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China ignores Pakistan's concerns, approves Indian basmati imports

And that some people according to The Hindu (thehindu.com) are the Indians who have been nagging China for 6 years.

goes to show the dedicated bureaucrats are steadfast in their goals. i for one am not complaining :azn:
more trade is always welcome
the *facepalm* is on you bro.....
We dont need to buy pakistani basmati, we have 10 million tons surplus!:enjoy:

you have your people to talk to about that.....what I said is a bitter reality.

by ''value-added'' i simply meant better re-packaging. The basmati comes from Pakistan -routed to Dubai -and is then re-labelled as ''product of india'' after re-packaging.

it's partly our fault....our produce is superior in quality but our sales/marketing is in dire need of overhaul. I dont speak on behalf of all the companies/exporters, but a good number of them

and this problem is even confirmed by Dr. Shahid Lateef Khan from the Agro Food Division @ Trade Development Authority
Even my Gym Trainer says(not a Punjabi), refrain from eating too much rice.

White rice is a starch, and can make you gain pounds if you don't exercise , because it will turn into glucose. However to say Rice makes you pack on more pounds than bread is a facepalm.
Even my Gym Trainer says(not a Punjabi), refrain from eating too much rice.

it doesnt take a gym teacher or a rocket scientist to figure that out....rice contains sugar and its high in carbs
Even my Gym Trainer says(not a Punjabi), refrain from eating too much rice.

He is probably right... scientifically. But give stress on "too much".

Any type of carb in excess quantities gets converted to fat without exercise.
Incorrect. There's a ''desi'' run store 25 minutes drive south of where i live.....both Pakistani and indian goods like atta and rice are sold there. Pakistani rice is more expensive.

I buy Pakistani anyways, simply out of patriotism. I always buy Pakistani and tell others to do the same. Everyone in the world has their own tastes and preferences. That's how the world works. At the end of the day, business is business.

and to answer your query, no i have not tasted indian rice or analyzed its textures/smells etc.

Pakistani Masalas are the best.. no doubt about it.. About rice , some basmati varieties from India are much better than Pakistani varieties. fragrance wise.. but then they are expensive..
good thing because now pakistan probably will have more rice to feed its own starving population.
Pakistani Masalas are the best.. no doubt about it.. About rice , some basmati varieties from India are much better than Pakistani varieties. fragrance wise.. but then they are expensive..
No offence but it's a scientific fact that you ca't invent a better basmati rice if you just use local parents, you definitely need the paksitani awesome rice genes if you want make a better rice

Pakistani Masalas are the best.. no doubt about it.. About rice , some basmati varieties from India are much better than Pakistani varieties. fragrance wise.. but then they are expensive..
No offence but it's a scientific fact that you ca't invent a better basmati rice if you just use local parents, you definitely need the paksitani awesome rice genes if you want make a better rice
failures at the branding and marketing areas.

That is absolutely true. Pakistani exporters are atrociously bad at marketing and diversification.

In Australian supermarkets, I have seen Pakistani rice losing shelf space to Sun Rice from Thailand. The Thai have diversified into a million secondary products from rice chocolate bars to rice pudding (kheer) to ready-made chicken korma+rice dishes.
I do not thinks this is a big deal, and I cannot understand why Indian people put this as some sort of important news...
Very few people in China actually eat brown rice..., and there has never been a big market of basmati in China...
I do not thinks this is a big deal, and I cannot understand why Indian people put this as some sort of important news...
Very few people in China actually eat brown rice..., and there has never been a big market of basmati in China...

Basmati is the ROYAL white rice... not brown rice...
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