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Çay Bahçesi

You wrote something before reading my post.
Why are Muslims divided,why all the wars are in Muslim countries by Muslim against Muslim?
If you as a people are not together,how difficult is it to make you fight each other?
The weak always lose and divided you are weak so,instead of blaming others,look towards the Muslims for the cause of the problems.
If you have rotten apples in a basket,you need to get rid of them,what do we Muslims do,we let the rest rott to and thats why they call the whole basket rotten apples,do you get it?
Btw,''being oppressed'' is another show of weaklings,be strong so that no one will mess with you.
How can you be strong?
Only as a unit,Muslims are not so,they will stay weak.
1. You totally avoided my post.
2. Ukraine - Russia conflict. Non Islamic countries fighting each other directly and indirectly.
3. You need to blame Muslims for problems? Are you actually fucking serious? There are 2 billion Muslims oh well let's blame them because it easier than looking at the facts.
4. Your rotten apples thing reflects that you still don't get my point.
There is no jihadi/bad Muslim you understand? In a war where you bomb the enemy you can expect a (suicide) bomb back. There is no rotten apples. IS is just a name it is not the actual Islamic state. Honestly you have seen too much propaganda in your life and it's impossible to win you back.
. .

"Before I left Romania for good in 1978, [Romania's foreign intelligence service] had sent around 500 such undercover agents to various Islamic countries. Most of them were religious servants, engineers, medical doctors, teachers, and art instructors," Pacepa told RFE/RL.

According to a rough estimate received from Moscow, by 1978 the whole Soviet bloc intelligence community had sent around 4,000 such agents of influence to the Islamic world. The rule of thumb for that part of the globe was that only 70-75 percent of those assets would end up being really useful.... It is safe to presume that it must have had some effect."
You wrote something before reading my post.
Why are Muslims divided,why all the wars are in Muslim countries by Muslim against Muslim?
If you as a people are not together,how difficult is it to make you fight each other?
The weak always lose and divided you are weak so,instead of blaming others,look towards the Muslims for the cause of the problems.
If you have rotten apples in a basket,you need to get rid of them,what do we Muslims do,we let the rest rott to and thats why they call the whole basket rotten apples,do you get it?
Btw,''being oppressed'' is another show of weaklings,be strong so that no one will mess with you.
How can you be strong?
Only as a unit,Muslims are not so,they will stay weak.

I have a question for you and I want you to think about it before you awnser take your time alright.

If the us never invaded Iraq and Libya would terror organizations such as ISIS exist? And would there be terror Attacks on European and American ground?
the people from the middle east especially the arabs have this behaviour of almost blaming others for their own failure... like israel is to blame for the rise of isis, like the reason arabs can prosper is bcouse israel exist, i mean all kind of conspiracy theories...my Turkish borhers should not become like that....
If the us never invaded Iraq and Libya would terror organizations such as ISIS exist
Yes,they do exist but have other names,al-Caida,Taliban,Boko Haram etc.
The mistake the US made was after the war in Iraq,the Iraqi government was exclusive,only for Shias.
If the Sunnis would have included,there would never have been a chance for extremism.
In Syria,if Obama had kept his words on the ''red lines'' and did something about Assad,there would never have been an ISIS,makes you think that Obama wanted ISIS to be created.
And would there be terror Attacks on European and American ground?
Yes,they would have been done under another name.
Some examples,9-11 was al Caida,Madrid al Caida,London al-Caida.

1. You totally avoided my post.
2. Ukraine - Russia conflict. Non Islamic countries fighting each other directly and indirectly.
3. You need to blame Muslims for problems? Are you actually fucking serious? There are 2 billion Muslims oh well let's blame them because it easier than looking at the facts.
4. Your rotten apples thing reflects that you still don't get my point.
There is no jihadi/bad Muslim you understand? In a war where you bomb the enemy you can expect a (suicide) bomb back. There is no rotten apples. IS is just a name it is not the actual Islamic state. Honestly you have seen too much propaganda in your life and it's impossible to win you back.
There is no talking sense into you so,lets just leave it at that.
the people from the middle east especially the arabs have this behaviour of almost blaming others for their own failure... like israel is to blame for the rise of isis, like the reason arabs can prosper is bcouse israel exist, i mean all kind of conspiracy theories...my Turkish borhers should not become like that....
The rise of ISIS can be blamed on Israel. The rise of PKK also can be blamed on Israel.
What are you trying to prove here you PHUCKWIT?
Turkey's relations with Israel is because AKP are zionist lovers, that simple, the average Turk cares nothing for these Middle Eastern countries.
Now, you get the odd Leftist pro-Gay pro-PKK "Turk" that want us to believe we are friends with these countries, that's a different topic altogether.

I have a question for you and I want you to think about it before you awnser take your time alright.

If the us never invaded Iraq and Libya would terror organizations such as ISIS exist? And would there be terror Attacks on European and American ground?
I know you AKP are more Arab than Turkish, but this is ridiculous, why do you care so much for countries you've never been to?.
Your only concern should be Turkey and Turks.
What the desert tribes get upto in their spare time should never be our concern.
You just have to go to Daily Sabah, you get more News about ME than Anatolia.
Turkey was built for TURKS, not Muslims, not Christians not Jews and certainly not for AKP occult. lol
the people from the middle east especially the arabs have this behaviour of almost blaming others for their own failure... like israel is to blame for the rise of isis, like the reason arabs can prosper is bcouse israel exist, i mean all kind of conspiracy theories...my Turkish borhers should not become like that....
Can you speak Turkish......i'm getting more and more convinced that you are not Turkish at all.
. . . .

İlk önce hoşgeldin. :)

İkinci olarak ta, forumda geçerli dil İngilizce'dir. Türkçe'yi sadece bu konu başlığı altından kullanabiliyoruz.

O ZAMAN Ben gidiyorum kardeş ingiliz sömürgesi olmuş forum benim ingilizcem buraya yetmez zaten yazım kurallarına herkes uymamış çeviremiyorum
O ZAMAN Ben gidiyorum kardeş ingiliz sömürgesi olmuş forum benim ingilizcem buraya yetmez zaten yazım kurallarına herkes uymamış çeviremiyorum
Bir kaç iyi Türkçe Savunma Sanayi forumu var onları deneyebilirsin.

Bu forum, uluslararası bir forum olduğu için dili İngilizce.
Ben konuyu tam takip edemiyorum uzaklarda kaldım giremedim, başım dertteydi neyse.

Bu adam kadın cinayetlerini konuşmak istiyorsa bırakın çay bahçesinde konuşssun, arada ben de girip, karalıyorum hatta canım ne istiyorsa o an yazıyorum, okuyan okuyor, okumayan zaten okumuyor. arada cevap atan da oluyor. ha hiç görmek istemeyen için de IGNORE var dediği gibi islamic secular ın

şimdi gidip de kadın cinayetini çay bahçesi dışında konuşmak da olmaz.

ama burada uzunca yazarsa ben okurum şahsen, rahatsız da etmez beni. politik bir konu olmasa da gündemde olan bir konu. savunma formu'nun olduğunun farkındayız ama bunlar da tartışılabilir, tabii bu dediklerim çay bahçesi için geçerli, onun dışında konu açıp veya başka konuda tartışmak ingilizce de olsa bu forum için anlamsız, bir yandan silahları konuşup, diğer yandan kadın cinayetlerini konuşmak, hahaha. güldüm nedense.

Çay bahçesine yazarsan okurum ben de merak ediyordum son zamanlarda fazla kadın cinayeti göremiyorum haberlerde diye.

ayrıca bu kadın cinayetlerinin artma sebebi bilinenin aksina en azından bence, ülkenin demokratikleştiğini gösteriyor, bastırılmış duyguları, şiddeti açığa çıkarıyor. Kadınlar eskiden korkardı, sığınamazdı devletine polisine,

artık korkmadan koruma da alıyorlar, uzaklaştırma da, ülkenin ve dünyanın değiştiğini göremeyen hemcinslerimiz de, o ilkel alışkanlıklaırnı atamayıp tak tak tak sıkıyor. mevzu bu. fazla da kafa kurcayalan bir konuda değil. bir diğer konu da bir yandan eziliyoruz hemcinsler olarak.. bi hatun kalabalıkta çıkıp bu adam beni taciz etti dese, adam öyle bir şey yapmamış ise de öldü. kadın bir yandan bu kadar güçlü olup da diğer yandan nasıl bu kadar savunmasız di mi. çok ilginç, neyse ben gittim hadi öptüm
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In the good old times we had so many Islam wars, where are my old atheist homies? Deno, someone with Q, quabasin or so he was really smart too, Legionaire too.

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