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China executed more people than rest of world combined: AI

:pop: Sir, You say not true.
I hope your IQ can understand that, If China really so stupid a country, Why did India lose to China?

Belittle the opponent is to belittle their own, This shows that you are stupid.
Like spreading rumors, This shows your lack of parenting.

I sympathize with you, baby.

He's 100% american, remember. the same American ghetto dogs that got their kicked out of Korea and Vietnam, and can only take their anger out on countries like Grenada? Oh he wants to be Indian? The same India that got kicked in 1962?
He's 100% american, remember. the same American ghetto dogs that got their kicked out of Korea and Vietnam, and can only take their anger out on countries like Grenada? Oh he wants to be Indian? The same India that got kicked in 1962?

He is probably both. :D

Which explains a lot.
chinese historical book has more fairy tales than Jk rowlings plots ... But wait it rewrites it's own propoganda is a hurried cut and paste :D

China rewrites history of Korean WarChina rewrites history of Korean War - Telegraph

On the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, China has finally rewritten its history of how the conflict began to point the finger of responsibility at North Korea.

By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
Published: 11:11AM BST 25 Jun 2010

Until now, the Chinese have staunchly supported their North Korean allies, along whose side they fought in the war.

China previously insisted that the war was waged out of American aggression. The official title of the conflict on the mainland is "The War to Resist America and Aid Korea".

Chinese history textbooks state that the Korean War began when "the United States assembled a United Nations army of 15 countries and defiantly marched across the border and invaded North Korea, spreading the flames of war to our Yalu river."

The official Chinese media stated for the first time that it was North Korea that dealt the first blow. In a special report, Xinhua's International Affairs journal said: "On June 25, 1950, the North Korean army marched over 38th Parallel and started the attack. Three days later, Seoul fell."

China and North Korea were "as close as lips and teeth," said Mao Tse-tung.

The Korean War, which has never formally ended, has been largely forgotten in the West, despite the deaths of between two and three million people in the fighting.

In Asia, however, the memory of the war is still felt strongly and has sustained a continuing alliance and emotional bond between Beijing and Pyongyang.

While many Chinese historians privately subscribe to the view that North Korea was the aggressor in the war, driven by Kim Il-sung's desire to unite the Korean peninsula under a Communist banner, the matter remains highly sensitive.

"It is not convenient for me to comment on the matter," said Zhang Liangui, a leading professor of Korean studies at the Communist Central Party School in Beijing. "I was not aware of this timeline [in the Xinhua article]. As far as I am aware there has been no change to the official view on the war."

Meanwhile, the Global Times, a government-run newspaper, said it was "high time to renew and strengthen efforts by Chinese scholars to discover the truth about the Korean War."

In Seoul, South Korea held an official ceremony to remember the war and Lee Myung-bak, the president, paid tribute to the dead. "Sixty years ago, North Korea's communists opened fire on a weekend's dawn when all people were sleeping peacefully," he said.

Meanwhile, across the border, North Korea put across its own view of the conflict. Under the headline: "US, Provoker of Korean War," the country's state news agency accused Washington of starting the war with a surprise attack.

"All the historical facts show that it is the US imperialists who unleashed the war in Korea and that the United States can never escape from the responsibility," the Korean Central News Agency said.
chinese historical book has more fairy tales than Jk rowlings plots ... But wait it rewrites it's own propoganda is a hurried cut and paste :D

China rewrites history of Korean WarChina rewrites history of Korean War - Telegraph

On the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, China has finally rewritten its history of how the conflict began to point the finger of responsibility at North Korea.

By Malcolm Moore in Shanghai
Published: 11:11AM BST 25 Jun 2010

Until now, the Chinese have staunchly supported their North Korean allies, along whose side they fought in the war.

China previously insisted that the war was waged out of American aggression. The official title of the conflict on the mainland is "The War to Resist America and Aid Korea".

Chinese history textbooks state that the Korean War began when "the United States assembled a United Nations army of 15 countries and defiantly marched across the border and invaded North Korea, spreading the flames of war to our Yalu river."

The official Chinese media stated for the first time that it was North Korea that dealt the first blow. In a special report, Xinhua's International Affairs journal said: "On June 25, 1950, the North Korean army marched over 38th Parallel and started the attack. Three days later, Seoul fell."

China and North Korea were "as close as lips and teeth," said Mao Tse-tung.

The Korean War, which has never formally ended, has been largely forgotten in the West, despite the deaths of between two and three million people in the fighting.

In Asia, however, the memory of the war is still felt strongly and has sustained a continuing alliance and emotional bond between Beijing and Pyongyang.

While many Chinese historians privately subscribe to the view that North Korea was the aggressor in the war, driven by Kim Il-sung's desire to unite the Korean peninsula under a Communist banner, the matter remains highly sensitive.

"It is not convenient for me to comment on the matter," said Zhang Liangui, a leading professor of Korean studies at the Communist Central Party School in Beijing. "I was not aware of this timeline [in the Xinhua article]. As far as I am aware there has been no change to the official view on the war."

Meanwhile, the Global Times, a government-run newspaper, said it was "high time to renew and strengthen efforts by Chinese scholars to discover the truth about the Korean War."

In Seoul, South Korea held an official ceremony to remember the war and Lee Myung-bak, the president, paid tribute to the dead. "Sixty years ago, North Korea's communists opened fire on a weekend's dawn when all people were sleeping peacefully," he said.

Meanwhile, across the border, North Korea put across its own view of the conflict. Under the headline: "US, Provoker of Korean War," the country's state news agency accused Washington of starting the war with a surprise attack.

"All the historical facts show that it is the US imperialists who unleashed the war in Korea and that the United States can never escape from the responsibility," the Korean Central News Agency said.

Then, if you your theory is correct, China is able to go back in history and change events to match their "fairy tale".

BTW, I do recommend J.K. Rowlings books to you, since you never seem to live in reality.
Interesting how Indian members here all conveniently chose to ignore the point I raised in post #73, namely the murder rates in China is less than half that of India's.

Anyway I suggest Indian and Chinese members to make a truce here. Our Indian friends can take pride in their country executing a few thousand less criminals than China, and Chinese members can feel relieved knowing ten thousand less people are being murdered each year in China than in India. Sounds reasonable?
Interesting how Indian members here all conveniently chose to ignore the point I raised in post #73, namely the murder rates in China is less than half that of India's.

Anyway I suggest Indian and Chinese members to make a truce here. Our Indian friends can take pride in their country executing a few thousand less criminals than China, and Chinese members can feel relieved knowing ten thousand less people are being murdered each year in China than in India. Sounds reasonable?

Nah, logic and reality don't seem to establish an equilibrium very well with these Indian members' way of thinking.
^^ how can you compare rates when in this very article your govt is cited as hiding numbers " State secrets" - it comes back to same thing over and over again. You guys are supposed to have this great IQ and get it :)

It's really not that hard. If you have a govt that hides the numbers of the people it executes , how do you go by the criminal activity numbers being credible - that the same govt puts out?
^^ how can you compare rates when in this very article your govt is cited as hiding numbers " State secrets" - it comes back to same thing over and over again. You guys are supposed to have this great IQ and get it :)

It's really not that hard. If you have a govt that hides the numbers of the people it executes , how do you go by the criminal activity numbers being credible - that the same govt puts out?

I'm again amazed by your tremendous capacity of logical deduction. So you're suggesting the Chinese government is falsifying murder rates and at the same time stubbornly refuse to release the execution figure instead of simply pulling a number out of thin air?

If anything at all can be concluded from the Chinese government's refusal to release the number of executions, wouldn't that point to Chinese government being more honest with the figures it does release?
How Chinese people think the USA? We do not trust the USA. If one politicians to accept USA's help, we will abandon him, we will think he is a traitor. For example, Liu Xiaobo, his political life has finished.
Liu Xiaobo received Western aid, so he will service the West interests, not our interest. We will not trust him.

Why is that so? China has a traditional Ruling Ideology, that is "内圣外王".
That is why most Chinese people do not trust the USA. Because the USA is that "内圣外王"! We are too familiar with the practice of the USA. We have 5,000 years to play "内圣外王".

What is "内圣外王"?
make easy, "内圣" is "protect own citizens, defend their interests", "外王" is "unfair treatment of foreign, implementation imperialism."
内圣外王 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
So USA democracy is only democracy in the American people. Other countries democratic, have or have not, the decision by the US's interests.

Therefore, Chinese people will see "Dictatorship" or "Democracy" as the USA to develop rules of the game.
Britons have rules "The transmission of civilization", use it to colonial the world.
Crusader have rules "Holy war", use it to invasion of the Middle East.
Ancient China also have rules "教化蛮夷", we certainly is not a good neighbor...

So We will not follow the rules of the USA, We will find own way, to develop new rules of the game, protect our own interests.

I know the Indians will not understand this, because the Indians never had its own rules. Indians enjoy being ruled, Indians enjoy to live in other people's rules.

PS: Plz learn history, Not the same with India, China has never been a colony, Even the most prosperous period in the British, China only lost a Hong Kong. WW2, We never surrender, We eliminated the 1.33 million Japanese troops.

I am still waiting for you to make post something coherent which can make sense. Perhaps you need to take help from one of the other members here.
Besides instances like The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution, China routinely also kills at least 750,000 of its own citizens. Here - look at this - probably the number is higher

China's 'cancer villages' reveal dark side of economic boom | Environment | The Guardian

Or this -
THE World Bank has reluctantly censored a report revealing that pollution-related diseases kill 750,000 people in China every year.

The bank acted under pressure from Chinese officials who feared the revelation would provoke "social unrest".

Almost a third of the report, Cost of Pollution in China, produced in co-operation with several Chinese government ministries, was cut out, including a map showing where the deaths were concentrated.

China's State Environment Protection Agency and the Health Ministry asked the World Bank to cut the calculations of premature deaths from the report, along with the map, when a draft was completed at the end of last year, London's Financial Times reported, citing World Bank advisers and Chinese officials.

The environment agency's role in the censoring is unusual given that it has aggressively used media exposure to campaign for public and political support for tougher action on pollution.

"The World Bank was told that it could not publish this information. It was too sensitive and could cause social unrest," an adviser to the study told the Financial Times.

The report has yet to be officially launched, but the version omitting the most sensitive sections was released at a conference in Beijing in March. Chinese officials at the conference, however, mentioned the 750,000 premature deaths figure in their presentations, even after they had insisted on that data being removed.

The World Bank has previously reported that 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities were in China, with estimates of the number of deaths from pollution there around 400,000.

The new World Bank study found the figure is almost double that, with most deaths caused by air pollution in large cities. Indoor air pollution, mainly from fumes from coal-burning stoves and cooking oil, were responsible for about 300,000 premature deaths.

About 60,000 premature deaths were attributed to diarrhoea and cancers caused by polluted water, mainly in rural areas.
I'm again amazed by your tremendous capacity of logical deduction. So you're suggesting the Chinese government is falsifying murder rates and at the same time stubbornly refuse to release the execution figure instead of simply pulling a number out of thin air?

If anything at all can be concluded from the Chinese government's refusal to release the number of executions, wouldn't that point to Chinese government being more honest with the figures it does release?

Only in china and from a chinese... they are lying by withholding names and numbers , so when they do give out some number, that govt prone to lie , must be honest about it this time. LOL ROFL ROFL.
^^ how can you compare rates when in this very article your govt is cited as hiding numbers " State secrets" - it comes back to same thing over and over again. You guys are supposed to have this great IQ and get it :)

It's really not that hard. If you have a govt that hides the numbers of the people it executes , how do you go by the criminal activity numbers being credible - that the same govt puts out?

the evil communist Chinese dictators are devils and China is hell am i right? any evidence that proves otherwise are just evil communist propaganda am i right?

it is really useless talking to you.

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