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Captured CST Terrorist

In mid-September this year, the CIA station chief in Delhi sought an urgent meeting with his counterpart in R&AW to pass on some critical inputs. This was part of an understanding that Indian and American intelligence had institutionalised in the aftermath of 9/11. From its assets in Pakistan and Afghanistan, American intelligence had come to learn that the Lashkar-e-Toiba was planning to launch a major terrorist attack in Mumbai, which would be carried out from the sea.

This input was in conjunction with other inputs that Indian intelligence had received from various other sources. For instance, Riyasuddin, the son of Maulana Nasiruddin, who was under arrest for his alleged involvement in the assassination of the then Gujarat home minister Naren Pandya, had stated in his statements to the police that a sea-borne attack was being planned by certain terrorist groups abroad for an attack on Mumbai.

Similarly other vague inputs had also come in from Uttar Pradesh as well as other sources. But by September 24, Indian intelligence picked up several specific inputs. These were:

* An LeT module was being trained in a camp around Karachi for launching attacks from the sea for at least three months
* Yusuf Muzammil, the chief of operations of the LeT was in contact with an LeT operative stationed in Bangladesh (identified as "Yayah") who was being asked to procure international SIM cards for an operation that had been planned
* Information was also available that the team had been trained by Zakir-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, also known as "Chacha" an ageing ideologue who conducted most of the LeT's training modules.

The Gateway Of India : outlookindia.com

Well, it appears that the Americans were also aware of this particular plot. Things seem to be falling into place.
Still a British national, Britain does not support terrorists undergoing prison terms it will rather negotiate at govt level.

So is it their policy to not provide safe haven, even to their own nationals? May explain why OS did not want to be released there.
And also pointing to a colossal security and intel failure in preventing the attack, even when such allegedly detailed information on the attack was available.

Please read the full article from the link. That would help in this aspect.
They were Pakistani citizens. Typically any release is to their native nation first, unless that country refuses. In this case they were in Afghanistan, so they were released there and came to Pakistan.

So Palistan was happy to host a terrorist released by India. Also since our talks were through Afghani government(Not recognised by international community), I don't see the legality of hosting a known criminal, since we did not agree anything with you. Also the point here is Terrorists have been provided safe haven in Pakistan. If Paksitan had been serious about its commitment it should have handed them over to Indian nationals.

Also apart form Omar Sayeed Shake and Mazood Azhar there were the hijackers themselves who live in Pakistan..
Govt to set up federal spy agency: PM
30 Nov 2008, 2057 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: In the wake of Mumbai terror attacks, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday said the government has decided to set up a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), strengthen air and maritime security and create four NSG hubs in various parts of the country. ( Watch )

Sharing the country's "anger and outrage" over the Mumbai attacks, he appealed to parties to rise above political considerations to meet the challenge unitedly.

"Terrorists and enemies of our nation must know that their actions unite rather than divide us," he said in his opening remarks at the all party meeting convened by him to discuss the situation arising out of the terror strikes.

Describing the attacks as "different" from the previous terror strikes, Singh said "in the face of this national threat and in the aftermath of this national tragedy, all of us from different political parties must rise above narrow political considerations and stand united.

"We should work together in the interest of the country at this critical juncture."

He said the parties should build a consensus on what needs to be done to strengthen the ability of the system to meet these threats.

"The terrorists and enemies of our nation must know that their actions unite rather than divide us," the Prime Minister said at the meeting from which leader of the opposition L K Advani, BJP president Rajnath Singh and Shiv Sena stayed away.

He hoped that the political parties would be able to give a collective assurance to the nation that, across the political spectrum, "we stand together at this hour."

Maintaining that the government shared the hurt of the people and their sense of anger and outrage, Singh said several measures are already in place to deal with the situation.

"But clearly much more needs to be done and we are determined to take all necessary measures to overhaul the system," he said.

"We have finalised a set of legal measures based on the recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission which includes the setting up of a FIA," Singh said.

The Prime Minister said the government would further strengthen maritime and air security for which measures have been initiated. This will involve the Navy, the Coast Guard and the coastal police, as well as the Air Force and the civil aviation ministry.

"The anti-terrorist forces of the country will be further strengthened and streamlined. The National Security Guard, which is the principal anti-terrorist force of the country, will be given additional facilities and the size of the force is being augmented," he said.

Steps have also been initiated to establish another four NSG hubs in different parts of the country. Additionally, the special forces at the disposal of the Centre would be appropriately utilised in counter insurgency operations.

The Prime Minister said the country has had terrorist attacks in the past too.

"But this attack was different. It was an attack by highly trained and well-armed terrorists targeting our largest city. They came with the explicit aim of killing large numbers of innocent civilians, including foreign visitors. They sought to destroy some of the best known symbols of our commercial capital."

He said the ordeal at Mumbai, which occupied the attention of the entire nation, has finally come to an end.

"All of us share the grief of those who have lost their loved ones in this dastardly and brutal attack and also the pain and anguish of those grievously wounded.

"We cannot lessen their grief. But we will do all we can to alleviate their suffering. I give you my solemn assurance that we will look after the needs of those who survive this horrible tragedy," Singh said.

"We salute the bravery of our security forces who fought the terrorists in exceptionally difficult circumstances. They tried their utmost to save innocent lives at great personal risk.

"Twenty officers and men made the ultimate sacrifice by laying down their lives. The entire nation owes a debt of gratitude to these men that we can never repay, the Prime Minister said.

So Palistan was happy to host a terrorist released by India. Also since our talks were through Afghani government(Not recognised by international community), I don't see the legality of hosting a known criminal, since we did not agree anything with you. Also the point here is Terrorists have been provided safe haven in Pakistan. If Paksitan had been serious about its commitment it should have handed them over to Indian nationals.

Also apart form Omar Sayeed Shake and Mazood Azhar there were the hijackers themselves who live in Pakistan..

The hijackers can demand safe haven wherever they want. India accepted. Pakistan was chosen, as it seems they were mostly Pakistani citizens or Pakistani origin.

Like I said, India chose to negotiate, and negotiations require safe haven. This was entirely India's fault.
And also pointing to a colossal security and intel failure in preventing the attack, even when such allegedly detailed information on the attack was available.
Add to that there was a massive collsal failure in areas such as coordination, interoperability and modularity of operation.
The hijackers can demand safe haven wherever they want. India accepted. Pakistan was chosen, as it seems they were mostly Pakistani citizens or Pakistani origin.

Like I said, India chose to negotiate, and negotiations require safe haven. This was entirely India's fault.

Pakistan could have offered to help India by capturing the terrorists and sending them back to India.

I see no reason why one should honour some implied commitment made to a terrorist.
OS had committed acts which are unpardonable in his homecounty.

GP and IPF:

If you cannot understand the basic concept of providing safe haven as part of a hostage negotiating process then I will consider this conversation ended and delete any future posts. You are repeating the same old line again and again.

It doesn't matter whether they committed crimes before they were granted 'safe haven' - the whole point is that India wanted its citizens back, and chose to release them to another nation where they would not be imprisoned or killed or returned to India. The Israelis do the same thing. If you didn't want them going free you should not have negotiated, its as simple as that. Once you negotiated, India got her citizens, and the militants got their freedom.
Pakistan could have offered to help India by capturing the terrorists and sending them back to India.

I see no reason why one should honour some implied commitment made to a terrorist.
I have explained this already.

It is the same reason the Israelis don't neutralize the people they release as part of 'deals', though they have every ability to do so, unless they attack Israel again after release. It destroys any credibility in the negotiating process and means you cannot pursue it again.

Next time you catch them, or they commit a crime, don't realeas them.
The hijackers can demand safe haven wherever they want. India accepted. Pakistan was chosen, as it seems they were mostly Pakistani citizens or Pakistani origin.

Like I said, India chose to negotiate, and negotiations require safe haven. This was entirely India's fault.

Is an agreement between hijackers valid ? Is there any international law governing this aspect? As far as I remember we did not sign any agreement with Pakistan.

Also It simply drives home the point that

There are terrorists from Pakistani origin
They had logistical base in Pakistan
They can be safe in Pakistan after perpetuating henious crimes in India
Though Pakistani governments support for millitants is debated by Pakistan, they sure were negligent in controlling them and it the process failing to address India's concern.

now FIA india and FIA pakistan same name make us confuse when some thing happen
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