debris and raising serious concerns in the international community. Since then, China has continued its active pursuit of ballistic missile and anti-satellite technology," he said.

This test, Shear said, was just one element of China's military modernisation effort to develop and field disruptive military technologies, including those for anti-access or area-denial, as well as for nuclear, space and cyber warfare.

Shear said that there were reports that China is aggressively pursuing cyber warfare capabilities, and would likely seek to take advantage of US dependence on cyberspace "in the event of a potential conflict situation".

He said in recent years, numerous computer systems around the world, including some owned by the US Government, have been the target of intrusions, some of which appear to have originated within China.

"The international community cannot tolerate such activity from any country. Government-sponsored cyber-enabled theft for commercial gain is outside the bounds of acceptable international behaviour," he said.

Shear said China’s military growth concerns United States. He said by most accounts, China has become more assertive in its claims of sovereignty in various domains, including maritime, air and space.

There are numerous examples of this assertiveness, including China’s increased aggressiveness in asserting its maritime claims in the South China Sea and the recent declaration of its Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ), he said.

"United States does not recognise and does not accept China's ADIZ. The announcement was provocative and raised tensions," he said.

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So it is true, the Chinese members on PDF very accurately represent the thought process of the average Chinese.
So it is true, the Chinese members on PDF very accurately represent the thought process of the average Chinese.

Most PDF PRC are piece of half bake shitt that do not know what they are talking. They are a disgrace to Chinese. The most gungho one, most aggressive one, most likely to insult people one, are those who holed up in white man land.

They despise banana and white man. They lie and spread hate against white man. That does not prevent them from holing up in White man land. They are mad schizophrenic.

The ordinary Chinese people are reasonable and nice, diametrically opposite to PDF PRC.
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They think that if they won a verbal fighting, then China would be grow greater !!!

This would be not a Banana ...

Ambassador David B. Shear, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, Department of Defense

Ambassador David B. Shear is the U.S. Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a position he has held since 2011. From 2009 to 2011, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs at the Department of State (DOS). Previously, he was the Director of the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs at DOS. Mr. Shear joined the Foreign Service in 1982 and has served in Sapporo, Beijing, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, and Washington, D.C. Mr. Shear received a B.A. from Earlham College and an M.A from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and has attended Waseda University, Taiwan National University, and Nanjing University.
Those PRC idiots who insults nations most aggressively are one living in white man land. They are piece of shitt.
Yeah, I guess they are living in Canada, USA .. Europe ..
Most PDF PRC are piece of half bake shitt that do not know what they are talking. They are a disgrace to Chinese. The most gungho one, most aggressive one, most likely to insult people one, are those who holed up in white man land.

They despise banana and white man. They lie and spread hate against white man. That does not prevent them from holing up in White man land. They are mad schizophrenic.

The ordinary Chinese people are reasonable and nice, diametrically opposite to PDF PRC.

If so, then why do the CNS comments appear so congruent with the ones made by Chinese members on PDF?

CNS is a state owned news agency, and is second largest in China. I am not saying all Chinese are like that, not even any majority, but if the state media makes such comments, then surely it must represent at least some sections of the society who do sport such racial thought process, right?
If so, then why do the CNS comments appear so congruent with the ones made by Chinese members on PDF?

CNS is a state owned news agency, and is second largest in China. I am not saying all Chinese are like that, not even any majority, but if the state media makes such comments, then surely it must represent at least some sections of the society who do sport such racial thought process, right?
Yes, of course the article reflect some section of Chinese society.

But I object to sticking a label of "racist" on Chinese opinion on cultural heritage.

Chinese value their cultural heritage, is that so unusual?

For example, this book is popular among Chinese communities and world wide when it first appeared.

Roots: The Saga of an American Family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roots: The Saga of an American Family is a novel written by Alex Haley and first published in 1976. It tells the story of Kunta Kinte, an 18th-century African, captured as an adolescent and sold into slavery in the United States, and follows his life and the lives of his alleged descendants in the U.S. down to Haley. The release of the novel, combined with its hugely popular television adaptation, Roots (1977), led to a cultural sensation in the United States and together are considered one of the most important works of the twentieth century. The novel spent months on The New York Times Best Seller List, including 22 weeks in that list's top spot. The last seven chapters of the novel were later adapted in the form of a second miniseries, Roots: The Next Generations (1979). It stimulated great interest in genealogy among all Americans and an appreciation for African-American history.
According to some,

A Chinese article published in a Chinese website for Chinese reader is racist against a Chinese(can someone be racist against one own race?????)

for being Chinese ???????


for being not Chinese ???????


for being a Chinese and yet not Chinese ????????

How do the logic work ????????????????


is it just because sticking a label is so easy and convenient.

I am really surprise that I actually have to explain this.
This is the final message that China sent,

From the article:
Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying gave a more measured response on Locke's tenure, saying this week he had "made some positive contributions to cooperation between China and the US".

The message is delivered with some "tact", but I am afraid it is probably going to be lost on Mr. Locke. Oh, I meant Mr. Locke is not going to get it. And Oh the key word is "this week". And oh, oh, as in the week that Mr. Locke left office.
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We Chinese are ancestor worshiper. We were taught since young to value our cultural heritage.

Yes, we consider someone who forget/abandon his/her heritage an embarrassing state of affair.

But a "banana" is a "banana", he/she might not care about being accused of that since he/she would not value his/her Chinese heritage much.

How do your accusation of "betrayed" or "racist" fit in there, I really do not know.
Gary Locke was borned and grew up in the US. His heritage is of the US. Just like how American blacks no longer consider Africa to be of their heritage. Same for the Italian-Americans or the German-Americans. Eating one's ethnic food or even speaking the language does not count. For Gary Locke, just like for the Italian-Americans and the German-Americans, US culture is their culture.

So if you insists that Locke somehow 'betrayed' his Chinese heritage, as dubious as it may be, then yes, calling him a 'banana' is racist. No matter how much you want to dodge the label, you are a racist. But be proud of what you are. Do not shy away from yourself.
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