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China commits $6.5 billion for Pakistani nuclear project

Okay okay! Since you are here, no further "Chinese" issue from my side, actually Chinese products & tech have a peculiar worldwide reputation, that's why! :-)

But still, why not a less populated area for a nuclear plant? And I guess Karachi also has more disturbances from extremists, shouldn't that also be a matter of concern? :undecided:

Chinese products & tech have a peculiar worldwide reputation
My household has 8 items of Chinese origin and they work perfectly fine. You know there was a time when westerners mocked the Japanese Nikkon cameras, and now look where Nikkon is?

But still, why not a less populated area for a nuclear plant?
You don't even know where it is going to be located, Karachi is a massive metropolis, will it be HUB will it be near the port? non of that information is public yet... Also western cities have nuclear reactors and plants close to population, sellafield comes to mind.

And I guess Karachi also has more disturbances from extremists, shouldn't that also be a matter of concern?

You think we don't have "Vital Installation Security". SPG Zindabad....Go ahead, just try to take a picture of the east wall of Islamabad Airport... :enjoy:
India went to US for nuclear deal and so far nothing concrete to show from the deal. But indian diplomat did get stripped searched. On the other hand Pakistan started late and under heavy odd and constant anti Pakistan campaign by india, Pakistan managed to obtain funding and commitment reactor. That is not small feat. Hope Pakistan and China get on with the project ASAP and address much waited electricity issue.

Nice try.....It seems you have made good research for this specific post..

Very happy :victory::victory::bounce::victory::yahoo::cheers::victory::chilli::victory::lock::nana::lock::yay::victory::bounce::victory:
Choosing right friends and allies...China and Turkey are two examples.
Im proud that pakistan chose and maintained ties with real friends.
Our foreign policy has been maturing after the 90s and the real worth of ties with US has been assessed. IA pakistan will now only invest in right relationships and stop being a fool.

Congrats Pakistan!
Another gem in :pakistan:Pak-China:china: ties.
Keep going guys. IA we are inseparable.
I want to see a major Chinese naval as well as air base in Gwadar.

Dude...in the quest of opposing India...you are taking a big risk....Making naval base, getting ammunation is a separate thing....But building a nuclear reactor is a separate issue...For safelty of your people at least, you should go for building by company which has good track record in building nuclear reactor...
I like Dray suggestion. Build these nuclear power plant in western part of Pakistan. Any accident and nuclear fallout would affect the western neighbour first.

How about Gawadar. It is a Chinese built port city. In single stroke both of these problems would be solved. Iranian please do not mind. This is a suggestion for over enthusiastic Pakistan, to build with half cooked Chinese technology.
Pakistan have vast empty areas where these plants can be built and they can be connected to desired location which be safer.
I like Dray suggestion. Build these nuclear power plant in western part of Pakistan. Any accident and nuclear fallout would affect the western neighbour first.

How about Gawadar. It is a Chinese built port city. In single stroke both of these problems would be solved. Iranian please do not mind. This is a suggestion for over enthusiastic Pakistan, to build with half cooked Chinese technology.

Here is a suggestion. No one asked for indian suggestion, Pakistan is perfectly capable of making its own decision and look after its interest. If indians having too much heart burn and expressing that in the form of "suggestion" go see a doctor for remedy.
Dude...in the quest of opposing India...you are taking a big risk....Making naval base, getting ammunation is a separate thing....But building a nuclear reactor is a separate issue...For safelty of your people at least, you should go for building by company which has good track record in building nuclear reactor...

Really? By all means please do educate us about the horrible record of the Chinese when it comes to nuclear safety?

You do realize that all of Pakistan's Civilian Nuclear Reactors are under the supervision of the IAEA and all the reactors follow the SOP set by IAEA. There has not been a single incident with Pakistan's Civilian Nuclear Reactors. You honestly think that people working in PAEC haven't done their research before committing to this project.

I like Dray suggestion. Build these nuclear power plant in western part of Pakistan. Any accident and nuclear fallout would affect the western neighbour first.

How about Gawadar. It is a Chinese built port city. In single stroke both of these problems would be solved. Iranian please do not mind. This is a suggestion for over enthusiastic Pakistan, to build with half cooked Chinese technology.

Our house, our rules :bounce:

If Pakistan is capable of making its own decisions then they would not go to get second class Chinese technology for most dangerous Nuclear reactors.

If you insist on that, go build it at Gawadar, away from India.
It makes me laugh to see how these people are literally giving every single contract to the Chinese. they come they build and they take the profits. I mean atleast try something on your own.
its a loan, learn to read.


There have been only one accident in Japan, Russia and US. All these. Countries have master e d the nuclear technology compared to china who operate a few reactors.

Do not depend on a country which has little experience.

Pakistani reactors are pin sized compared to what is being planned.
why not? china has tons of experience and so does pakistan, both china and pakistan are years ahead of india.
Do not do it, Pakistan.

In a half stolen half cooked nuclear technology, the loss would be for Pakistan.

One accident and half of city of Karachi or Lahore would cease to exist.
Karachi already has a Nuclear power plant for almost 50 years now i think so don't you worry please.

If Pakistan is capable of making its own decisions then they would not go to get second class Chinese technology for most dangerous Nuclear reactors.

If you insist on that, go build it at Gawadar, away from India.

If it is good or bad that decision also belogs to Pakistan NOT indians to poke their dirty nose.You indians don't get it, even when door is showed. That beggar like mentality does not have any value.

Karachi already has a Nuclear power plant for almost 50 years now i think so don't you worry please.

Thanks for debunking some noise.

ISLAMABAD: The Ambassador of People’s Republic of China to Pakistan, Sun Weidong said on Friday the cooperation with Pakistan on the nuclear program would continue and the reservations of some states in this regards were baseless, DawnNews reported.

The Ambassador said the Pak-China civil nuclear cooperation was according to the standards set by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the deal would soothe Pakistan’s energy-starved state and the economic condition as well.

While speaking to the media representatives in the Foreign Office, the Chinese Ambassador said the concept of an economic corridor would bring an economic revolution in western China and Pakistan, and for the completion of this purpose Pakistan and China would have to work in unison.

Talking about the Sino-Pak Economic Corridor Mr Weidong further said it is a long-term project however both the countries were committed to enjoy its early fruits after five to seven years.

He also said that there were dozens of other projects which were linked to the construction of the economic corridor and that for the early completion of the corridor, construction of motorways, the Karakoram Highway and development of other infrastructure was significant.

He added that the Gwadar port held great strategic importance for Pakistan and China would preferably continue trade with Pakistan through it.

Sino-Pak nuclear cooperation to continue: Chinese Ambassador - DAWN.COM
Okay okay! Since you are here, no further "Chinese" issue from my side, actually Chinese products & tech have a peculiar worldwide reputation, that's why! :-)

But still, why not a less populated area for a nuclear plant? And I guess Karachi also has more disturbances from extremists, shouldn't that also be a matter of concern? :undecided:

People as poor as you lot don't deserve quality Chinese products。

If you want quality Chinese products,pay up and ask your merchants to import such。

Unfortunately Indian merchants know every well that an average Indian consumer can only afford products made in Chinese peasants' courtyard. That's why you run into Indian merchants even in the back alleys of Yiwu, a city known for trading cheap consumables.:lol:

Okay okay! Since you are here, no further "Chinese" issue from my side, actually Chinese products & tech have a peculiar worldwide reputation, that's why! :-)

But still, why not a less populated area for a nuclear plant? And I guess Karachi also has more disturbances from extremists, shouldn't that also be a matter of concern? :undecided:

People as poor as you lot don't deserve quality Chinese products。

If you want quality Chinese products,pay up and ask your merchants to import such。

Unfortunately Indian merchants know every well that an average Indian consumer can only afford products made in Chinese peasants' courtyard. That's why you run into Indian merchants even in the back alleys of Yiwu, a city known for trading cheap consumables.:lol:

If Pakistan is capable of making its own decisions then they would not go to get second class Chinese technology for most dangerous Nuclear reactors.

If you insist on that, go build it at Gawadar, away from India.

Yup! India produced that world class product that even Rafale will never trust crap made in India fighter. :lol:

If China product is second class , made in India belongs to cow dung :lol:
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