Please keep commentary off the threads and into GHQ if you wish. Only posts relevant to the FC-20 are to be allowed here.
Also, new members are requested to kindly use this search function below the twitter , facebook links on the top right corner.. to search for their queries first since they may have already been answered by many members in a very detailed manner before asking questions. Everybody likes to answer questions but when certain good answers already exist and have been given repeated times by more knowledgeable members( and not those who carry titles of elite or senior but are colored blue, red or light blue) they may not look up the thread again and you may get answers that are misleading at best.
Also, new members are requested to kindly use this search function below the twitter , facebook links on the top right corner.. to search for their queries first since they may have already been answered by many members in a very detailed manner before asking questions. Everybody likes to answer questions but when certain good answers already exist and have been given repeated times by more knowledgeable members( and not those who carry titles of elite or senior but are colored blue, red or light blue) they may not look up the thread again and you may get answers that are misleading at best.