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Cancelled Russian LFI Project Now JF-17 Fighter

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Is this why some people (in Indian defence forums) refer to JF-17 as upgraded Mig-21 plane??


If they were derived from the same programme there would at least be some similarity between them, I can't spot any, besides the canopy, thus leading me to believe that the claim is bogus...............

"F-2 or project Dassault 45 was a french project of making a light weight fighter aircraft to counter the continuous threats of Soviet based aircrafts which were gaining huge reputation in market but due to some technical problems the project went into the favour of mirage-2000 and the project Dassault 45 was sold secretly to India at a cost of 600million which made the basis of LCA"

Now this report is as true as the report for jf-17 regarding mikyoun 33 or whatever

n indian members dun dare to ask me that wat are the proves i have and dun dare to ask me to provide the pics of Dassault45 project as you yourself are argueing on jf-17 as a russian design and romanian design without these basis and proves

Well I have some links, even if u dont take it credible, Iam giving it to u, just to mention that Not only India thinks so that Jf-17 derived from cancelled project mig 33 design ,which Soviet sold it to china

Joint Fighter-17 (JF-17) Thunder / Fighter China-1 (FC-1) Fierce Dragon

mig33 super fulcrum

Warplanes: New Chinese F-16/MiG-29 Competitor

Now get me a link stating Mirage 2000 design is sold to india.... iam waiting:coffee:
Is this why some people (in Indian defence forums) refer to JF-17 as upgraded Mig-21 plane??

That is utter nonsense, Mig-21 is a delt wing plane, JF-17 is a canard delta wing aircraft, that difference is enough to make the two seperate aircrafts, im not even going to go into the details.
What is with you people reading anything and believing everything?

The only thing that remains common between LFI and JF-17 is that they are intended for the same purpose, and that is Light Frontline Fighter.

Today as it stand, there is zero contribution by Russia except the engine (which is paid for).

You are wrong RSK 'MiG' has been involved in the designing phase of JF-17. Its an official statement been reported by Jane's many times.

RSK 'MiG'/P A Voronin Production Centre (Federalnoye Gosudarstvennoye Unitarnoye Predpriyatie, Rossiyskaya Samoletostroitel'NAYA Korporatsiya 'MiG' (Russian Aircraft-Building Corporation 'MiG' Federal State Unitary Enterprise)) (Russian Federation) -
Service activities include complete maintenance support and pilot training; is also involved in Chinese Chengdu FC-1 fighter programme,
The JF-17 was presented for export in Ideas 2008 exhibition, and it's export name was JF-17 Thunder, not FC-1, just a small correction.:cheers:

Well then

CAC FC-1 Xiaolong (China) - Jane's All the World's Aircraft

CAC FC-1 Xiaolong (China), Aircraft - Fixed-wing - Military

Attack fighter.


Fighter China (FC) programme launched 1991 following cancellation of US participation in development of Chengdu Super-7. Some design assistance from MiG OKB, possibly based on (then-designated MiG-33) mid-1980s project for single-engined variant of the MiG-29. (Sources at MiG experimental bureau quoted as saying that FC-1 was designed there to a military specification as Izd (Izdeliye: article) 33 and later offered for Chinese production following cancellation of Russian requirement.) Collaboration with Pakistan began with 1995 MoU, leading to joint development and production contract in June 1999, but avionics selection for Pakistan bedevilled by sanctions and technology transfer concerns, and this aspect separated from airframe development progress in early 2001.Full-scale mockup completed 2001 and exhibited at Zhuhai November 2002. First five prototypes (including 02 for static and 05 for fatigue test, and 04 earmarked as avionics and weapon systems testbed) under construction by then, with oft-postponed maiden flight targeted for mid-2003. First batch of RD-93 engines, to power 01, 03 and 04, received in 2002. Formal approval for production, at CAC's No. 132 factory, reported in January 2003. Pakistan renamed Super-7 as JF-17 (Joint Fighter) Thunder in 2003.First FC-1 rolled out 31 May 2003 and began low-speed taxying trials 27 June, followed by eight-minute maiden flight (first of two that day) on 25 August, and first 'official' flight, by then also bearing JF-17 markings, 3 September 2003, all at Chengdu's Wenjiang Airport. Pakistan news reports at that time indicated following timetable (not achieved) for that country's participation: finalise MoU September 2003;
So then to my original point.. Isn't Pakistan's role in JF 17 similar to India's in SU30 MKi, where India was involved from start in development of this variant of Su 30 and also supplies avionics as well to the plane. Like JF 17, the Su 30 MKi is manufactured within India and if i understand right, this year will see even the engine getting fabricated within India only...

No, because Pakistani engineers designed the aircraft with China and made a plane out of scratch, this includes R&D, and all the little tit bits that your talking about except for the engine, avionics and radar. Whereas Su-30 was designed, and manufactured solely by Russia, which was then exported to India after which india started to replace a few of its components with their own as they say as we do with our Mirage 3/5. India did not contribute in any way in the designing, what would be correct to say is that India just changed a few things in the aircraft for their specific needs before importing it. It was and is a purely Russian Design. foolishly optimistic question.
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Pakistan originally imported their JF-17's , from China

Then started assembling.

And now are trying to manufacture it in Pakistan.

So essentially its gradual shift from Chinese manufacturing to Pakistani .

The only thing they don't have is an Engine that the Chinese are still having trouble with ,
till China can make them an engine , they are suing China as middle man to get the Mig engine (RD - 93) from Russia .

The Chines radar, avionics have been transferred to Pakistan for manufacture already i believe .

Since been trying for decades, how many fighters India has built at her own from design to complete manufacturing ???? :azn: None I guess in last 60 years :no: All you guys have been doing is ToT and that it. :azn:

Pakistan has just starting its first one with China, and there will be problems , issues, lets face it. its still a long way for us and many areas to explore. :pakistan::pakistan:
F of course is the export letter.

j-10 export is called FC-20
Now. What is FC-20? why so many names for one plane?:cheesy: Is there FC-19?

The FC-1 also lacks some foreign systems that Pakistan has chosen for it self
What are the foreign systems (non-chinese?) in JF-17 inducted in PAF?

J is the chines letter for its own systems, like J-10, J-11 .

JF could mean internal export

What is 'internal export'??


JF-17 is only refereed to as by Pakistan. The export name is FC-1

from China's perspective, it is the exporter of the FC-1 ,under that name.
Is export version FC-1 or FC-20??

since Pakistan does not manufacture or even have access to an engine China is the one who negotiate exports and make the planes.

I am not sure about sourcing to Pakistan for exports however.

FC-1 is the official international designation
Is it FC-1 or FC-20 if China exports?
JF-17 if Pakistan exports, right?

FC-1 was the name of the project, whereas JF-17 is the aircraft's designation. JF means Joint Fighter and this is the name that the plane will be exported under. However since the aircraft is not being acquired by China they do not use it's designated name, instead they use the project name to discuss the aircraft.
There was no JF-16 before this, the name is basically just a name.

So, China will export is under the name JF-17??
This is very confusing. Some contradicting statements in these two posts.
It will be exported from Pakistan under the designation 'Jf-17.'

Who cares about the names anyway. lol
Since been trying for decades, how many fighters India has built at her own from design to complete manufacturing ???? : None I guess in last 60 years All you guys have been doing is ToT and that it. :azn:

Pakistan has just starting its first one with China, and there will be problems , issues, lets face it. its still a long way for us and many areas to explore. :pakistan::pakistan:


:taz: :blah::blah: :pakistan:

Don't go Off topic
That would be a blow to Pakistani members, who believed JF-17 was designed by Pakistan and China.

Nice find.
Err, it would be a blow to newbies who have just woken up yesterday. The truth is the JF-17 is the resumed Mig-35d project. d = defunct.

The airframe of the Mig-35d is exactly the same as the earlier JF-17 prototypes. Note its the small d, not the usual D classification.

Of course its been heavily modified and a lot of new development has taken place.

:taz: :blah::blah: :pakistan:

Don't go Off topic

What off topic? :azn:

you have been trying to blast Thunder in the whole thread with your utter useless posts , therefore I asked how many fighters Indians have made in last 60 years that are operational ? One simple question and you can reply in one line. why so reluctancy ?

Its for my own education. so in your own time, go ahead with answere :pop:
Now. What is FC-20? why so many names for one plane?:cheesy: Is there FC-19?

FC-20: An export variant of the J-10

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - PAF to start serial production of JF17 fighter aircraft soon

Answering a question, he said the agreement between Pakistan and China for the delivery of High‑Tech aircraft J‑10 was intact and these aircraft after improving them further would be delivered to PAF in 2014‑15. He said these aircraft are being modernized in accordance with the PAF’s requirements and delivered under the title of FC‑20.

What are the foreign systems (non-chinese?) in JF-17 inducted in PAF?

The JF-17 that Pak has received is slated for a number of upgrades.

Some of them involve the purchase of foreign systems like European Radar, avionics . To replace the Chines standard.

These systems are purchase and as such cant be exported

Making them unique to Pakistan's Thunders.

Although clearly there have been setbacks

What is 'internal export'??
Export with with technology ?

Is export version FC-1 or FC-20??

FC-20 is J-10 export designation

FC-1 is the Chinese designation for the JF-17 .

Is it FC-1 or FC-20 if China exports?
JF-17 if Pakistan exports, right?

Russia controls the engines and China is middle man.

Pakistan cant export with Russian Engines so China has to do all exporting.

If China exports its the FC-1/ JF-17
But it is refered to as FC-1 on chines documents.
What off topic? :azn:

you have been trying to blast Thunder in the whole thread with your utter useless posts , therefore I asked how many fighters Indians have made in last 60 years that are operational ? One simple question and you can reply in one line. why so reluctancy ?

Its for my own education. so in your own time, go ahead with answere :pop:

You want to talk about India make new thread.

this is regarding the JF-17 ,


slander is not a counter argument.

Who cares what India does .This is about JF-17 so stick to topic.

You want to talk about India then make a new thread and I will join there.
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