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Çay Bahçesi

A very interesting video for the Dutch members here with a Turkish migration background.
I guess they didnt know that they were living with Muslims for decades now.
The world is getting dumber and dumber.
But we still cant blame them,those bearded dress wearing nutcases do not belong in Europe.
Nurcihan K. (29), 1987 yılında İstanbul’da lokanta işleten bir ailenin kızı olarak dünyaya geldi. K. Ailesi’nin 5 çocuğundan biri olan Nurcihan 8 yaşındayken babası bir cinayete kurban gitti. Anne Nursel K., eşi ölünce çocuklarını alarak memleketi Adana’ya yerleşti. Annenin, çocuklarıyla birlikte yaşamak için aldığı ev 1998 yılında yaşanan Adana depreminde yıkıldı. Aile kiraya çıktı. İşte o günlerde, Nurcihan çöp dökmek için sokağa çıktığı sırada, o dönem 22 yaşında olan Güner A. (40) tarafından kaçırıldı. Henüz 11 yaşında olan Nurcihan K., verilen ilaçlı çayın etkisiyle kendinden geçti ve Güner A.’nın tecavüzüne uğradı. Küçük kız uyandığında kendisini anlatılamaz bir manzaranın içinde buldu... Nurcihan hayatının en büyük acısını en büyük şokunu 11 yaşında yaşadı.


Habertürk'ten Ümran Avcı'nın haberine göre, Anne Nursel K., kızının kaybolduğunu söyleyerek polise başvurdu. Polisin aradığı Nurcihan, Güner A.’nın evinde bulundu. Gözaltına alınan Güner A., mahkemece tutuklandı. Nurcihan K. ise evine döndü. Ancak Güner A.’nın ailesi sürekli K. Ailesi’ne gelerek şikâyetlerinden vazgeçmeleri konusunda baskı yaptı. Anne gücü yettiğince direndi. Baskı ve tehditler artınca dayanamadı ve şikâyet geri çekildi. Gönüllü bir ilişkiymiş gibi gösterildi. Nurcihan’ın yaşı mahkeme kararıyla büyütüldü. 1987 olan doğum tarihi 1983 olarak gösterildi.


Güner A., Nurcihan’ın yaşı 15’ten büyük gösterilince sadece 7 ay hapis yattı. Nurcihan, gerçekte 11 yaşındayken, kendisine tecavüz eden adamla nikâh masasına oturtuldu. Tecavüzcüsünden biri kız, iki çocuğu oldu. 6 yıl evli kaldı. Kâbus gibi geçen evlilikten sonra boşandı. Bu süre içinde kocası, hırsızlık ve uyuşturucu suçundan birçok kez cezaevine girip çıktı. Genç kadın bu sürede midesinden de ameliyat oldu, midesi alındı. 2 çocuğundan aldığı destekle hayata tutundu.


Nurcihan, bir ‘tecavüzcüyle’ yaşamanın ne demek olduğunu ve 6 acı yılı HABERTÜRK’e şu cümlelerle anlattı:

“Nikâh kıyılıp eve gittiğim andan itibaren hep ağladım. Korkumdan kapının arkasına saklandım. O bana yaptığının bedelini 7 ay içeride kalarak ödedi ama ben evli kaldığım 6 yıl boyunca her gün tecavüze uğradım, her gün bedel ödedim. O adamı görünce, korkudan mı mide bulantısından mı bilmiyorum sürekli kusuyordum. Geceleri korkudan uyuyamıyordum. Korkmasam bile yanında uyumak istemiyordum. Tiksiniyordum. Onu görmek büyük acı veriyordu ve bu acı hiç geçmiyordu. Ahıra gidip hayvanlarla uyuyordum. Kimi zaman da kayınvalidemin yanına kaçıyordum. Tecavüzcü bir adamla evlenmek anlatılır gibi bir şey değil.”


“Yaşım küçüktü ama hayat beni çok büyüttü” diyen Nurcihan, ne anneliği ne çocukluğunu yaşayabildiğini söyledi. Hiç oyuncağı olmayan Nurcihan, “Benim oyunum, sabah 5’te uyanıp sobayı yakmak, yemek hazırlamaktı. Benim oyuncağım doğurduğum bebekti” dedi. Ölmek için çok uğraştığını, defalarca intihara kalkıştığını da söyleyen Nurcihan, sözlerini şöyle sürdürdü: “Bana tecavüz edenle evlendirildikten sonra kaç kez denedim ölmeyi. İlaç içtim, bileklerimi kestim, üçüncü kattan atladım, evdeki iğneleri kırıp içtim, gece ölmeye yattım. Kocam sonunda başka başka suçlara karışınca 6 yıl sonra boşandım. Sonrasında bırakın erkekleri tüm insanlardan öyle bir korktum, öyle bir güvensizlik yaşadım ki yeniden hayat kuramadım. Annemlere de söyledim, vasiyetimdir: Öldükten sonra beni kefenle gömmesinler, gelinlik giydirsinler bana...”


Nurcihan, sözlerini şöyle noktaladı:

“Sesimi herkes duysun... Sakın hiçbir çocuğu tecavüz edenle evlendirmesinler. Benim yaşadıklarımı Allah başkasına yaşatmasın. Tecavüz eden bir insandan koca olur mu? Baba olur mu? Adam hırsızlık, gasp ve çocuğuna cinsel istismardan cezaevine girmişti bir hafta önce salıverdiler. Bakın benim iki çocuğum var. İlk çocuğumu da şiddet yüzünden 6 aylıkken kaybettim. Kızım şimdi 15’ine giriyor. Cezaevinden çıkar çıkmaz kızımı aramış cinsel istismara girecek laflar etmiş. Korkudan çocuğumu okula gönderemiyorum. Boşandım da ne oldu yaşıyor muyum? Hayır! O mezara girmeden bana huzur yok. Bu adam bana bir hayat borçlu. Yalvarıyorum bizim yaşadığımız herkese örnek olsun ve böyle bir yasa çıkmasın!”
. .
I guess they didnt know that they were living with Muslims for decades now.
The world is getting dumber and dumber.
But we still cant blame them,those bearded dress wearing nutcases do not belong in Europe.

I seriously regret integrating in this country. As time goes by the feeling that I do not belong here grows stronger. If only a Turkish Network existed in Europe where we can instantly scramble thousands of people to protest, engage subjective media sites with ddos attacks with our botnet and donate to form a big influential Turkish media channel. Our problems with racist, islamophobic media and politicians would be over and we Turks would be united.
I seriously regret integrating in this country. As time goes by the feeling that I do not belong here grows stronger. If only a Turkish Network existed in Europe where we can instantly scramble thousands of people to protest, engage subjective media sites with ddos attacks with our botnet and donate to form a big influential Turkish media channel. Our problems with racist, islamophobic media and politicians would be over and we Turks would be united.
Do you feel like belonging in the Turkiye of now?
That feeling comes from personal experience or sentiment for ''Muslims''?
What good will protests do,they will only cause more anti Turkiye sentiment,''look at them with their flags again''.
The problem is not the Turks,the Europeans know what its about and do not blame the Turks but,our current government is not helping much,its only making it worse.
Take a look at those bearded(dirty beards) dress wearing idiots and their ninja wives,how many of them are Turks(none)?
Do you feel like belonging in the Turkiye of now?
That feeling comes from personal experience or sentiment for ''Muslims''?
What good will protests do,they will only cause more anti Turkiye sentiment,''look at them with their flags again''.
The problem is not the Turks,the Europeans know what its about and do not blame the Turks but,our current government is not helping much,its only making it worse.
Take a look at those bearded(dirty beards) dress wearing idiots and their ninja wives,how many of them are Turks(none)?

Look I've been pro AKP since they came into existence. There is no other option for us besides AKP.
MHP = is the vassal of AKP.
CHP = has a idiotic leader that hates Erdogan so much that he is willing to form a coalition government with HDP. He will not improve Turkey.
HDP = speaks for itself. Run by terrorist supporting politicians.
I know that a lot of "western Turks" hate the AKP for their "islamist" policies but that's how democracy works. If the majority of the people want a government that is pro Islam then so be it.
Look I've been pro AKP since they came into existence. There is no other option for us besides AKP.
MHP = is the vassal of AKP.
CHP = has a idiotic leader that hates Erdogan so much that he is willing to form a coalition government with HDP. He will not improve Turkey.
HDP = speaks for itself. Run by terrorist supporting politicians.
I know that a lot of "western Turks" hate the AKP for their "islamist" policies but that's how democracy works. If the majority of the people want a government that is pro Islam then so be it.
Then dont complain about the west being Islamophobic,it is how democracy works,freedom of speech,freedom of expression etc.
If they hate Islam,so be it.
Then dont complain about the west being Islamophobic,it is how democracy works,freedom of speech,freedom of expression etc.
If they hate Islam,so be it.

You forgot something. Freedom of religion. And if a country is pro Islam it doesn't necessarily mean that is anti Christian or anti atheist. Western countries are islamophobic for no reason. It's just politicians and media that forced this into the brains of Europeans. They associate Isis/terror with everyone that looks like a Muslim. We are being oppressed while we are the minority in Europe. Even if your successful and integrated people will make ALLAH AKBAR jokes ect that will drive you insane. Eventually into real terror.
You forgot something. Freedom of religion. And if a country is pro Islam it doesn't necessarily mean that is anti Christian or anti atheist. Western countries are islamophobic for no reason. It's just politicians and media that forced this into the brains of Europeans. They associate Isis/terror with everyone that looks like a Muslim. We are being oppressed while we are the minority in Europe. Even if your successful and integrated people will make ALLAH AKBAR jokes ect that will drive you insane. Eventually into real terror.
The etc was for the rest of the freedoms.
Who said anything about pro Islam countries being anti other religions,did we Turks become Muslims all of a sudden,werent we always Muslims,why the need to name the ''pro Islam country''?
You should look at the reasons why Western countries became Islamophobic,the terrorist actions of so called Muslims helped form this anti Islam view,how can you blame them when its ''Muslims'' who do the terror attacks?
Look at the cause of things before you blame people for being Islamophobic.
Westerners know that Turks have nothing to do with these terror acts and will never blame us for that.
The ALLAHU AKBAR jokes come from the internet(blame it on social media),everytime something explodes,many Muslims shout ALLAHU AKBAR,sounds funny to Westerners,so what let them have fun,you shouldnt care.
. . .
The etc was for the rest of the freedoms.
Who said anything about pro Islam countries being anti other religions,did we Turks become Muslims all of a sudden,werent we always Muslims,why the need to name the ''pro Islam country''?
You should look at the reasons why Western countries became Islamophobic,the terrorist actions of so called Muslims helped form this anti Islam view,how can you blame them when its ''Muslims'' who do the terror attacks?
Look at the cause of things before you blame people for being Islamophobic.
Westerners know that Turks have nothing to do with these terror acts and will never blame us for that.
The ALLAHU AKBAR jokes come from the internet(blame it on social media),everytime something explodes,many Muslims shout ALLAHU AKBAR,sounds funny to Westerners,so what let them have fun,you shouldnt care.

The only reason why Isis and other terror organizations came into existence was because saddam and kadhafi were executed by the US. If the us did not declare war islamophobic wouldn't exist. That is basically what you are saying.
The etc was for the rest of the freedoms.
Who said anything about pro Islam countries being anti other religions,did we Turks become Muslims all of a sudden,werent we always Muslims,why the need to name the ''pro Islam country''?

Where is your brain man?
The only reason why Isis and other terror organizations came into existence was because saddam and kadhafi were executed by the US. If the us did not declare war islamophobic wouldn't exist. That is basically what you are saying.
No,what im saying is that Muslims sell each other out,kill each others for sectarian bs,let others get involved in their business.
What the Western world did to Muslims is the fault of the Muslims only.

Where is your brain man?
I could ask you the same,you explained democracy to me.
You forgot something. Freedom of religion. And if a country is pro Islam it doesn't necessarily mean that is anti Christian or anti atheist. Western countries are islamophobic for no reason. It's just politicians and media that forced this into the brains of Europeans. They associate Isis/terror with everyone that looks like a Muslim. We are being oppressed while we are the minority in Europe. Even if your successful and integrated people will make ALLAH AKBAR jokes ect that will drive you insane. Eventually into real terror.
the turks who live in europe are one of the most disgraceful people you will ever see. specialy the ones in germany and nehtherlands... they bring shame to turkish people. majority of them live in ghettos, and live on benefits, also they are extremly relgious with a sharia loving among them.they hold no political power no soft power, no nothing, compare them with the Turks who live in the usa, who are 500k the turks hold one of highest paying jobs in the country you will not see a turish man wo is selling kebab on the streets ,they are rich with huge politcal power and somtimes they do lobbing favouring Turkey on something like the so called armenian genocide, do turks in europe have that power no idon't think so there are 3milion turks who live in germany and the kurds and armenian are bullying them..what a disgrace.

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