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China demands territorial concessions to bring it closer to India's sensiti

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That quote is deeply embeded in our Indian culture. No need to put pressure on your mind. Our great walls were and still Himalayas.

Lets face it. That quote was taught to you guys to unite your country post 1947. Prior to British India, India existed as a civilization, such as the western European civilization. But India was never a country with defined borders and government. This is the real history, not the white washed history that even tried to deny Aryan invasion.

here comes our "India Expert"..why do you guys post same rant over and over again in different threads and get your @$$$ kicked??how many times i've to post same links and quotes again??

No need to post link and quotes that I had debunked many times.
Lets face it. That quote was taught to you guys to unite your country post 1947. Prior to British India, India existed as a civilization, such as the western European civilization. But India was never a country with defined borders and government. This is the real history, not the white washed history that even tried to deny Aryan invasion.

Its in mentioned in religious scriptures epics like Puranas, Mahabharat, Jatakas and there is no chance of changing it. Every Indian kid know about.

We live in same indian land, not like Hans who have colonized non-Han land west and North of Great wall which was bulit to keep away non-Hans. :cheesy:
No need to post link and quotes that I had debunked many times.

debunked means never replied,got it..lets face it dude,you're no expert.you don't know anything about india properly,so don't pretend to be.its simple.
debunked means never replied,got it..lets face it dude,you're no expert.you don't know anything about india properly,so don't pretend to be.its simple.

Debunk the fact that India was a nation before the Brits taught you what is a nation. India was a geographical expression so Churchill was right about India.
Its in mentioned in religious scriptures epics like Puranas, Mahabharat, Jatakas and there is no chance of changing it. Every Indian kid know about.

We live in same indian land, not like Hans who have colonized non-Han land west and North of Great wall which was bulit to keep away non-Hans. :cheesy:

That all refer to India as a land of Hinduism and one civilization. You haven't answered me when the British gained the right to collect tax in Bangal, any Indian prince, king or emperor proclaimed that India was invaded?
That all refer to India as a land of Hinduism and one civilization. You haven't answered me when the British gained the right to collect tax in Bangal, any Indian prince, king or emperor proclaimed that India was invaded?

Mughal king came from Delhi to Bengal to provide taxation rights to British.
Mughal king came from Delhi to Bengal to provide taxation rights to British.

That is because Mughal proclaim itself as the emperor of northern India. But southern India was not Mughal land. No southern Indian prince cares about this as this event happened far away from their country. This prove that India consist of various countries until British unified India. It was not a single country but was torn by civil war. Hence, my point of British created India.
That is because Mughal proclaim itself as the emperor of northern India. But southern India was not Mughal land. No southern Indian prince cares about this as this event happened far away from their country. This prove that India consist of various countries until British unified India. It was not a single country but was torn by civil war. Hence, my point of British created India.

Few page back I posted the map of Mughal Empire in early 18th century as far Thiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu. Have a look instead of saying bullshit. When Marathas conquered Delhi, Mughal were still considered Emperor of India.
Chinese find so hard to digest that India was the richest state having 80% + of world trade even when their ancetsors

"India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border!"
~~~ Hu Shih ( former Ambassador of China to USA)

"India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and the world's teacher in trignometry, quandratic equations, grammar, phonetics, Arabian Nights, animal fables, chess, as well as in philosophy, and that she inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Herder, Schopenhauer, Emerson, and probably also old Aesop."

"India produced too much religion and China too little." A trickle of Indian religious spirit overflowed to China and inundated the whole of Eastern Asia. It would seem logical and appropriate that any one suffering from a deficiency of the religious spirit should turn to India rather than to any other country in the world."

It is apparent that only in India is religion still a living

A master chronicler

Our present knowledge of the nervous system fits in so accurately with the internal description of the human body given in the Vedas (5000 years ago). Then the question arises whether the Vedas are really religious books or books on anatomy of the nervous system and medicine."
~~~ Rele

1.Will Durant, American historian: "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all".

Mark Twain, American author: "India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."
That is because Mughal proclaim itself as the emperor of northern India. But southern India was not Mughal land. No southern Indian prince cares about this as this event happened far away from their country. This prove that India consist of various countries until British unified India. It was not a single country but was torn by civil war. Hence, my point of British created India.

Mughal Empire in early 18th century

Maratha Empire in mid 18th century.
Mughal Empire in early 18th century

Maratha Empire in mid 18th century.

Thanks for proving that these empires are for themselves, not empires called India. A quick question, who did the Mughals replace and did Mughals regard itself as the continuation of this empire? Of course not as they regard themselves as the continuation of Timur and Ganghis Khan. And they replaced Dehli Sultanate, which was a previous invader. So its just one invasion of India after one another until India was united by the British. And British did not trace itself from the Mughals or Maratha. The present day India can only trace itself to British India.
According to Japanese map,that's Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD) China,the name of the main Chinese ethnic group came from this dynasty.


China Tang Dynasty (618-907)

India is a state not based on ethnicity.

yes ,I can tell


India - Extreme Risk of Terrorism (Highest category)
China - Low Risk of Terrorism (Lowest category)
Manchus and Mongol are model minorities in China,we never cause any trouble for the government,we are all Chinese and we are native to China,so bring us in this thread can only shows how strong our country is now.





Thanks for proving that these empires are for themselves, not empires called India. A quick question, who did the Mughals replace and did Mughals regard itself as the continuation of this empire? Of course not as they regard themselves as the continuation of Timur and Ganghis Khan. And they replaced Dehli Sultanate, which was a previous invader. So its just one invasion of India after one another until India was united by the British. And British did not trace itself from the Mughals or Maratha. The present day India can only trace itself to British India.

It was an Empire because nation state is recent westen import. But orginal Han homeland or the real China lies in South and East of the Great wall while our Bharat lies between Himalayas and the three seas since ancient time.
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