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China bypasses USN Malacca Straits blockade: Myanmar Pipeline online 2013

We have finally done it! The reason why until now China could not freely leverage our superior military power against our enemies in the region who are jealous of China resuming our place as East Asia's #1 superpower is because we were afraid of a US Navy energy blockade through the Malacca Straits.

Even though in the Asian littorals the PLAN is a modern, devastating force, nobody can match the USN in the blue waters :angry:

Now the solution is finally here: our energy transport will bypass the Malacca Straits
Just as importantly, we are building a high-speed rail way through Myanmar to Thailand, Malayasia and Singapore! :smokin:

With our energy foothold in the indian ocean, sooner or later we will deploy our military to defend this crucial position. In addition to our existing South Sea Fleet based in Hainan, we will need another fleet (Gulf of Thailand fleet?) based in Cambodia and another fleet (indian ocean fleet?) based in Myanmar. These bases can be securely supplied via railway and are defensible against USA adventurism.

Once we established these 5 fleets (3 based in China and 2 abroad) including at least 5 aircraft carrier battlegroups, China will exert full control over East Asia and South East Asia, allowing us to finally liberate our neighborhood from American influence and resume our position as the undisputed #1 superpower of East Asia!

Realizing this 5 fleet, +5 carrier blue water navy will take until the end of the decade (2019-2020) but grabbing a foothold in the indian ocean and Gulf of Thailand will give us the strategic space to develop. Otherwise, USA is effectively boxing us in by instigating island disputes between us and our hostile neighbors.

China's long-term naval development and power projection trajectory all starts when we break through the Malacca Straits blockade by planting our presence in the indian ocean with a pipeline through Myanmar! This is truly a historical moment that will be referenced and recalled by future generations.

What were you smoking when you wrote this piece of junk?

Nuff said!
Increase pressure on the Chinese. Oil is considered the lifeblood of an industry that consumes so much oil. Yes other raw materials are needed to be stopped from being imported into the country but oil is number 1. The human body dies after about a month without food. While it can die in few days without water. Have to speed up the process.

my point was why bother when you can just as easily blockade myanmar at the same time you blockade the straits of malacca? Both have the same result without risking air strikes inside myanmar.
My interpretation is right because you think with a secure oil pipeline you think you don't have to worry about the consequences of your actions by invading other nations by being blockaded. Your pipeline is just a pipeline. How easily it is to cut off a string of thread. You cannot defend hundreds or thousands of miles of pipelines. Bombings of pipelines in ME has shown that. Don't go and start thinking you can do anything because you now feel secure.
:lol: Of course we can defend thousands of miles of pipeline with our J-20 stealth fighter! If we can can build a pipline to the indian ocean, it means we can build a railway. If we can build a railway, it means we can move our heavy armor and SAM batteries along its length to defend any point needed!


why bomb the pipeline? the entrance to the straits of malacca and Myanmar are only about 600NM apart, close enough for one CSG to cover both. Unless china builds a pipeline all the way from eastern china to Iran (at least) they are always going to be vulnerable in this regard.

Then after that you have to consider the stoppage of iron ore imports from australia and other natural resource imports from africa and India. China is vulnerable to blockades on many more things than just oil.
:rofl: China can live without trading with USA, Australia and india. The question is: can USA, Australia and india live without trading with China?

Ludicrous theory & strategy indicative of zilch military experience and know how.

BTW, USAF doesn't need to bomb that pipeline, we'll just have the CIA pay off insurgent groups to blow them up at different points and the PLA and its puppet armies will be chasing gremlins for eternity while the pipeline blows up here and there.
What a fantasy -- insurgent groups in Myanmar! You think it's Afghanistan or something? :rofl:

Sino,why do you think USA will not spare few warships to block mayanmar's port near bay of bengal??creating a blockade in malacca strait will not take a whole lot of armada.few frigates in bay of bengal will effectively create a blockade against Mayanmar's port,don't you think???
China will build a naval base in Myanmar and supply it by rail from China. If the USN try to blockade Myanmar, our fleet can protect our naval base and break through the blockade, even if we can't go toe-to-toe with USN in the blue waters just yet. Once PLAN controls the Malacca Straits from both the indian ocean side and the South China Sea side, we bring all of East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia under our beneficient leadership.
In times of WAR China has to pass through Thailand or Myanmar to check mate the India blockade which is difficult if any of the countries do not want to give passage. Where as the IN in Andaman and Nicobar can easily annihilate these tiny Chinese bases :lol:. The string of pearls can not counter the Iron curtain strategy if IN.
You mean those Andaman and Nicobar Islands discovered by China hundreds of years ago and located very close to Myanmar? ;)

Yes, they definitely will play a role in the Chinese strategy :lol: but india won't like it.

my point was why bother when you can just as easily blockade myanmar at the same time you blockade the straits of malacca? Both have the same result without risking air strikes inside myanmar.
How will you blockade Myanmar against PLAN warships and submarines? :rofl:


China will build a naval base in Myanmar and supply it by rail from China. If the USN try to blockade Myanmar, our fleet can protect our naval base and break through the blockade, even if we can't go toe-to-toe with USN in the blue waters just yet. Once PLAN controls the Malacca Straits from both the indian ocean side and the South China Sea side, we bring all of East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia under our beneficient leadership.

lol..do you think a blockade is possible when your warships are floating on water???if China open a base in mayanmar,USA would destroy it/overwhelm it with numerical superiority before making a blockade.and what will you do then with your rail lines in Burma??supply warships with it???your logic is flawed,more like a day dreaming.China is a far east country who simply can't breakthrough an economical blockade in Malacca strait.and do you even think about air force's role in blockade??few aircrafts in malacca strait can implement an effective blockade.no need for an naval force.now,don't show off your "Super Carriers" and futuristic weapons..

Opium effect? :woot:

nope.."Ancient Chinese History(F@@@@rt)"... :lol:

sino,you should go for talent hunt.. :lol:
lol..do you think a blockade is possible when your warships are floating on water???if China open a base in mayanmar,USA would destroy it/overwhelm it with numerical superiority before making a blockade.and what will you do then with your rail lines in Burma??supply warships with it???your logic is flawed,more like a day dreaming.China is a far east country who simply can't breakthrough an economical blockade in Malacca strait.and do you even think about air force's role in blockade??few aircrafts in malacca strait can implement an effective blockade.no need for an naval force.now,don't show off your "Super Carriers" and futuristic weapons..
Our DF-21D deployed in the Sea of Bengal can annihilate any carriers in the eastern indian ocean and protect our Myanmar pipeline.


Once the Malacca Straits blockade is bypassed, PLA has a free hand to smash india into pieces and take back our Southern Tibet! :)
Our DF-21D deployed in the Sea of Bengal can annihilate any carriers in the eastern indian ocean and protect our Myanmar pipeline.

Once the Malacca Straits blockade is bypassed, PLA has a free hand to smash india into pieces in the Himalayas and take back our Southern Tibet! :)

lol..told you,no futuristic weapon or day dream...only logical answer.. :lol:
lol..told you,no futuristic weapon or day dream...only logical answer.. :lol:
For a third world hole like india, DF-21D is a gift from the lord destroyer. For a technologically advanced country like China, DF-21D is the fruit of our hard work and high IQ.

For a third world hole like india, DF-21D is a gift from the lord destroyer. For a technologically advanced country like China, DF-21D is the fruit of our hard work and high IQ.


did you forgot??China still sticks into that hole...and until proven, DF-21D is still nothing but a big fat lie to me..but yes..high IQ indeed..

but my point stands...China still couldn't break through economical blockade..
Once Us collapse Europe might crash once the happens Australia will crash once that happens now you know what will happen less income for the Chinese.
:lol: Of course we can defend thousands of miles of pipeline with our J-20 stealth fighter! If we can can build a pipline to the indian ocean, it means we can build a railway. If we can build a railway, it means we can move our heavy armor and SAM batteries along its length to defend any point needed!

No you can't defend it because all you need is a few bombs that can travel hundreds of miles away to hit the targets beyond SAM range.

:rofl: China can live without trading with USA, Australia and india. The question is: can USA, Australia and india live without trading with China?

China can't because they depend on exports to those countries. We can live off on cheap goods by transferring to other countries that can make the same cheap goods that China makes. Made in Vietnam, Thailand, etc. Millions of Chinese would lose jobs.

China will build a naval base in Myanmar and supply it by rail from China. If the USN try to blockade Myanmar, our fleet can protect our naval base and break through the blockade, even if we can't go toe-to-toe with USN in the blue waters just yet. Once PLAN controls the Malacca Straits from both the indian ocean side and the South China Sea side, we bring all of East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia under our beneficient leadership.

Yes keep thinking of that. Most won't benefit from your leadership, most won't even want to.
Our DF-21D deployed in the Sea of Bengal can annihilate any carriers in the eastern indian ocean and protect our Myanmar pipeline.


Once the Malacca Straits blockade is bypassed, PLA has a free hand to smash india into pieces and take back our Southern Tibet! :)

When China starts smashing India into pieces, won't that lead to a nuclear war with India? :D
When China starts smashing India into pieces, won't that lead to a nuclear war with India? :D

lol..hell ya...but you know,these are all "Sinomania"..nothing is going be happen(except sino in mental asylum) :D
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