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China closes website after reform call

That's the different between Chinese and Indian, we think food is the first basic urge, you think expressing freedomly is first!

About the freedom, we know much well how to get it, don't need indian come here teach us, your india style freedom is a joke, Chinese like freedom, but india-style, forget it.....

By the way, indian, you'd better talking about freedom in front of Chinese, it is very hilarious thing for most of Chinese, I think no one think you are qualified, even for pro-democracy Chinese.....

Back to the news, don't much care about these, I just know CCP are trying its best to move to democracy, without influence stability.

Yes, we can't criticise CCP seriously, but most of chinese feel good, Chinese will push it move forward, that's all, and good.

Indian has so much freedom to criticize their government right? That's what they keep trying to tell us all the time.
All these critics for so many years and still it's quite a backward country. Mainland people can't criticize CCP too much and what has CCP done for its people? A lot, we are moving forward not backward. It takes time to reform, there are still plenty of poor people and other social problems to deal with but at least all people has toilets at home. For god sake > 50% Indian home has no toilets and Indians have the most freedom to criticize their government but they fail to build toilets.
The present CCP is different from the beginnings when CCP was still in the early stage. How long has Taiwan been stagnant? Look at China now, it's expanding and developing fast. There's no real communism in today's China. Mao's policies and the communism did wreck China quite a lot but as you can see now it's going in the right direction. Blood brothers should reunite and we can only benefit from it.

Yes, I saw the change too. Somehow, mainland China government culture resemble the past imperial era. What happen in mainland China right now is truly amazing.

But some communism is still there. Our culture and tradition are still being oppressed, not respected in the high place. Mainland China is still look like a communist country, than a real China, an true East Asia country.
Agree! Just like Julian Assange, the best example of the victim of free speech and free press. The West is over promoting it, some people really believe it, crossed the invisible red line, and the bad thing happened to them.

The right words are free speech and free press with a reason.
Har...What Assange did was very arguably illegal. But if you want to see an example of free speech and free press, look no further than Noam Chomsky. He hate the US and yet is a millionaire hawking his anti-US books in the US and overseas. He called the Pentagon the most evil institution and yet took its money in his research in MIT. For all his diatribe against the country that assured his freedom to do so, he did nothing even halfway close to what Assange did.
Chinese lecturing Indians about freedom and democracy !!!!

What is today - the oxymoron day ???
Har...What Assange did was very arguably illegal. But if you want to see an example of free speech and free press, look no further than Noam Chomsky. He hate the US and yet is a millionaire hawking his anti-US books in the US and overseas. He called the Pentagon the most evil institution and yet took its money in his research in MIT. For all his diatribe against the country that assured his freedom to do so, he did nothing even halfway close to what Assange did.

And Alex Jones......

China has Ai Weiwei, he have a lot of free time to promote anti-government. Not to mention other millions of liberal follower netizens and shills. The different between Noam Chomsky with Ai Weiwei, Noam Chomsky doesn't have foreign supporters who have hidden agenda to control US politics or even overthrown US government for their own interest.

Just like Taiwan and HK, there are many protesters from NGOs, fierce oppositions and angry media these days. All of them are funded and controlled by foreign country for their interest. Because HK is under mainland China care, foreign country want to see it fail, by making dysfunctional political situation that will affect economy, social and whole things. So does Taiwan, with the pro-China KMT ruler.

This is not democracy, free speech nor free press.......this is an angry mob, run and controlled by foreign country.
Chinese lecturing Indians about freedom and democracy !!!!

What is today - the oxymoron day ???

May be yes and may be not. That depend on how much your knowledge about democracy and communism, outside Cold War propaganda.

If you look the official name of communist countries, there's a people democracy there. Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, and People's Republic of China.
Har...What Assange did was very arguably illegal. But if you want to see an example of free speech and free press, look no further than Noam Chomsky. He hate the US and yet is a millionaire hawking his anti-US books in the US and overseas. He called the Pentagon the most evil institution and yet took its money in his research in MIT. For all his diatribe against the country that assured his freedom to do so, he did nothing even halfway close to what Assange did.

Noam Chomsky blame US govt much but never touch the red line of overthrow the current system and build a completely different one. imagine if he was to build a communist govt or any other kind of govt in amarica,what will be his fate!
Noam Chomsky blame US govt much but never touch the red line of overthrow the current system and build a completely different one. imagine if he was to build a communist govt or any other kind of govt in amarica,what will be his fate!
There are plenty of communist societies in the US. They are called 'families' and 'monasteries'. :lol:

To date, the only successful communist societies are the family unit and the religious orders. Chomsky is definitely free to establish either version.
Btw, I'm not fan of CCP. I just want to say, that is the reality worldwide, not just in China.

CCP is a communist, they hate and destroyed Chinese civilization thru oppression and later Cultural Revolution. A lot of Taiwanese hate them so much. The only reason why Taiwanese look on mainland China, not because of communist, but they look it as China, their motherland.

The communism is the biggest reason why Taiwanese hugely oppose unification.

If mainland China left the communism, renaming CCP and completely abandoned communism, restored Confucianism and Chinese civilization, that is the time for reunification. I'm looking and hope for it.

What is your definition of 'Chinese Civilization' that is so different from Chinese culture today?
And Alex Jones......

China has Ai Weiwei, he have a lot of free time to promote anti-government. Not to mention other millions of liberal follower netizens and shills. The different between Noam Chomsky with Ai Weiwei, Noam Chomsky doesn't have foreign supporters who have hidden agenda to control US politics or even overthrown US government for their own interest.

Just like Taiwan and HK, there are many protesters from NGOs, fierce oppositions and angry media these days. All of them are funded and controlled by foreign country for their interest. Because HK is under mainland China care, foreign country want to see it fail, by making dysfunctional political situation that will affect economy, social and whole things. So does Taiwan, with the pro-China KMT ruler.

This is not democracy, free speech nor free press.......this is an angry mob, run and controlled by foreign country.
People like Ai Weiwei is a rarity in China and threats to the government, while the Chomskys and Alex Joneses are dime-a-dozen in the US and pretty much left alone. To the tunes of million$ if the person is savvy enough. Ask yourself as to why there are no foreign supporters for these Americans especially when what they want for the US have never been in doubt. For Chomsky, it is clearly a communist government.
Noam Chomsky blame US govt much but never touch the red line of overthrow the current system and build a completely different one. imagine if he was to build a communist govt or any other kind of govt in amarica,what will be his fate!

Well you dont have to look much farther, than this ‘Constitution Should Be Abandoned’ Says Georgetown University Law Professor

Its hard to go much past a red line than that without resorting to violent overthrow.

Yes his paper is widely criticized (because people are free to criticize it), the newspaper that published the opinion piece was criticized (because people are free to criticize it), but there was no legal action or extralegal action taken by the government, and the government didn't shut the paper down (nor are they legally allowed to).

When an idea is stupid or otherwise worthless, it will be shot down naturally in the court of public opinion, trying to shape the public opinion in the way China is doing has no benefit to the country, it is all about power and the exercise of it.
Well you dont have to look much farther, than this ‘Constitution Should Be Abandoned’ Says Georgetown University Law Professor

Its hard to go much past a red line than that without resorting to violent overthrow.

Yes his paper is widely criticized (because people are free to criticize it), the newspaper that published the opinion piece was criticized (because people are free to criticize it), but there was no legal action or extralegal action taken by the government, and the government didn't shut the paper down (nor are they legally allowed to).

When an idea is stupid or otherwise worthless, it will be shot down naturally in the court of public opinion, trying to shape the public opinion in the way China is doing has no benefit to the country, it is all about power and the exercise of it.
That is the problem from the Chinese crowd here. To their intellectually dishonest minds, the court of public opinion, aka 'the soap box in the village square' is no different than political censorship. To them, if something in the US does not go to their opinions, then it can only be from 'censorship' and 'oppression'. Never from public discussions about the merits of said ideas and the persuasions thereof.
Every nation has its red lines Julian Assange is now held up in a embassy, Bradley Manning is in solitary confinement. When the powers to be feels that they are been threatened by dissent they will lash out no matter what political system or cultural background they come from.
In our country,there are two kind of guys must be shut up
1:Who is Being controlled by western media and received money from western.
2:Guys who is silly and fool,low IQ,stupid.They are moan and groan without being ill.
Ultimately each country national security will decide how much freedom is given to the nation. Assange's work threatened the US security and they decided to nab him to shut him up. If Wikileaks were China centric I doubt the US would give a toss about what he published.

China is a communist country at the end of the day and of course the freedom it permits to citizens are lower than that of a democratic nation, but is it to a level where people in China give a damn I doubt so. Only a bunch of hypocritical b*stards would come and point fingers and compare it against their own country who is also trying to hide certain truths from the world.

I vividly remember the video of the cameraman getting gunned down by mistake from the helicopter which was getting shushed up. Where is freedom of speech then, god know how many more incidences and worse have been going on we have no clue about.

My pity goes out to the innocent families getting butchered everyday by a bunch of yankee doodles screaming viva la freedom

China closing a website making the news. Good lord, save us all

China should just take Assange under wing and fund his website, push this freedom of speech BS to the next level and watch the hypocrites BURN!
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