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China likely to unveil Defence spending for 2012 on this weekend

The best use of the military budget would be for internal security. In other words, use $7.5 billion worth of the military budget and distribute this money as bi-weekly free welfare checks to the poor, uneducated areas of Xinjiang and Tibet. This would go to 5 million people, specifically the non-HAN Uighur and Tibetan minorities. The criteria would be that they were poor, low education and lived in contentious areas like southwestern Xinjiang. No money, aka "welfare" checks would go to monks, monasteries (they are already xenophobic and too far gone), wealthy or educated (they aren't the ones rioting).

This money would be like them getting almost a full year of salary (9400Y) doing nothing. It would buy China the time to develop in MORE relative peace until the day ALL Xighurs and Tibetans were rich and educated. Now that would be a good use of the military budget.

however the military budget is very useful for other things, and it is 100% necessary for government continuity in emergencies.
The original term was Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. However, Eisenhower was forced to take out the congress part due to pressure.

This political entity lobbies the politicians to send a country into an endless cycle of war for profit, which they use to pay off more politicians. Eventually they hijack the foreign policy of a nation. Meanwhile, money that could be used elsewhere (social services, education, healthcare) gets sucked up into the war machine. When it grows out of control, it could slow stretch thin and bankrupt a nation, i.e. United States.

Chinese people often talk about 天下虽安, 忘战必危. I agree with that, but we also need to be mindful of the quote that preceded it, 国虽大,好战必亡.


It doesn't make sense at all.
the best defence is offence.
this peasants' coward logic is the reason china lose in war with northern invaders again and again.if you do nothing and wait for your every enemies,you will be torn apart again and again.
US is doing very fine,military-industrial complex makes country strong,mongol empire was so,british empire was so,US is so,every sucessful
and strong empire all have a military-whatever complex.
It doesn't make sense at all.
the best defence is offence.
this peasants' coward logic is the reason china lose in war with northern invaders again and again.if you do nothing and wait for your every enemies,you will be torn apart again and again.
US is doing very fine,military-industrial complex makes country strong,mongol empire was so,british empire was so,US is so,every sucessful
and strong empire all have a military-whatever complex.

It makes perfect sense. Even Sun Tzi in his Art of War stated that no nation has benefited from prolonged warfare. The reason China lost against Northern invaders is not because we did nothing, it is because we are internally weak. Let's look at three instance where invaders suceeded in conquering China.

Eastern Jin: Conquered by 五胡 after its princes fought over the throne, leaving the country unable to defend itself.

Song: Lack horses crippled the mobility of its army. Expedition by famous generals were hampered by internal politics (i.e. Yue Fei).

Ming: Corruption and peasant rebellion wrecked the country, and Manchus just swept over the mess.

As you can see, all empires crumble from within first. When a military-industrial complex grow into a political force, it will not be accountable to the people or the country. Those that control it will use it to seek benefits for themselves, and masking the pursuit of profit as "patriotic", fooling people like you into thinking we must support it or we'll be defeated.

In another words, if you invent a boogeyman, you will have a boogeyman to fear. It's one thing to have a strong national defence to secure your lands and water, but it's another to go wage war everywhere. That's how great empires stretch themselves thin and go into decline. Look what happened to Qin and Sui dynasty, and look what happened during later half of Han Wu Di's reign.

P.S. All of the great powers you named have either withered away or is in decline (Mongol, Britain, U.S).
It makes perfect sense. Even Sun Tzi in his Art of War stated that no nation has benefited from prolonged warfare. The reason China lost against Northern invaders is not because we did nothing, it is because we are internally weak. Let's look at three instance where invaders suceeded in conquering China.

Eastern Jin: Conquered by 五胡 after its princes fought over the throne, leaving the country unable to defend itself.

Song: Lack horses crippled the mobility of its army. Expedition by famous generals were hampered by internal politics (i.e. Yue Fei).

Ming: Corruption and peasant rebellion wrecked the country, and Manchus just swept over the mess.

As you can see, all empires crumble from within first. When a military-industrial complex grow into a political force, it will not be accountable to the people or the country. Those that control it will use it to seek benefits for themselves, and masking the pursuit of profit as "patriotic", fooling people like you into thinking we must support it or we'll be defeated.

In another words, if you invent a boogeyman, you will have a boogeyman to fear. It's one thing to have a strong national defence to secure your lands and water, but it's another to go wage war everywhere. That's how great empires stretch themselves thin and go into decline. Look what happened to Qin and Sui dynasty, and look what happened during later half of Han Wu Di's reign.

P.S. All of the great powers you named have either withered away or is in decline (Mongol, Britain, U.S).
geeze,what a stupid comment,song and ming weren't even aggressive好战,how can you say they failed because they are aggressive(好战必危).
And about "P.S. All of the great powers you named have either withered away or is in decline (Mongol, Britain, U.S)."
can you tell me an peaceful empire that never withered or decline,is there called heaven,the empire of god?
geeze,what a stupid comment,song and ming weren't even aggressive好战,how can you say they failed because they are aggressive(好战必危).
And about "P.S. All of the great powers you named have either withered away or is in decline (Mongol, Britain, U.S)."
can you tell me an peaceful empire that never withered or decline,is there called heaven,the empire of god?
Are you seriously that retarded? You stated if we don't go out and look for targets, we'll get conquered. I raised these historical example to show that successful foreign invasion is only possible if we are weak internally. Sui dynasty followed your misguided doctrine, and collapsed only to have Turks invaded. Same thing happened to Tang Dynasty, where Xuan Zong gave his generals increasing power to conquer, and ended the greatest era in Chinese history after those generals got out of control.

If we know how others have failed, then why wouldn't a person learn from it? Only retards insist on walking the same path when you can see dangers ahead. Military-industrial complex is detrimental to the welfare of a nation in the long term. People of a nation should control its guns, not the other way around.
Are you seriously that retarded? You stated if we don't go out and look for targets, we'll get conquered. I raised these historical example to show that successful foreign invasion is only possible if we are weak internally. Sui dynasty followed your misguided doctrine, and collapsed only to have Turks invaded. Same thing happened to Tang Dynasty, where Xuan Zong gave his generals increasing power to conquer, and ended the greatest era in Chinese history after those generals got out of control.

If we know how others have failed, then why wouldn't a person learn from it? Only retards insist on walking the same path when you can see dangers ahead. Military-industrial complex is detrimental to the welfare of a nation in the long term. People of a nation should control its guns, not the other way around.
What does internal weakness has to do with agressive is bad theory?
sui dynasty died for his weakass military force,and was replaced by another chinese dynasty,and tang did exactly what sui had did but more succesfully:attack and torn goguryeo into pieces.but coward song dynasty died for their cowardness and replaced by foreign mongolian dynasty,what did you learn from it?
Ugh, the hawks on this board always scare me. You might make a few hawkish comments to rebuff provocations from Indian trolls, but I hope no one actually believes that a military-industrial complex is good. The British Empire and USA achieved hegemony through industrialization and trade dominance. Germany became powerful because Bismarck's diplomacy ensured peace and gave Germany time to industrialize. They all declined because of military over-extension (for America, that's evident from Iraq and Afghanistan debacle). Same with Sui dynasty: Gorguyeo invasion was stupid.

Anyway, in response to the news, I'd like to see spending around 2.5% of GDP. It should be focused on tech development, asymmetrical warfare and a blue-water navy. Land forces are not as important simply because I think we have stable relations with Russia and India, the only two potential military threats, and I don't really fear them.
Ugh, the hawks on this board always scare me. You might make a few hawkish comments to rebuff provocations from Indian trolls, but I hope no one actually believes that a military-industrial complex is good. The British Empire and USA achieved hegemony through industrialization and trade dominance. Germany became powerful because Bismarck's diplomacy ensured peace and gave Germany time to industrialize. They all declined because of military over-extension (for America, that's evident from Iraq and Afghanistan debacle). Same with Sui dynasty: Gorguyeo invasion was stupid.

Anyway, in response to the news, I'd like to see spending around 2.5% of GDP. It should be focused on tech development, asymmetrical warfare and a blue-water navy. Land forces are not as important simply because I think we have stable relations with Russia and India, the only two potential military threats, and I don't really fear them.
sui emperor did what he had to do,goguryeo was a vassal country of china,but they refuse to continue the old relation with china,if sui didn't show any reaction,the international relationship of east asia will collapse into pieces,uygurs,turks would try to do what goguryeo did, and china might be torn into pieces by these strong powers,that's why even tang emperor have witnessed the horrible collapse of sui by his own eyes,he still have no other choice except destroying the goguryeo entirely exactly like what sui emperor had done.
Thank godness,You guys are not chinese,and you guys are lucky to live in a country has nice whites as its backbone.
They all declined because of military over-extension (for America, that's evident from Iraq and Afghanistan debacle).

Oh Please show me a peaceful everlasting empire,please please.even china was build by iron and blood,nobody knows how many millions of yue people were kill by the troop of qin emperor.
I'd love to live in that place.
To maintain a strong military force ,military exercises is far from enough,some limited real wars are also necessary.
military-industrial complex is the best way to keep your army strong.
Just like no one olympic games medal winner can achieve it by only exercise,you need some real competitions.
China isn't going through any form of cold war with any country. Is slum lord India going to attack China..No. Is broke *** multicultural aka multi Hispanic America going to attack China no. Why even bother spending so much money to scare these poor insecure folks. Let them destroy themselves in time and watch with delight I say.
Unlike an immigrant or ABC Chinese which you are I was born and grew up In Tianjin you little dumba22. Don't talk sh1t with grow ups troll. Just go play with your little calculator and learn how to get a better grade in your highschool okley dokley?

I live in china,and i have reported your post.
Lol@ anyone believing the numbers china will put out.

They have been lieing for a while about their defence spending.the usa knows it.Its well above what they are saying.

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