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China Is Biggest Emerging Threat To Boeing And Airbus, Says Albaugh

Russia at least need 15 years to catch up the tech of US, EU and China for today.

Techwise China is still nowhere close to US, EU and Japan today but it is trying very hard and every Chinese, regardless pro-CCP or not, feels that this is the most important thing. Russian has edges on certain sectors but behind China on others.
Fair assessment. I think the government is trying to boost economy growth, a lot of times with the cost of fairness and environmental impact. Now GD leads the way and local people ask for more fairness and regulation, that will certainly push business inland. Foxconn has already built factories in central China. In a long run, people get rich and ask for more, like it or not, government can not run against that. Hopefully by then China becomes developed country. I do agree with you that nationalism and protection will hurt business in a long run.

What's your general feeling of Chinese economy this year? Is there a significant slowdown in Shenzhen that you can feel of? Thanks.

Actually I think more people in GD are asking for lesser govt. regulation now but more govt. assistance.
Secondly, granted that as people get more affluent, they ask for more facilities to be provided by the govt., but that does not necessarily translate to them wanting or getting more free/fair trade, although it remains to be one of the 2 options. It will be interesting to see which way the govt. moves towards with a new leader later this year.
Nothing against Foxconn, but I hate them as an example, the simple reason being, mostly they employ the locals for blue collar work, while some middle management and top administration is administered by taiwanese nationals. In economic sense that is very different to how people may think in other ways.

As for the local economy, I mainly work in commodities and trade with all the state owned enterprises and pvt. mills/refineries, and their demand has dropped nearly 20% in the past 2-3 months resulting in a drop in commodity prices not seen since the Japanese tsunami. But a lot of them are aiming to gain from domestic infrastructure spending which should help negate the effects. But another thing is, there has been a steady increase in import of various consumer goods from overseas which clearly shows an increased domestic consumption which basically is what China is moving towards and hoping to help advance the economy further.

All in all, you can definitely feel the slowdown but the green side is its not been as strong as people were expecting upto this period.
I am hopeful that they will soon come up with a P-3C like aircraft with two engines with 7 blades for MPAs as well as AEW&C.
More on C-919
[video]http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjc0ODIxNjI0.html [/video]
I am actually pessimistic about China's civilian aviation capabilities. Too much of the components being used are still foreign made. We need the same kind of drive that helped build Y-10 to become globally competitive.

what a loser!

you want a humanitarian award from india?

Buying too many of components from overseas doesnt equate to the doom of an industry that has just started!
Come on Chinese boys... it's quite rare for Indians to accept and post about Chinese superiority. Say something nice things, at least... Can't you guys just ignore SinoChallenger? I mean, I used to troll bait, but after observing how every thread turns into the same IQ,intellectual property,GDP per capita trolls, it becomes boring.

At least don't start the troll, if the thread topic isn't one.

Come on...China has come a long way. No doubts. India could have done so, but just like many Chinese know and understand, we lack qulaity leadership and corruption is overwhelming. NRI;s and foreign born Indians know this too well, but why do you thnk India has banned us from taking part in politics? They know we would bring about CHANGE!!!!
My friend who is an engineer at Airbus told me that China stil needs about 15 to 20 years in order to be on paar with Airbus or Boeing.

BTW Boeing (Böing in German) is a German American. ;)
I am hopeful that they will soon come up with a P-3C like aircraft with two engines with 7 blades for MPAs as well as AEW&C.

Y-9 MPA and Y-9 based AEW&C could come into picture by 2013-2014, It is just the beginning...give it sometime, for extended maritime patrolling similar to Japanese Kawasaki P-1, Chinese Y-20 variants are planned, infact 3-4 variants are planned that includes Transport/Air Refuelers/AWACS/MPA/something similar to J-STARS is also planned.
Götterdämmerung;3017136 said:
My friend who is an engineer at Airbus told me that China stil needs about 15 to 20 years in order to be on paar with Airbus or Boeing.

BTW Boeing (Böing in German) is a German American. ;)

This certainly looks like a realistic assessment. It takes enormous funding, technology, skills and experience to develop an aviation industry.
This certainly looks like a realistic assessment. It takes enormous funding, technology, skills and experience to develop an aviation industry.

The most important part is experience my friend from Airbus told me. No amount of fund can make up the lack of experience.
15 to 20 years is a short time in terms of developing an entire advanced tech industry almost from scratch! and it is not "no where near" the experienced stake-holders in the market. The gap is manageable if the Airbus guy is not flattering on China's progress.
Götterdämmerung;3017136 said:
My friend who is an engineer at Airbus told me that China stil needs about 15 to 20 years in order to be on paar with Airbus or Boeing.

BTW Boeing (Böing in German) is a German American. ;)

I tend to disagree. techs today are not in the old dimension of that catch up, knowledge spreads much faster than old times, tech exchange through trade, coop, etc, and internet brings up everything.

I would say 5 years is the right meter for a race up. in the past people thought China need 20 years for a stealth jet made close to F22, yet J20 clearly mocks that "underestimate".
China may need 15 to 20 years to be on par with Airbus and Boeing internationally, but as soon as C919 begins flying domestic civilian routes in 2014, China will be eating Airbus and Boeing's lunch.
Götterdämmerung;3017136 said:
My friend who is an engineer at Airbus told me that China stil needs about 15 to 20 years in order to be on paar with Airbus or Boeing.

BTW Boeing (Böing in German) is a German American. ;)

Interesting as airliners represent the pinnacle of Western civilian technology, bar space.

2030 is my assessment when China should be broadly comparable to the West in most technology sectors.
I tend to disagree. techs today are not in the old dimension of that catch up, knowledge spreads much faster than old times, tech exchange through trade, coop, etc, and internet brings up everything.

I would say 5 years is the right meter for a race up. in the past people thought China need 20 years for a stealth jet made close to F22, yet J20 clearly mocks that "underestimate".

I wish what you said is true! But "indigenousness" is the key! I will be just too happy if a commercial aricraft engine comparable to those on Boeing 747 can be rolled out from our engineers within the next 10 years!
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