Yes I am aware of the Sunnah....
The life of the Prophet SAW is called the Sunnah
I am also aware of the Sunnah to eat on the floor, to be respectful to adults, enemies and kafir, the sick, the needy, the poor
The Sunnah also includes:
Not to waste
Not to indulge in backbiting, lying
Not to take Sood
Not to divide Islam and Muslims
To smile if you dont like something no need to point it out or ridicule it
Not to insult your wife's cooking
Not to compliment another woman infront of your wife
To play with your children not give them ipads (No sunnah on Ipads)
To eat halal only
To do fair trade and not cheat
It was also sunnah to ride camels, to marry widows, elder women, divorcee, to take care of the orphan!
There is also sunnah on not to brag, dont be proud, kill the ego and anger...
There is plenty that we dont state, debate nor follow! Yet when it is regarding unity of Islam...we attack the unity the most and justify the division by using Quranic verses, hadith and Sunnah!
Do you have a stick stuck in your front lawn to tell the timing for namaaz?
Coz the Sunnah was to see the sun not the calculated movements of the Sun to predict the times to prayer!
After googling for a while this is the most satisfying answer I can find:
For daily five prayers no one performs prayer (Salat) after seeing Sun OR Star’s positions. We use watches and clocks for this purpose but we pray at the time defined by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Science and technology help us to determine prayer times. Similarly, we MUST use science to determine the time for Ramadan, Eid and Hajj but we must start these months based upon the criteria defined by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).