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Caste Hindus Torch 285 Dalit Huts in Tamil Nadu

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But is learning mandarin difficult for outsiders? It have many characters and its writing is like heirogliphics as u mentioned.

You come to TN anytime? What is ur native sir>?

I visit India once in 3 years or special occasions. My brothers are living elsewhere in India and my parents passed away. But I come to TN to visit friends and Coimbatore is my favourite spot and I ensure I spend few days there. I am originally from Madurai(my father belong to that place) though I grew up in Chennai and studied both in Chennai and Coimbatore.
Look here mate. I am too a tamil nationalist. But think in a different way. My older relatives have told me, that how sinhalese had tortured tamils (some worked in NGO and in political outfits, and helped SL tamils in height of war in 90's).
Prabakaran and other tamil groups were forced to armed struggle as they had no other option. I accept that.
But his struggle had started to show much violence. If everybody take example from him, from Bin Laden to ethnic groups fighting in Africa, they will also claim as freedom fighters.
Prabakaran had a wonderfull chance to work out with Rajiv Gandhi and in 2002. But he lost all that. He was a great leader but lost vision.
If he hadnt touched Rajiv Gandhi, situation would have been different in TN mate.
He is a legend.

I am saying it again if you don’t know details stay calm. Rajiv Gandhi paid the price for IPKF atrocities in SL . You comparing OBL with mighty LTTE its clearly showing that your immaturity towards this issue.

Just compare the objectives of both groups, did Prabharan tried to escape from the battle field? But what OBL did? Anthony (Prabha son) studied aeronautical engg in EU and established LTTE air force their every move to attain their free land, on the other hand Hafizz sons and daughter happily living in India. Did Prabha hide somewhere like OBL or other scumbags?, Whole world know he was in northern part of SL. How many terrorist’s organization have diplomat like Anton balasingham. LTTE is not a social service organization so violence is inevitable. LTTE cadres are real freedom fighters.

Prabharan is a legend for tamils.

This is an UN report. Now dont jump on the link. Read the article. It states 40000 people have been killed. Some other estimate 80000 people are killed. Rajapakse is same like Quadhafi or Al bashar in crimes.

This is the SLG report 8,000 killed.

UN can claim anything, they wasn't even present anywhere near to the battle front to make such a claims. They are just repeating what LTTE sympathizers claim.

Rajendrachola, if Sinhalese wanted a genocide they wouldn't have killed Tamils who trapped inside the war zone. They would've turn towards the Tamils who lives among them. So don't spill hatred by posting lies. :tdown:
None taken. Its the truth. Even we use same curse words. :lol:

But North Indians get along with Southern people, talking from personal experience. Most of the teachers in my school were from Kerela and they were Christians. But they were well respected. Few of them are still family friends and I never found anyone feeling uncomfortable.

I did not say Southies will not get along with Northies. I have many Northie friends as I feel friendship is more of a comfort thing than based on cultural identity(realised this after moving to US).
shameful incident......as i said in other thread this malaisse of brahmanism and its side effects was the worst curse on indian society.....

again no offence to brahmins.....

i think the govt is taking adequate steps to bring the culpriits to justice and thankfully no one has died according to paper reports......
its time to take actions on extremist hindus present in india and curb their violent ideologies
I agree with you about the difference. Believe me if that was a Hindu mob, there would have been Lathi charge and guns would have been fired. Muslim mob is generally not attacked as it can result in more tensions especially because there are few extremist element both in Hindu factions where they might have used the opportunity and Muslim factions who would have taken this Mob control as attack on Minorities.

Also, few countries would have used this as an opportunity to malign India by accusing India's strict action against minorities.

This is why there has been special care taken while handling Muslim mob. So yeah, I agree there is difference in Secular India.

Guys stay away from this site , it's possibility that this site backed by ISI according to sources and banned by high court in india.

you live in India not in Pakistan so if something goes wrong you will get hooked up .

this site operate by Germany based company and you know Germany is very good ally of India , if something goes wrong India could investigate ip addresses which will lead to you.

don't invite trouble.
its time to take actions on extremist hindus present in india and curb their violent ideologies

no moron....caste extremists are present in every religion in india..except maybe the jains and parsis.....have you heard of the ajlaf-ashraf divide among muslims....go ask google uncle....
Just compare the objectives of both groups, did Prabharan tried to escape from the battle field? But what OBL did?

Did he had another option ? All knows that he tried to break through the SLA defense line to escape into Mulativu jungle until he was rescued. Further more if he wanted to fight why did he build escape tunnels?


today.intoday.in/story/'Submarine+escape+for+Prabhakaran+difficult+but+no t+unlikely'/1/38679.html

Anthony (Prabha son) studied aeronautical engg in EU and established LTTE air force their every move to attain their free land, on the other hand Hafizz sons and daughter happily living in India.

Get your facts correct the founder was Shnaker who was killed by Sri Lankan Long Range Recce team.
Vaithilingam Sornalingam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HeinzG, I spikes therefore I am - mates - lets not make this into SL tamil issue thread. Agree to disagree - this topic will not go anywhere. :pop:

Krait - mind I ask you which state you from?
Did he had another option ? All knows that he tried to break through the SLA defense line to escape into Mulativu jungle until he was rescued. Further more if he wanted to fight why did he build escape tunnels?


today.intoday.in/story/'Submarine+escape+for+Prabhakaran+difficult+but+no t+unlikely'/1/38679.html

Get your facts correct the founder was Shnaker who was killed by Sri Lankan Long Range Recce team.
Vaithilingam Sornalingam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Usually I won't give damn about SL member's post :coffee:.
shameful incident......as i said in other thread this malaisse of brahmanism and its side effects was the worst curse on indian society.....

again no offence to brahmins.....

i think the govt is taking adequate steps to bring the culpriits to justice and thankfully no one has died according to paper reports......

Actually the caste hindu involved are not brahmins , i think...

This is the SLG report 8,000 killed.

UN can claim anything, they wasn't even present anywhere near to the battle front to make such a claims. They are just repeating what LTTE sympathizers claim.

Rajendrachola, if Sinhalese wanted a genocide they wouldn't have killed Tamils who trapped inside the war zone. They would've turn towards the Tamils who lives among them. So don't spill hatred by posting lies. :tdown:

Oh ya.. But they did kill tamil people trapped in war zone...
Actually the caste hindu involved are not brahmins , i think...

I followed Kazhuku post in turning point in history thread as well. Basically he meant Brahminism brought in the caste divisions and that is what he is meaning here for the cause of all the caste ill wills.

P.S - I wish the admins provide the PM facilities for atleast the senior members and upwards.
I visit India once in 3 years or special occasions. My brothers are living elsewhere in India and my parents passed away. But I come to TN to visit friends and Coimbatore is my favourite spot and I ensure I spend few days there. I am originally from Madurai(my father belong to that place) though I grew up in Chennai and studied both in Chennai and Coimbatore.

Well i belong to madurai too, though i study and live here in chennai :D

I followed Kazhuku post in turning point in history thread as well. Basically he meant Brahminism brought in the caste divisions and that is what he is meaning here for the cause of all the caste ill wills.

P.S - I wish the admins provide the PM facilities for atleast the senior members and upwards.

Even MODS have no idea on that... I asked them.. They asked me to PM webby.. But he does not respond to such questions regarding PMs..
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