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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

I think we Chinese have responsibility to protect Pakistan, especially in their difficult time. To be a leading top country in the world, you must be warn to your real friend and fight back to your enemy, we shall never play ambiguity on any event happending on our allies. If Pakistan is invaded, i'll be the first Chinese to sign up the force to protect it~

---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

I love Maozedong cause he is a real man with masculine, that's why China was respected although it was poor then.

---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ----------

wake up your so called China elite in this forum ~
Advanced technology is not the only way of building respect , it's the brave. I saw by my-self in Malaysia serveral years ago. only 5 Vietnams fight with 30 strong indian guys, and to my surprise they win the battle. Cause they know they are week, so they gather together to join force. That's terrible and i got shocked, that's exactly what we Chinese need, not Confucisim that's just a joke in jungle monster political atmosphere in the world now. Confucism is good to your freind, but just a joke to your enemy.
Japanese will never tell you how pissed of he is before he kick you, just learn it . That's why Chinese is always a loser when it comes to deal with Japanese.

---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------


---------- Post added at 02:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

I know i might be banned by mod, but, it is some saying from my heart, ihave no regret saying this.

---------- Post added at 02:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------

In China has a proverb: Bitter medicine could cure you.
you just proved Martians point that T-50 is not a very stealthy aircraft according to the bold part you suggested. T-50 not only has the giant fan blade that will appear on radar as 'bright' as red light districts in Amsterdam, but also to many other details that T-50 design team didnt pay much attention to.

All though the pak-fa is still far from perfect most of the pak-fa's so called weaknesses is pure fanboy speculation that is fabricated, it is then picked up by other fanboys as truth--sadly most fanboys that pick up internet myths have no clue as to what they are talking about.

A few laughable examles come from the canopy--it's been circulated (mostly by Chinese) that a two piece canopy is bad for stealth because of the 'metal strip'--this has been debunked. Another myth is about treated canopies being absorbers, from what is know treated canopies are not absorbers but rather reflector, in other words they prevent EM energy from penetrating the cockpit.

Case, in point most people that spread this misinformation are full of crap.

and in T-50's case due to short funds and a decade stagnation of R&D, Russia didnt have the luxry to develop a well rounded 5th gen stealth fighter. the whole plane looks like a 'modified' version of Flanker family

Short funds? I suggest you stop reading wekiedia there figure is wrong. As for R&D im not sure where you get your information. But in the past decade money has not been an issue, if it was Russia would not be able to produce technology demonstrators and prototypes, nor would they be able to field new aircraft and technologies yet that is not the case. If stagnation was the case than how is it possible that companies such as Sukhoi are constantly offering upgraded Sukhoi variants. How would companies such as Salute and Saturn be able to upgrade and create so many new engines?

radar blocker isnt the perfect way to reduce emission from blades,

And no one said it was, although I will believe Boeing over anyone here when they say that the Silent Eagle with radar blockers and all achieves about the same RCS from the front as the F-35.

F-117 is decades old design, besides its inlets are located on the top of the fuslage, a considering amount of radio signal has been deflected or obsorbed by the lower part of the fuslage.

The f-117 has no fuselage bellow the intakes :rolleyes: in fact its intakes are at the lowest point of the aircraft--nice try though.

nd also S-inlet isnt a peice of easy job, the requirement of the materials used on that particuler part is very rigid. all of 5th gen fighters J-20, F-22 and F-35 using S-inlet and DIS to reduce engine signal emission apart from T-50. U.S.A and China has been doing research on these technologies for long time, but we still fail to see similar R&D done from Russian part.

You really should do your homework before making such statements, oh wait look a magical S-inlets on a 1960 Russian aircraft.

where are weapon bays

I’m guess you went to Harvard because only a genius is capable of asking where weapons bays are only to post a picture of the weapons bays describing its payload. And stop polluting the forum with photoshoped pictures.
omg``now we have a Chinese bharati`! hope you wont become another Hongwu! much of your posts have nothing to do with J-20

All though the pak-fa is still far from perfect most of the pak-fa's so called weaknesses is pure fanboy speculation that is fabricated, it is then picked up by other fanboys as truth--sadly most fanboys that pick up internet myths have no clue as to what they are talking about.
I dont see any myth here,
fan blades are stealthness killer--check
'suspending engines' are bad for stealth- check
unsmooth surface is bad for stealth - check
dozens of bits and bots are bad for stealth - check

A few laughable examles come from the canopy--it's been circulated (mostly by Chinese) that a two piece canopy is bad for stealth because of the 'metal strip'--this has been debunked. Another myth is about treated canopies being absorbers, from what is know treated canopies are not absorbers but rather reflector, in other words they prevent EM energy from penetrating the cockpit.
then again please answer me this question (same as DIS and S-inlet), why Chinese and Amrican engineers went the difficult way to make a one peice canopy instead of much conventional and no tech challenge two peices with metal strip in the middle? i told you, you need to differenciate between drawing nice plane and making a nice plane

Short funds? I suggest you stop reading wekiedia there figure is wrong. As for R&D im not sure where you get your information. But in the past decade money has not been an issue, if it was Russia would not be able to produce technology demonstrators and prototypes, nor would they be able to field new aircraft and technologies yet that is not the case. If stagnation was the case than how is it possible that companies such as Sukhoi are constantly offering upgraded Sukhoi variants. How would companies such as Salute and Saturn be able to upgrade and create so many new engines?
guess you need to learn more about industrial capacity and capability.

for more than 2 decades we didnt see one brand new Russian kit going out your inventory but all Soviet upgrades or completion of half-made projects. this is the perfect prove of Russia defence industry faces serious financial problem, we dont need those 'mythes' or wiki 'sources' to come to this conclusion.

investing money on just one design institution or entity will not make a successful completion of 5th gen fighter. the reason why U.S is so technologically superior to anyone is because it has a complete health and prograssing industry, from defence to civilian, from auto to aivation, from machinery to electronics etc``, which Russia lack far behind.

arguably there could be significent amount of money invested on whatever institutions that develops T-50, but how about those thousand of other entities that supply bits and bots to make a T-50? I wouldnt be suprised to find out 'made in China' components from T-50

And no one said it was, although I will believe Boeing over anyone here when they say that the Silent Eagle with radar blockers and all achieves about the same RCS from the front as the F-35.
does Boeing give the exactly RCS figures for both jet``no? so I'd take that as their advertisment slogan, if thats really the case why would USA spent so much money on developing F-35, why not just upgrade F-15?

The f-117 has no fuselage bellow the intakes :rolleyes: in fact its intakes are at the lowest point of the aircraft--nice try though.
you really need to learn the basic terminology of a plane, which is consisted of fuselage, wings, horizontal stablizer and vertial stablizer, the F-117's inlet is kind blended with its fuselage and its located on the top of plane, (most fighters have that on either side or belly of fuselage)

You really should do your homework before making such statements, oh wait look we magical S-inlets on a 1960 Russian aircraft.
i dont think there is any problem for me to labling S-inlet and DSI as difficult technologies

again dont use your own knowledge to against yourself
I dont see any myth here,
fan blades are stealthness killer--check
'suspending engines' are bad for stealth- check
unsmooth surface is bad for stealth - check
dozens of bits and bots are bad for stealth - check

Check yourself.

fan blades will be covered, is that difficult to understand?

Suspending engine bad for stealth? It's clear you have fallen for the same old crap. If the engines and intake are designed to redirect EM energy (which they are) than how is it bad for stealth?

Unsmooth surface, by that do you mean the J-20’s spheres and protruding panels or perhaps some of its rivets which are now visible on some parts of the aircraft.

then again please answer me this question (same as DIS and S-inlet), why Chinese and Amrican engineers went the difficult way to make a one piece canopy instead of much conventional and no tech challenge two pieces with metal strip in the middle? i told you, you need to differenciate between drawing nice plane and making a nice plane

Why don’t you tell me why the Silent Eagle uses a two piece canopy or why other prototype aircraft such as YF-23 used a two piece canopy? Furthermore, the two piece canopy keeps the pilot safe upon ejecting and the Russians take safety very serious, the K-36 ejection seat the standard for safety in ejection seats by incorporating many safety features one of which is a shield to prevent injury, a once piece canopy can cause serious injury to a pilot at high speeds due to the HUD breaking off and striking the pilot and no matter how strong the HUD is it will sheer off at a certain threshold, just like helmets have been know to rip off pilots at high speed ejections.

Cost is another factor, why spent 2,3 or 4 times more money on a single piece canopy when a two piece canopy meets the needs?

guess you need to learn more about industrial capacity and capability.

for more than 2 decades we didnt see one brand new Russian kit going out your inventory but all Soviet upgrades or completion of half-made projects. this is the perfect prove of Russia defence industry faces serious financial problem, we dont need those 'mythes' or wiki 'sources' to come to this conclusion.

Right so the KA-50 is what? Or Buyan corvetts? What about the Steregushchy class corvets or the Geopard perhaps the Ivan Gren? Or the Baluva or the Borey or Grany class submarines, or the GAZ 2975, what about the 117 and 117s, the Irbus or Zhuk AESA’s, or all of the avionic on new Russian aircraft? Perhaps you have not heard of the Yak-130 or the KA-60, maybe the S-400 is an alien concept. I am sure you have not heard of the Skat UCAV. I can go on and on from everything to MANPADS to short and medium range SAM’s and mobile radars and command and control aircraft and vehicles, Russia even has a prototype tank called the T-90AM which has nothing in common to the older T-90’s.

arguably there could be significent amount of money invested on whatever institutions that develops T-50, but how about those thousand of other entities that supply bits and bots to make a T-50? I wouldnt be suprised to find out 'made in China' components from T-50

All aircraft have subcontractors much of the time dozens of them, what is your point?

does Boeing give the exactly RCS figures for both jet``no? so I'd take that as their advertisment slogan, if thats really the case why would USA spent so much money on developing F-35, why not just upgrade F-15?

And why would Boeing be so foolish as to give away the aircraft’s RCS? And the US spent all that money on the F-35 because they built many variants of them, VSTOL, carrier based and one of the air force. The F-15 is not a carrier aircraft and it can never be a VSTOL. Boeing is also not stupid enough to lie about the Silent Eagles performance for the sake of advertisement--its not as if customers do not evaluate aircraft.

you really need to learn the basic terminology of a plane, which is consisted of fuselage, wings, horizontal stablizer and vertial stablizer, the F-117's inlet is kind blended with its fuselage and its located on the top of plane, (most fighters have that on either side or belly of fuselage)

I have flown aircraft kid, so don’t try to lecture me--you can‘t even spell vertical stabilizer correctly. To say the F-117’s inlets are located on top of the aircraft is plain wrong, the pilot sits well above the inlets and regardless your original assertion that the F-117’s intakes are less prone to EM energy because most EM energy is absorbed or deflected by other parts of the aircraft is silly. Firstly, EM energy will make contact with the inlet regardless of what it is surrounded by in fact you want the least possible area around an intake to minimize returns.

i dont think there is any problem for me to labling S-inlet and DSI as difficult technologies

Try to make sense kid, lets look back you claimed that Russia has not done research in to ‘S-inlets’ you were wrong, the Mig-23 had them and I proved it with a photograph. And sorry there is nothing difficult about an S-shape duct, Russia has had S-ducts since at least the 1960’s.

again dont use your own knowledge to against yourself

That makes no sense, go take some English courses. If anything it is you that used your knowledge or lack there off against yourself. You are totally clueless and your arguments have been weak and based off of poor guesses and inaccurate information.
J-20 Mighty Dragon design is a fusion of stealth and aesthetics


The J-20 DSI intake melds seamlessly into the fuselage.


The entire J-20 is a smooth blend of stealth design and aesthetics.

To the best of my knowledge, the Russians lack advanced diverterless supersonic intake (DSI) technology that is seen only on Chinese (e.g. J-10B and J-20) and American (e.g. F-35) aircraft.

[Note: Thank you to HouShanghai and EastWind for the pictures.]


For your information, the J-10B Vigorous Dragon served as the early prototype to test China's advanced DSI technology. You can clearly see the similarity between the supercomputer-designed DSI bumps at the air inlets of both the J-20 Mighty Dragon and J-10B.

J-10B Vigorous Dragon carries missiles and extra fuel pods to extend flight range


J-10B Vigorous Dragon carries missiles and extra fuel pods to extend flight range.



[Note: Thank you to Aimarraul for the pictures.]
Check yourself.

fan blades will be covered, is that difficult to understand?

Suspending engine bad for stealth? It's clear you have fallen for the same old crap. If the engines and intake are designed to redirect EM energy (which they are) than how is it bad for stealth?

Unsmooth surface, by that do you mean the J-20’s spheres and protruding panels or perhaps some of its rivets which are now visible on some parts of the aircraft.
why is that so hard for you to admit that T-50 is not a stealthy aircraft according to any available knowledge out there about 5th gen craft?
And also there is nothing but your vague claim of T-50's engines and intake are designed to redirect EM energy, do we see S-inlet? Do we see DSI? Do we see smooth surface? Can we find any in service or on drawing board 5th gen planes that have 4th gen under fuselage like T-50? Nope, nothing but gigantic blades, suspending engine inlets and rivets

The whole argument is based on current T-50 and J-20 we have now, so there is no point to discuss what future it is going to be. No one knows what changes will bring to T-50 and J-20

Isnt that too difficult to tell which surface has better control over EM energy direction? I start to doubt your knowledge of aircraft design, really! Or you are just cannot to admit that you are misinformed.

Why don’t you tell me why the Silent Eagle uses a two piece canopy or why other prototype aircraft such as YF-23 used a two piece canopy? Furthermore, the two piece canopy keeps the pilot safe upon ejecting and the Russians take safety very serious, the K-36 ejection seat the standard for safety in ejection seats by incorporating many safety features one of which is a shield to prevent injury, a once piece canopy can cause serious injury to a pilot at high speeds due to the HUD breaking off and striking the pilot and no matter how strong the HUD is it will sheer off at a certain threshold, just like helmets have been know to rip off pilots at high speed ejections.

Cost is another factor, why spent 2,3 or 4 times more money on a single piece canopy when a two piece canopy meets the needs?
you cant be more ridicule to have this analogy, where even do you get the idea that two pieces canopies are safer than one piece, and it cost 2,3 or 4 times more? Again your usual convenient assumption?
YF-23 was a demonstrator, according to your 'will add blocker later' theory YF-23 could change that too if it won the competition. You know USA always put survivability and user friendly on top when design any weapon systems which again Russia is not

Right so the KA-50 is what? Or Buyan corvetts? What about the Steregushchy class corvets or the Geopard perhaps the Ivan Gren? Or the Baluva or the Borey or Grany class submarines, or the GAZ 2975, what about the 117 and 117s, the Irbus or Zhuk AESA’s, or all of the avionic on new Russian aircraft? Perhaps you have not heard of the Yak-130 or the KA-60, maybe the S-400 is an alien concept. I am sure you have not heard of the Skat UCAV. I can go on and on from everything to MANPADS to short and medium range SAM’s and mobile radars and command and control aircraft and vehicles, Russia even has a prototype tank called the T-90AM which has nothing in common to the older T-90’s.
KA-50 was started in 80s
T-90 is actually T-72 upgrade which again deployed during Soviet time
What exactly 'new' technologies used on Steregushchy class, Buyan class corvette, Ivan Gren landing ship and GAZ 2975 vehicle ? And the problematic Graney class subs was planned to enter service in later 90s but due to financial and technique difficulties i have no idea when it will actually enter the services? And 117 is belonging to Al-31 family that again was old Soviet techs.
So all the kits you have listed further prove my point that the current 'new' russian toys are upgrades of old Soviet techs and half-finished projects

All aircraft have subcontractors much of the time dozens of them, what is your point?

You didnt live up to my expectation, the Soviet defence industry was centrally planned, not as holistic and pragmatic as America's and Chinese after 1982. Therefore the existence of those old soviet subcontractors were the results of to complete up-down mission rather than those subcontractors and vendor from U.S and Chin nowadays that is to excel in fierce and fair competition. So even the government doesnt invest for those thousand vendors (mostly it does not), but those individual entities they will invest on R&D in order to have competitive advantages over their rivals.

So far we still fail to see that Russia has any reputable computer, semi-conductor and material industry, thats why there is Russia which the economy is entirely based on natural resources exports.

And why would Boeing be so foolish as to give away the aircraft’s RCS? And the US spent all that money on the F-35 because they built many variants of them, VSTOL, carrier based and one of the air force. The F-15 is not a carrier aircraft and it can never be a VSTOL. Boeing is also not stupid enough to lie about the Silent Eagles performance for the sake of advertisement--its not as if customers do not evaluate aircraft.
Why wouldnt they? They give out F-22's RCS, they gave out F-35's and they gave out F-16s, F-15s, F-18s and etc, why not F-15 silent egles? As long as they dont give out the exact number we all have the rights to believe thats just their advertisement campaign.

I have flown aircraft kid, so don’t try to lecture me--you can‘t even spell vertical stabilizer correctly. To say the F-117’s inlets are located on top of the aircraft is plain wrong, the pilot sits well above the inlets and regardless your original assertion that the F-117’s intakes are less prone to EM energy because most EM energy is absorbed or deflected by other parts of the aircraft is silly. Firstly, EM energy will make contact with the inlet regardless of what it is surrounded by in fact you want the least possible area around an intake to minimize returns.
For your own denialbility sake please have a close look at my sketch

Try to make sense kid, lets look back you claimed that Russia has not done research in to ‘S-inlets’ you were wrong, the Mig-23 had them and I proved it with a photograph. And sorry there is nothing difficult about an S-shape duct, Russia has had S-ducts since at least the 1960’s.
````````seriously common sense, why american and chinese engineers used S-inlet and DSI on their brand new planes? Just for the sake of it?

That makes no sense, go take some English courses. If anything it is you that used your knowledge or lack there off against yourself. You are totally clueless and your arguments have been weak and based off of poor guesses and inaccurate information.
talking about guesses, hehe, god know how many guesses you used on PDF for the sake of denying your own ignorance?
can you work out the percentage amount will be reduced by blocker and the percentage of signal been blocked by s-inlet and DIS? you cant```
How does this prove blockers do not work? Or not as effective?

and also why doesnt F-22 and F-35 uses blockers rather than those extreemly difficult s-inlet and DIS?
its like you can effectively kill enemies with bolt action rifles why using automatic assault rifles?
This is where your reasoning failed. Epic. So much for that supposedly 'high Chinese IQ'.

Both aircrafts were not designed originally with a MANDATE to have a serpentine inlet system. Both aircrafts have engine placement in the fuselage where a serpentine inlet system is inevitable. Does this mean the designers were ignorant of the effect of a serpentine inlet on reducing engine radar signature? No, they were fully aware of it. But the way both aircrafts were originally designed, it made the MANDATE for such a system unnecessary. You have to stop the line of thinking/assumption that based upon result, everything must have been mandated. Sometimes benefits are incidental, sometimes they are from contrivances.

Get it?
Do we see DSI? Do we see smooth surface? Can we find any in service or on drawing board 5th gen planes that have 4th gen under fuselage like T-50? Nope, nothing but gigantic blades, suspending engine inlets and rivets

Obviously you have not done your homework (nothing new), Lockhheed’s C-130 successor or at least the wind tunnel model has so called ‘suspending engine(s)’ as well as ‘gigantic blades’. You act like you know more than Lockheed and Sukhoi…next time be careful what you type, it keeps backfiring on you. Just like your claim about Russian not having ‘S-duct aircraft’.

The whole argument is based on current T-50 and J-20 we have now, so there is no point to discuss what future it is going to be. No one knows what changes will bring to T-50 and J-20

Great, take your own advise and leave the discussion--you are the one arguing about the T-50, I just have good rebuttals for your poor arguments.

Isn’t that too difficult to tell which surface has better control over EM energy direction? I start to doubt your knowledge of aircraft design, really! Or you are just cannot to admit that you are misinformed.
pak-fa underside

Cute picture, how long did that poor and inaccurate illustration take you? This is how the real T-50 underside fuselage looks like. It is not round but flat and canted, your illustration is a pile that may pass as genuine or accurate at Sino Defense or some other Chinese circle jerk forum but not here.

So here is the real thing, and its nothing like in your picture:

Here is also a patent describing the pak-fa’s fusalage which was submitted by the head of Sukhoi which just happens to be an aeronautical engineer.

In addition a flattening of the fuselage reduces the effective area of the radar in the most likely areas of exposure: side and projection plane.

Who do you think has more credibility aeronautical engineers including the head of Sukhoi or you?

Lets also apply your criteria to the J-20:


So lets review, the T-50’s curved fuselage provides and incident angle yet the J-20’s rounded DSI and enormous round under wing pods (4 of them) don’t? Ladies and gentlemen once again the J-20’s defies physics.

you cant be more ridicule to have this analogy, where even do you get the idea that two pieces canopies are safer than one piece, and it cost 2,3 or 4 times more?

The F-22’s canopy costs $182,205, in comparison the F-16’s canopy is about $30,000, undoubtedly the F-22’s will be more expensive because it is treated, and that is why my figure of 2-4 was extremely conservative, in reality a one piece canopy can be over 6 time more expensive than a two piece canopy. Clearly we do not have a Russian one piece canopy at least not yet so I used the closest reference and put a very conservative estimate on it. So, yes a one piece is very expensive to manufacture and it will be many time more expensive for the Russian to manufacture a one piece as apposed to a two piece, just like it is for the Americans.

Again your usual convenient assumption?
YF-23 was a demonstrator, according to your 'will add blocker later' theory YF-23 could change that too if it won the competition.

My assumption? No, try harder. The pak-fa will use a coaxial labyrinth radar blocker and that is no assumption from me.

You know USA always put survivability and user friendly on top when design any weapon systems which again Russia is not

And do you know that the K-36 was considered for the F-35 and that it was tested by the US? The K-36 set the standard for safety. The K-36 restrained the pilots arms and legs to prevent them from breaking at high speeds, it also employed a face shield to protect the pilots face and neck from high presure as well as debris, the seat also tilted back to prevent injury to the back. Moreover, the seat employed a shield to protect the pilots uper torso from the violent wind streams upon ejection, and the seat kept the pilot strapped until the altimeter automatically opened the parachute, this prevents the pilot from separating from the seat at high speeds by essentially being a rag doll. All of these functions happen within mileseconds and best of all the seat worked at zero altitude.

Your assumptions that the Russians did not care for pilot survivability is nothing more than an ignorant assumption the Russian have always taken great measures for pilot survivability and this is plainly demonstrated by the K-36 ejection seat a seat that set the standard for all others. Even Russian helicopters come with ejection seats, and the ability to withstand .50 caliber rounds to the rotor blades. Also if you did a little research you would learn that the Russians actually install expensive titanium tubs on a number of different aircraft in the name of protecting the pilot. Redundancy systems have also been a norm for some time now.

The Russians don’t cut corners when it comes to pilot safety and survivability, I can’t say the same for everyone and at least our pilot have ejection seats that deploy.

KA-50 was started in 80s
T-90 is actually T-72 upgrade which again deployed during Soviet time
What exactly 'new' technologies used on Steregushchy class, Buyan class corvette, Ivan Gren landing ship and GAZ 2975 vehicle ? And the problematic Graney class subs was planned to enter service in later 90s but due to financial and technique difficulties i have no idea when it will actually enter the services? And 117 is belonging to Al-31 family that again was old Soviet techs.
So all the kits you have listed further prove my point that the current 'new' russian toys are upgrades of old Soviet techs and half-finished projects

I meant to say the KA-52 which didn’t start production until 2008. And what new technologies do the Steregushchy class, Buyan class corvette, Ivan Gren landing ship and GAZ 2975 vehicle use? Is this a joke question, they are new ships, and the GAZ is a new armored vehicle. Again you have a weak argument (no argument actually) you claimed Russia hasn’t developed anything new but when you were disproven you resort to questioning what technology these new corvettes and armored vehicles have--by your logic I can scrutinize the J-20 by claiming it not to have new technologies because virtually nothing concrete or detailed is know about it.

And what does the Graney submarines delays have anything to do with the conversation? Do not change subjects. Topic was about post Soviet weapons systems and the Graney is a post Soviet submarine.

And please do stop making up claims the 117 and 117S have nothing to do with the AL-31, The only thing they have in common is that they are similar in size. Unless the 117/117s engineers and designers are liars and you have inspected both the AL-31 and the 117/117s its safe to say you are full of crap. Would you like me to post a video acknowledging you are full of crap? You look like a fool when you are denying official statements of actual designers.

And I said T-90AM, do a search if you do not know the difference and while you are at it compare a T-72 with a T-90, the T-90 was a development of the T-72 but by no means was it remotely close to the T-90. The T-90 has seen so many upgrades that the latest T-90 bares no resemblence or performance to the first T-90 let alone the T-72.

Different armor, turret, gun, engines, ect

So far we still fail to see that Russia has any reputable computer, semi-conductor and material industry, thats why there is Russia which the economy is entirely based on natural resources exports.

Right that is why China still continues to purchase Russian seekers and radars and a host of other military electronics, so why purchase electronics from Russia if your semi-conductor industry is so much better? Why has China been so slow to adapt crystal blade technology if your material industry is so super duper advanced?

Why wouldnt they? They give out F-22's RCS, they gave out F-35's and they gave out F-16s, F-15s, F-18s and etc, why not F-15 silent egles? As long as they dont give out the exact number we all have the rights to believe thats just their advertisement campaign.

You are dismissed, there is no official RCS for any of those aircraft, the closest thing to a RCS that Lockheed has disclosed in regards to the F-22 is that it has a marble size RCS which is vague, considering we don’t know what frequency bands and ranges the F-22 was tested under and we certainly do not know what hemesphere the F-22 was tested under.

For your own denialbility sake please have a close look at my sketch

Your sketch just proved that you are clueless, ignorant and plainly confused. The frontal hemesphere isn’t going to produce the same incident angle as a side hemesphere…..dududa .
Lets also apply your criteria to the J-20:

So lets review, the T-50’s curved fuselage provides and incident angle yet the J-20’s rounded DSI and enormous round under wing pods (4 of them) don’t? Ladies and gentlemen once again the J-20’s defies physics.

I do not agree with your assessment, because it is flawed. Look carefully again at the shape of the J-20's DSI (see pictures below). To the naked eye, it is obvious the shape resembles the shaped-nose of the J-20. Both observe the stealth principle of continuous curvature, where the radii constantly changes. The J-20 DSI is stealthy.

The J-20 aileron pods are too small to compromise stealth. You do not seem to understand that wavelength resolution affects the probability of detecting an object. Also, since the incidental surface is incredibly small (especially when viewed from tens of miles away), the reflected signal from that tiny portion of an aileron pod is negligible. Finally, the RAM coating on the aileron pod would have reduced the already-tiny reflected incidental signal by another two magnitudes. You've got nothing.

J-20 Mighty Dragon design is a fusion of stealth and aesthetics


The J-20 DSI intake melds seamlessly into the fuselage.


The entire J-20 is a smooth blend of stealth design and aesthetics.

To the best of my knowledge, the Russians lack advanced diverterless supersonic intake (DSI) technology that is seen only on Chinese (e.g. J-10B and J-20) and American (e.g. F-35) aircraft.

[Note: Thank you to HouShanghai and EastWind for the pictures.]


For your information, the J-10B Vigorous Dragon served as the early prototype to test China's advanced DSI technology. You can clearly see the similarity between the supercomputer-designed DSI bumps at the air inlets of both the J-20 Mighty Dragon and J-10B.

J-10B Vigorous Dragon carries missiles and extra fuel pods to extend flight range


J-10B Vigorous Dragon carries missiles and extra fuel pods to extend flight range.



[Note: Thank you to Aimarraul for the pictures.]
I do not agree with your assessment, because it is flawed. Look carefully again at the shape of the J-20's DSI (see pictures below). To the naked eye, it is obvious the shape resembles the shaped-nose of the J-20. Both observe the stealth principle of continuous curvature, where the radii constantly changes. The J-20 DSI is stealthy.

The J-20 aileron pods are too small to compromise stealth. You do not seem to understand that wavelength resolution affects the probability of detecting an object. Also, since the incidental surface is incredibly small (especially when viewed from tens of miles away), the reflected signal from that tiny portion of an aileron pod is negligible. Finally, the RAM coating on the aileron pod would have reduced the already-tiny reflected incidental signal by another two magnitudes. You've got nothing.
That is funny. You got no problems saying that such protuberances on the F-35 are detrimental to 'stealth'. But for the J-20, they are irrelevant. Once again, 'Chinese physics' comes into play. :lol:
I do not agree with your assessment, because it is flawed. Look carefully again at the shape of the J-20's DSI (see pictures below). To the naked eye, it is obvious the shape resembles the shaped-nose of the J-20. Both observe the stealth principle of continuous curvature, where the radii constantly changes. The J-20 DSI is stealthy.

It’s what you like to call a ‘hump’ or ‘lump’ and stop using double standards, the slightest sphere, ‘hump’ or bump on either the F-35 or pak-fa is, according to you, ‘bad for stealth’ but the ‘bumps’ and ‘humps’ on the J-20 are ‘stealthy’, give me a break. And no the shape does not resemble anything remotely close to the J-20’s nose--it’s a oval shaped sphere and according to you that is bad for stealth so now you and your amigo have to eat your own words.

And from the photographers point of view that DSI intake is a sphere. A little lesson:

Ellipsoid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If all three radii are equal, the solid body is a sphere; if two radii are equal, the ellipsoid is a spheroid:

Oblate spheroid (disk-shaped);
Prolate spheroid (like a rugby ball);
Scalene ellipsoid ("three unequal sides").

For any sphere angle is completely irrelevant so just because the spherical DSI is mounted on a canted chin that does not change its properties.

The J-20 aileron pods are too small to compromise stealth.

This is why you lost all credibility. How are four large spheres too small to compromise stealth when you claimed the pak-fa’s small IRST which is no more than 6 inches across is poor for stealth?

I would love to hear this explanation. Talk about fanatical double standard.

Lets look at those ‘small’ pods:

Those pods are very large--many, many times larger than an IRST and there are 4 of them, so why are the pak-fa’s and F-35 smaller spheres poor for stealth?

You do not seem to understand that wavelength resolution affects the probability of detecting an object. Also, since the incidental surface is incredibly small (especially when viewed from tens of miles away), the reflected signal from that tiny portion of an aileron pod is negligible.

So again why is the pak-fa’s much smaller single sphere poor for stealth when the J-20’s 4 larger pods are not? Your bias view are unbelievable.
You guys are blind.

The J-20 DSI intake starts with a somewhat pointy edge and rakes backward into a large radius (e.g. look at the picture below carefully and analytically). That is called continuous curvature, because the radius changes. Also, the radius is different longitudinally from the radius laterally. In contrast, the lump on the F-35 is a long rectangular bump. The radius is constant throughout most of the F-35 lump (e.g. basically a constant-radius cylinder with tapered ends).

The Pak Fa IRST probe is not covered in RAM material. To function, the Pak Fa IRST probe has a non-RAM-covered transparent surface.

A J-20 RAM-covered aileron pod is stealthy. A Pak Fa non-Ram-covered IRST probe is not stealthy. Where is the difficulty in comprehension?

Can you two understand these critical differences? I hope you can grasp the concepts of continuous curvature and RAM-covered surfaces.


J-20 DSI intake clearly starts off very small and grows larger as it moves backwards. Ergo, the radius of the DSI intake continues to increase as we move rearward. Also, the ratio of the longitudinal and lateral radii of the DSI intake varies. This is the stealth principle of continuous curvature. Get it?
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