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China eating into Indian territory: Look at UPA's and CCP's false lies

It's only a matter of time till we get a new government, and then all these matters will disappear because all china will be ours ! It's the best solution to all these fusses, when no china will exist on earth. You just wait for that moment...
It's only a matter of time till we get a new government, and then all these matters will disappear because all china will be ours ! It's the best solution to all these fusses, when no china will exist on earth. You just wait for that moment...

yeh its just a matter of a year when India will have a new govt and then China will be yours
Lol, if you take a look at the inhabitants of AP, do they look close to Chinese or Indians?

They are closely related to the Tibetans, and it should be a part of Tibet. And historically Tibet was never a part of India, but it has been a part of China for over 700 years.

Huh? what do Indians look like?
Lol, if you take a look at the inhabitants of AP, do they look close to Chinese or Indians?

They are closely related to the Tibetans, and it should be a part of Tibet. And historically Tibet was never a part of India, but it has been a part of China for over 700 years.

Not just Arunachal Pradesh...almost the whole of NE has origins from Yunnan province...and they all have Mongoloid looks. I hope you know why the word for oriental looks is MONGOL. Even people of Nepal, Bhutan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam...and so on. So you mean you can claim all those regions because they look same...stop putting ridiculous comments. If you start looking history....and make countries..the world map will be different.
Not just Arunachal Pradesh...almost the whole of NE has origins from Yunnan province...and they all have Mongoloid looks. I hope you know why the word for oriental looks is MONGOL. Even people of Nepal, Bhutan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam...and so on. So you mean you can claim all those regions because they look same...stop putting ridiculous comments. If you start looking history....and make countries..the world map will be different.

The difference is that Indians call them Chinkis aka Chinese while Nepal/Bhutan, Japan etc etc dont call them Chinese

The smallest fish is green :undecided:
The difference is that Indians call them Chinkis aka Chinese while Nepal/Bhutan, Japan etc etc dont call them Chinese

You seem to know more about NE than me. Well I have came across this word throughout my life....being Nepali and educated in NE...I have traveled extensively in India while serving in the Gorkha regiment. Doesn't change a thing...somebody calling me chinki doesn't make me one nor does it make anybody from the NE a chinese...there are ignorant like you all over the world..and India isn't an exception.
Have you heard of the Naga regiment...and do you know its feat during Kargil war. The NE was, is and will always be an integral part of India.....chapter closed.....
didn't someone post this earlier today?:coffee:McMahon Line is a illegal line delimited by a shitty British colonialist,CCP never recognise it before

If you dont recognize it then we dont recognize hongkong since hongkong was given by British to you

The difference is that Indians call them Chinkis aka Chinese while Nepal/Bhutan, Japan etc etc dont call them Chinese

all the pakistanis look like Indians..so we should get hold of Pakistan as well...
If you dont recognize it then we dont recognize hongkong since hongkong was given by British to you

all the pakistanis look like Indians..so we should get hold of Pakistan as well...

I am not interested in your arguments here since I am not a warmonger. But how does the fact that India recognizes Hongkong as part of China or not affect Hongkong's status? Hongkong is not a disputed land between India and China, lol. Get better example....Plus, Hongkong was not "given" by the British. Hongkong was loaned to Britain for 99 years and the lease simply expired in 1997.
I am not interested in your arguments here since I am not a warmonger. But how does the fact that India recognizes Hongkong as part of China or not affect Hongkong's status? Hongkong is not a disputed land between India and China, lol. Get better example....Plus, Hongkong was not "given" by the British. Hongkong was loaned to Britain for 99 years and the lease simply expired in 1997.

Bud- it does not make a difference that it is disputed or not- we assume it is disputed, anybody coming to India from Hongkong will get stapled visas, since India should assume HongKong still part of Britian,..how is that ..this is known as "tit for tat"
No matter how loud one say or how many times one say, the result still depends on the war result if without talk on tables.
No matter how loud one say or how many times one say, the result still depends on the war result if without talk on tables.

yes- I agree..that is true..let me know when you want to have war and when you want to talk ..we are ready for both...:sniper:
yes- I agree..that is true..let me know when you want to have war and when you want to talk ..we are ready for both...:sniper:
So I am bored with so many boundary problem threads, war or talk let gor and army to solve it, one should believe their gor and army on the problem
No matter how loud one say or how many times one say, the result still depends on the war result if without talk on tables.

Sure...a war against India, Japan, Vietnam, Taipei....and simultaneous conflicts in Xinjiang (Uyghur) and Tibet....no matter what the result is....one thing is guaranteed..might begin the third world war.

No matter how loud one say or how many times one say, the result still depends on the war result if without talk on tables.

Sure...a war against India, Japan, Vietnam, Taipei....and simultaneous conflicts in Xinjiang (Uyghur) and Tibet....no matter what the result is....one thing is guaranteed..might begin the third world war.
You seem to know more about NE than me. Well I have came across this word throughout my life....being Nepali and educated in NE...I have traveled extensively in India while serving in the Gorkha regiment. Doesn't change a thing...somebody calling me chinki doesn't make me one nor does it make anybody from the NE a chinese...there are ignorant like you all over the world..and India isn't an exception.
Have you heard of the Naga regiment...and do you know its feat during Kargil war. The NE was, is and will always be an integral part of India.....chapter closed.....

phew seems your deployment has affected your reading skills.

Calling them chinkis indeed doesnt make them Chinese BUT the main point is Indians consider them Chinese by calling them chinkis.

NE is your or not that is not the point of my debate but the people there are surely NOT Fair and Lovely stuff
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