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China eating into Indian territory: Look at UPA's and CCP's false lies


Jul 19, 2010
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Check this $h!t out..:angry:
didn't someone post this earlier today?:coffee:McMahon Line is a illegal line delimited by a shitty British colonialist,CCP never recognise it before
Well it simply lays down the distinction between your intention and expression. Nothing else.

oh,what india is gonna do about that........besides i can read these pics in other way,indian workers accidently crossed the line ,chinese soldiers gave tham a friendly advise to go back...... no big issue here,considering indian govt was still hiding the documents of 1962 war,people may give more credit to my story........
What more credible news you want ? A Chinese source ??
Just by looking at the video we can't say where the actual line is, which is disputed to date. Did the Indian citizens cross into Chinese controlled part or did the Chinese soldiers cross into India, hard to tell from the video. I would wait for the official word from Army or govt. Construction at borders/near border or control lines are very sensitive matter and villagers/residents must have had it approved by govt/military before going there. If it was so then where was the army or military escort. If the Chinese soldiers could come in few minutes where was the Indian army? Hope things are as both countries say it in open that both China and India are not enemies and can co-exist as good neighbours.
Isn't it almost 50 year anniversary since 1962? Is Beijing offering a re-match to New Delhi?
I won't believe this news until someone credible claims it.

Last year i have been to leh-laddakh where i have interacted with the locals and came to know that its 100% fact that china is grabbing our land inch by inch as its not marked by any boundary/fence etc. etc.

The manmohan singh the weakest prime minister ever men with no balls is hiding all the facts to save his ***
Lol, if you take a look at the inhabitants of AP, do they look close to Chinese or Indians?

They are closely related to the Tibetans, and it should be a part of Tibet. And historically Tibet was never a part of India, but it has been a part of China for over 700 years.
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