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China closes website after reform call

满清非中国。满清是飞奔在历史逆车道的特快列车!满清和现在的CCP差不多,都是要灭绝中国文化。The real chinese dynasties are all strong and prosperous.

The Manchurian Qing was bad and incompetent, but the Ming Dynasty wouldn't be much better, it was also corrupt and stagnant.

Without CPC, China will even end up being worse than India.
The Manchurian Qing was bad and incompetent, but the Ming Dynasty wouldn't be much better, it was also corrupt and stagnant.

Without CPC, China will even end up being worse than India.

If Ming was weak, how can Ming send the fleet to indian ocean ?
No, that is not the reason. It's totally being suppressed and defamed like it's a great dangerous disease. Total infidel and heretic.

Even after the whole world shocked about Yueyue case, a toddler crushed by car twice in the cold blooded society. This evil communist government still don't have conscience and realize their mistake.

I just want to say, this communist government worse than Qing dynasty. It's time for second Boxer Uprising to kick the evil foreign communism out from China!

It is sad that you equate the whole of billion people on one incident. There are heartless people everywhere. American is afflicted murder suicide and mass shooting everyday. Do you attribute that democracy?
It is sad that you equate the whole of billion people on one incident. There are heartless people everywhere. American is afflicted murder suicide and mass shooting everyday. Do you attribute that democracy?

May be not now, but if China government didn't start to re-promote traditional moral value, the whole 1.3 billion people morality fall is inevitable. Money will rule China and will be glorified by everyone, whatever how they earn it......or if not, the whole country will be outrun by Christianity, who definitely will be Western slave and further destruction to Chinese civilization.

Mainland Chinese must know how to say stop, to all these craziness.
Any given day an Indian enjoys more freedom and democracy than a chinese .

People living in glass houses shouldnot throw stones at others.

Like Taiwan, India have freedom to express and practicing their local religion and tradition.
Any given day an Indian enjoys more freedom and democracy than a chinese .

People living in glass houses shouldnot throw stones at others.

Singapore rated 135 on the press freedom list

Strangely enough many people rushing to my glass house to live :lol:


Auckland (3) retains its position as the highest-ranking city for quality of living in the region. Sydney follows at 10, Wellington at 13, Melbourne at 17 and Perth at 21. Singapore remains the highest-ranking Asian city at 25 followed by Japanese cities Tokyo (44), Kobe (48), Yokohama (49) and Osaka (57). Hong Kong (70), Seoul (75), Kuala Lumpur (80), Taipei (85) and Shanghai (95) are other major Asian cities ranked in the top 100. The region’s lowest-ranking cities are Dhaka, Bangladesh (203); Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (204); and Dushanbe, Tajikistan (207).

For city infrastructure, Singapore has the highest ranking worldwide followed by Hong Kong (6), Sydney (8), Perth (25), Tokyo (32) and Melbourne (34). Adelaide and Brisbane both ranked 37. Nagoya (41), Auckland (43), Kobe (44), Wellington (48), Seoul (50) and Osaka (51) are the next highest-ranking cities in this region. The region’s lowest-ranking city for city infrastructure is Dhaka, Bangladesh (205).

“A noticeable gap can be seen among Asia Pacific cities where several cities have improved in the region partly because they have been investing massively in infrastructure and public services,” said Mr. Parakatil. Competition among municipalities has been continuously increasing in order to attract multinationals, foreigners, expatriates and tourists. Yet a considerable number of Asian cities rank in the bottom quartile, mainly due to high political volatility, poor infrastructure and obsolete public services.”

2012 Quality of Living survey
1.3billion ppl of China enjoying democracy and freedom??? Result ===>

1. Former Soviet Union

2. Now India

Both worse than current PRC. Who like the democracy, pls move to India or Russia and leave more space for other Chinese ppl living here. More leave, more better, ths.
If Ming was weak, how can Ming send the fleet to indian ocean ?

Then why they didn't keep doing this?

Yongle Emperor was great, but the later Ming Emperors were stupid as hell, they were responsible of letting the West to technologically catch up China and let the Manchus to become a threat.
满清非中国。满清是飞奔在历史逆车道的特快列车!满清和现在的CCP差不多,都是要灭绝中国文化。The real chinese dynasties are all strong and prosperous.

No, CCP is wrose than Manchus Qing 100 times, especially in Mao's Cultural Revolution!

Even though there are some Han massacre in early Qing, at least, there were no total Ethnocide of Chinese cultures.

Many Traditional Chinese cultures disappear in Mainland China because of Cultural Revolution, but those were kept in Hong Kong and Taiwan very well!
满清非中国。满清是飞奔在历史逆车道的特快列车!满清和现在的CCP差不多,都是要灭绝中国文化。The real chinese dynasties are all strong and prosperous.

Chinese newspaper in eye of censorship storm back on sale - CNN.com

Even celebrities voiced their support via their micro-blogging accounts.
Han Han, one of the most influential contemporary writers and bloggers in China, recently wrote on his blog post: "The Southern Weekly has informed me a lot as a reader. It gives power to the weak and hope to the hopeless. So, in its moment of weakness and desperation, I hope we can all lend them some strength, even if just a little, and help it carry on."
Chinese actor Chen Kun tweeted: "I am not that deep and don't play with words, I support the friends at Southern Weekly."
Others used more subtle language.

"Hoping for a spring in this harsh winter," posted Li Bingbing, an actress with some 19 million followers on Weibo, China's Twitter-like service.

Another actress Yao Chen, who has more than 31 million followers, used a quote from Russian dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "One word of truth outweighs the whole world."
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