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China Lost World War II

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You didn't read the posts. Do you understand he said "Vietnam has been doing that for thousands of years"?
We were not talking about the modern history.

I did read it, and I think Vietnamese ancient history to modern history has been affixed on one paradigm; and that is the issue of resistance to foreign domination. I think that is a unitary aspect that unites the Chinese and Vietnamese, even Japanese. The notion, the issue to be independent, and free from foreign domination.

I think this isn't an ethnic or national aperture only, rather, i think its a human aperture. Don't you agree?

Correct, Not to mention that Pol Pot is Chinese-Khmer, Ieng Sary is VNese-Khmer etc

We dont annex Kam, CN should blame hiself first when leting those bad Chinese to attack and massacre VNese before 1979.

Consequentially, I should also mention that the Vietnamese followed suit with the UN arbitration and time-table to have free elections in Cambodia after Vietnam left the country. Cambodia did have free elections, and the Vietnamese adhered to UN arbitration and recommendations.
I did read it, and I think Vietnamese ancient history to modern history has been affixed on one paradigm; and that is the issue of resistance to foreign domination. I think that is a unitary aspect that unites the Chinese and Vietnamese, even Japanese. The notion, the issue to be independent, and free from foreign domination.

I think this isn't an ethnic or national aperture only, rather, i think its a human aperture. Don't you agree?

No, did you read my post "communist has to describe them as tragical role", powerful America and the West want to topple communism nations. They has to seek supports from whole nationality. But the real history was not always like tragical role.

In the past, Vietnam was a super power in the peninsula. Vietnam developed from North to South, from East to West. Vietnam rarely face the issue of resistance to foreign domination.
No, did you read my post "communist has to describe them as tragical role", powerful America and the West want to topple communism nations. They has to seek supports from whole nationality. But the real history was not always like that.

I suppose this is due to the concept of ideology warfare. Europe and the West has been affixed to ideology warfare since the turn of the 20th century. Remember, prior to WWII, it was not only Communism that was seen as a threat, but it was also Fascism. The three original modern political ideologies were :
  1. Free Market Capitalism in Democracy
  2. State Socialism - Fascism
  3. State Socialism - Communism

One was destined to dominate. Democracy (well free market capitalism , which is a pillar of democracy) seems to have taken the proverbial cake slice. Don't you think?

In the past, Vietnam was a super power in the peninsula. Vietnam developed from North to South, from East to West. Vietnam rarely face the issue of resistance to foreign domination.

Sure Vietnam was a super power by all intents and purposes in the region. In fact it was a tie between the Vietnamse, Thais and Burmese -- in regards to Overslordship of continental Southeast Asia. These three fought with each other for centuries.
Consequentially, I should also mention that the Vietnamese followed suit with the UN arbitration and time-table to have free elections in Cambodia after Vietnam left the country. Cambodia did have free elections, and the Vietnamese adhered to UN arbitration and recommendations.
In history, VN never carry out any preemptive attack to any neighbours, but the funny thing is that our neighbours always attack VN first. CN occupied a big part of North.VN for 1 thousand year. Laos-Champa continued to attack VN when we were under CN occopation, Thailand (Siam) attacked VN in 18th century etc..

When we kicked CN out, taking back our independence and start retaliate what Laos-Champa-Khmer did to us, all of them (CN-Laos-Champa-Siam and the new idiot-Kambodia) start accusing VN strongly, crying loudly to US daddy that we 'annex' their terrioties and begged for santion against VN.

VN is a peace loving nation, we dont like war, but you can not keep 'biting' us day after day, year after year. Our tolerance have a limit :)
I suppose this is due to the concept of ideology warfare. Europe and the West has been affixed to ideology warfare since the turn of the 20th century. Remember, prior to WWII, it was not only Communism that was seen as a threat, but it was also Fascism. The three original modern political ideologies were :
  1. Free Market Capitalism in Democracy
  2. State Socialism - Fascism
  3. State Socialism - Communism

One was destined to dominate. Democracy (well free market capitalism , which is a pillar of democracy) seems to have taken the proverbial cake slice. Don't you think?

Sure Vietnam was a super power by all intents and purposes in the region. In fact it was a tie between the Vietnamse, Thais and Burmese -- in regards to Overslordship of continental Southeast Asia. These three fought with each other for centuries.

Keep off the democray crap. It's too far. You live in America, when the American consider you the equal thing, than sell their democracy. lol
Keep off the democray crap. It's too far. You live in America, when the American consider you the equal thing, than sell their democracy. lol

You ask a legit question, I give you a legit answer. lol.

Come on bro. *italian accent* watta mattah wid yu?


j/k (just kidding).

well its 1:04 am here. good night!!!!
its way past my bed time, lol.:alcoholic:

In history, VN never carry out any preemptive attack to any neighbours, but the funny thing is that our neighbours always attack VN first. CN occupied a big part of North.VN for 1 thousand year. Laos-Champa continued to attack VN when we were under CN occopation, Thailand (Siam) attacked VN in 18th century etc..

When we kicked CN out, taking back our independence and start retaliate what Laos-Champa-Khmer did to us, all of them (CN-Laos-Champa-Siam and the new idiot-Kambodia) start accusing VN strongly, crying loudly to US daddy that we 'annex' their terrioties and begged for santion against VN.

VN is a peace loving nation, we dont like war, but you can not keep 'biting' us day after day, year after year. Our tolerance have a limit :)

Absolutely! Vietnamese are damnn impressive people, small, but terrible. Respect to you guys.
Cnese are still living in delusion as their people before WW2, they try to convince that communist VN is just a small copy of CN (just like they believed JP is a small copy of CN ) . Lu xun worte "The True Story of Ah Q" and hope Cnese could wake up and get out of delusion...but no use...:)

yes, Chinese people are living in delusion as before WW2.
and VN is much more developed than China.

the diff between Chinese people and VN people like you is that we think Japan is much more developed than China. and Japanese people are not living in delusion. __MR VN.LunXun.
In history, VN never carry out any preemptive attack to any neighbours, but the funny thing is that our neighbours always attack VN first. CN occupied a big part of North.VN for 1 thousand year. Laos-Champa continued to attack VN when we were under CN occopation, Thailand (Siam) attacked VN in 18th century etc..

When we kicked CN out, taking back our independence and start retaliate what Laos-Champa-Khmer did to us, all of them (CN-Laos-Champa-Siam and the new idiot-Kambodia) start accusing VN strongly, crying loudly to US daddy that we 'annex' their terrioties and begged for santion against VN.

VN is a peace loving nation, we dont like war, but you can not keep 'biting' us day after day, year after year. Our tolerance have a limit :)

Heaven no, East Asia along with Vietnam has revived, rerisen. Let's introduce history to our next-generation honestly. Why always pretend to be a sheep. If Vietnam was a sheep for thousand of years, nowadays Laos wouldn't has followed Vietnam in every aspects.
In history, VN never carry out any preemptive attack to any neighbours, but the funny thing is that our neighbours always attack VN first. CN occupied a big part of North.VN for 1 thousand year. Laos-Champa continued to attack VN when we were under CN occopation, Thailand (Siam) attacked VN in 18th century etc..

When we kicked CN out, taking back our independence and start retaliate what Laos-Champa-Khmer did to us, all of them (CN-Laos-Champa-Siam and the new idiot-Kambodia) start accusing VN strongly, crying loudly to US daddy that we 'annex' their terrioties and begged for santion against VN.

VN is a peace loving nation, we dont like war, but you can not keep 'biting' us day after day, year after year. Our tolerance have a limit :)

poor VN, seems neighbours don't like you. don't worry, that's because you're too perfect to be jealous!
poor VN, seems neighbours don't like you. don't worry, that's because you're too perfect to be jealous!

Laotien people is our friend, without Chinese interventions and Chinese Hua Cambodian like Lon Nol, Polpot and Sam Rainsy, there is peace in Indo China pennisulla after Vietnam war from 1975.
Laotien people is our friend, without Chinese interventions and Chinese Hua Cambodian like Lon Nol, Polpot and Sam Rainsy, there is peace in Indo China pennisulla after Vietnam war from 1975.

You have to understand the geopolitical reasons for this, my friend. The situation in the Submekong after 1975 was due in part to the extension of the Sino-Soviet Split. Vietnam followed the Soviet Model, whereas Kampuchea followed the Mao Zedong Model. In fact, Pol Pot actually tried to re-create Mao's Cultural Revolution in context to Cambodia, unfortunately for the Cambodians, over 1/4th of their population died in the killing fields.
So as much as how Chinese Nationalists can be anti-American, the Americans seem to be the most concerned of the Chinese throughout the Pacific War. From behind the scenes to the military theater.

Without America selling Japan almost ALL of her oil, you would have diverted all your forces to Southeast Asia or run out of oil within 18 months. You talk a big game about the weakness of China, but millions of your men were slaughtered or crippled even with constant air support and an industrialized economy.

We have no reason to thank America. They were your puppeteers as they are now, commanding you to obstruct Asia's rise to their benefit.

Enough big talk about how you "could have, would have." If we left you to starve on fish and chestnuts 2,500 years ago your grandfather would never have been born.

Leave it to the Japanese to constantly remind one about the risks of generosity and goodwill in international politics. That aside, all we need to discuss is that if you ever attack us again, we will exterminate you.
Of course, you should be thanking the United States. As I said before , time and time again, the greatest guarantor of China's independence was not the KMT or the CPC, but the United States. It was America , by her shear military power and psychological and physical imposing threat -- that forced the Japanese to mobilize most of Japan's Military Machine to address the American Threat.

If it was not for America; Japan would have invaded China will full force early in the 1930s. If it was not for America, Japan would have brought to bear in China some 6 million soldiers of the Imperial Army.

So, instead of lambasting the United States, or imposing anti-AMERICAN sentiments on its populace, the Chinese Government and Academics should stress the role of AMERICA in China's Sovereignty and Independence.

Because , TRUST ME, had it not been for America, Japan would have invaded China will FULL POWER. Not 1/4th Power.

Too many " if "s.

If US left Asia tomorrow, we will kill all the Japanese. (I think you will agree with that:-))

So,TRUST ME,you should be thanking the United States.
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You have to understand the geopolitical reasons for this, my friend. The situation in the Submekong after 1975 was due in part to the extension of the Sino-Soviet Split. Vietnam followed the Soviet Model, whereas Kampuchea followed the Mao Zedong Model. In fact, Pol Pot actually tried to re-create Mao's Cultural Revolution in context to Cambodia, .
And the funny thing is that USA was the only winner in Sino-Soviet Split.
unfortunately for the Cambodians, over 1/4th of their population died in the killing fields
"Enthusiasm plus ignorance equal with destruction" : V.I.Lenin :)
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