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Can we Chinese make good friend with Indian?

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there is already so much racism in india regarding Caucasian and Mongolian breed. means, those who look like chinese even they are ""indians"" from north east states often become victims of dravid indian racism. good luck pal.
people like "eve706 " make me sick

Dear Townsman, I do not mean to do that, actually I don't want to talk some more political topics here, and you were twisting my political viewing. I hope you can re-understand me and do not say any aggressive words to me. I did not condemn you as idiot,right? Other people would think we Chinese are not civilized. Pls make an elegent speaking way as a true Wuhan person!

Dear Jeet, Developereo and other friends here, thanks for your joining to my thread, I am a newcomer here, what I mean is to launch a mutual trust and true understanding of Indian, Pakistanis and Chinese, but it seems that somebody do not like we make good relation with each other and said some unfriendly words here, I cannot understand, why? Is there anyone envy the good relation of India and China? China will not only make friend with India but also all other countries, I know it will not be easy, but we are endeavoring.

By the way, Dear Developereo san, I meant to use "Mum" in the beginning,but after I found I typed Daddy, I think "Mummy" would be more matching to him, so I changed. If you think would regard me as Indian from this point, what I can say is that I am really astonished and I shall learn an important grammatical knowledge from you.
Dear Townsman, I do not mean to do that, actually I don't want to talk some more political topics here, and you were twisting my political viewing. I hope you can re-understand me and do not say any aggressive words to me. I did not condemn you as idiot,right? Other people would think we Chinese are not civilized. Pls make an elegent speaking way as a true Wuhan person!

Dear Jeet, Developereo and other friends here, thanks for your joining to my thread, I am a newcomer here, what I mean is to launch a mutual trust and true understanding of Indian, Pakistanis and Chinese, but it seems that somebody do not like we make good relation with each other and said some unfriendly words here, I cannot understand, why? Is there anyone envy the good relation of India and China? China will not only make friend with India but also all other countries, I know it will not be easy, but we are endeavoring.

By the way, Dear Developereo san, I meant to use "Mum" in the beginning,but after I found I typed Daddy, I think "Mummy" would be more matching to him, so I changed. If you think would regard me as Indian from this point, what I can say is that I am really astonished and I shall learn an important grammatical knowledge from you.

U dont worry about others... they got tired of reading so many political and military news in this forum... so.. just for a change everyone is having fun by pulling each others leg... cheer up..
By the way, Dear Developereo san, I meant to use "Mum" in the beginning,but after I found I typed Daddy, I think "Mummy" would be more matching to him, so I changed. If you think would regard me as Indian from this point, what I can say is that I am really astonished and I shall learn an important grammatical knowledge from you.

Oooh, another slip up, jeet bhai.
san is a Japanese honorific, not Chinese.

Let me guess, you are a Chinese girl who sometimes uses Japaense words in the middle of her sentences.... :rofl:
First time in this forum a Chinese is making fun of Chinese..

Jeet, finally I got it.

In this forum, I got to know the one who disputes and condemns nations relation are popular and true.

The one who trys to repair and establish peaceful and good relation with countries will be regarded as fake and idiot.

That say, they don't like to see the scene of good relation between us.

It seems that some Chinese think anyone who make friends with you is idiot.
Oooh, another slip up, jeet bhai.
san is a Japanese honorific, not Chinese.

Let me guess, you are a Chinese girl who sometimes uses Japaense words in the middle of her sentences.... :rofl:

Yes, I am a Japanese learner,just show you my learning, can we?

Oh, it's also for business use, no any political factor.
Jeet, finally I got it.

In this forum, I got to know the ones who disputes and condemn nations relation are popular and true.

The one who trys to repair and establish peaceful and good relation with countries will be regarded as fake and idiot.

That say, they don't like to see the scene of good relation between us.

It seems that some Chinese think anyone who make friends with you is idiot.

Yes u r right.. they want India and China to fight,, so that they can get a chance to stand and clap:yahoo::yahoo:
Dear Indian friends,this is a girl from China and located near Shanghai. Due to business enlargement, I plan come to India next year to look for the real market situation.

We do fertilizer business, and I got to know Indian is the most important import market for this product.

To be frank, there are truely some disputes between India and China, but I can't understand why these 2 countries regard each other as enemy? Why can't we(also including Pakistan) be good friends? I have seen an Indian student come to practice in our company, very nice and polite. I will not say any bad word to these countries, an Indian company wants to join-venture to our company, my boss worry the political situation will affect our business,I think it's very stupid.

How do you think about that? My Indian friends?

Hi friend. It seems alot good idea that china and india coming together as one but unfortunatly its far from reality. Its just like a dream. Both china and india sees it self as future major power. The question is who gonna be major power. i do agree that india dont like china. Same thing with china (latest survey shown 90percent chinees sees india a threat). China recently veto the funds to our anurachal pradesh. Tell me friend would that move make peace? Clapping goes by two hands and not one. China never supported india in anything. Nuclear deal where china opposed india, arming pakistan so india can be busy playing with pakistan and china can move ahead. Building more military in indo-china border etc etc. Friend if china want to be india's friend than they should make first friendship move. All they doing is provoking india. As far as i know india ready to be china's friend. But for that both india and china should not think who would be super power first. China not helping anything. India was calm until we came to know china allready surrownding india. Am sure this would make situation more worse for china. In china allready 30 million chinees jobless in this economy crisiss. Provoking india would make china more weak. They should together with india and not surrownd india and hint they want indian oceans controll. Working together will benefit china but working against india wont help them my friend.
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it won't be easy,there is a survey report about "how indian see china",62% of them consider china as a friendly country in 2002,but the number dropped to 26% last year,i really don't know what china did over the last 7years deserve this number,while india media propagate the "china threat" every day,they are also sowing the seeds of hatred in people's heart

I have been to India. I will share my personal experiences (and other people's that I talked to or discuss with on Internet). I will say it politely:

India is progressing through her juvenile phase, much like China did before the great opening up. During this time both countries are going through much internal suffering. Hindus/Indians have much pride in themselves, and do not like to see themselves lagging behind their giant neighbor. What they see does not agree with what they are told to believe, so this produces a sort of jealousy and discontent. You don't see this in any other Asian nation (to this extent).

Indians have a long unique history, full of mysticism. In they eyes of foreigners, India is a land of Yoga & Vedic spirituality. It is okay to learn from others, but don't lose your own heritage. Take for example Bollywood, it has been too much influenced by 'West'. The older Bollywood films had a distinct Indian feel, now they imitate Hollywood films too much. Even the actors are chosen who look more Caucasian than Indian -- why be ashamed of how we look? I live in a multicultural city, and I just love the way everyone looks unique! :agree:

China is also suffering from this inferiority-copycat complex as well. My advice is cherish your heritage, be proud of yourself (while respecting others), learn from others but also TEACH OTHERS. Regarding business in India, take some precaution - they do business differently there. Take incremental steps, with each step make sure you are willing to lose everything. But most importantly business depends on understanding each other & relationship building - both takes time and effort. :smitten:
Hi friend. It seems alot good idea that china and india coming together as one but unfortunatly its far from reality. Its just like a dream. Both china and india sees it self as future major power. The question is who gonna be major power. i do agree that india dont like china. Same thing with china (latest survey shown 90percent chinees sees india a threat). China recently veto the funds to our anurachal pradesh. Tell me friend would that move make peace? Clapping goes by two hands and not one. China never supported india in anything. Nuclear deal where china opposed india, arming pakistan so india can be busy playing with pakistan and china can move ahead. Building more military in indo-china border etc etc. Friend if china want to be india's friend than they should make first friendship move. All they doing is provoking india. As far as i know india ready to be china's friend. But for that both india and china should not think who would be super power first. China not helping anything. India was calm until we came to know china allready surrownding india. Am sure this would make situation more worse for china. In china allready 30 million chinees jobless in this economy crisiss. Provoking india would make china more weak. They should together with india and not surrownd india and hint they want indian oceans controll. Working together will benefit china but working against india wont help them my friend.

TOTAL RIDICULOUS PROPAGANDA BEING PROPAGATED IN INDIA. :disagree: How many times before you understand? I'll highlight your concerns one by one:

(a) Who will be "major" superpower?

This is an Indian obsession, NOT Chinese. Yes there is a saying that two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain, but it's not necessarily a rigid rule. A mountain can contain all sorts of animals - pandas, elephant, tiger, wolves, birds, etc. If in future India is the tiger, great - if not, also okay. Being so obsessed with competitors is not helpful. Chill & enjoy life! :)

(b) Sino-Pak relationship is bad for India.

This is bad thinking. Only if India intends to annex Pakistan do I see resistance from Sino-Pak alliance. Otherwise, this adds to stability to all of Asia. Best if we have Sino-Indo-Pak-Nippon-Korea-ASEAN-BD-Iran-Russia-etc partnership.

(c) China is surrounding India to weaken India.

If you look at the map, China's territory has been stolen by most of her neighbors and is now reduced. Even worse is China's access (and throughput) in sea lanes. It is obvious that Supremacist Powers are strangling China, this is merely China unstrangling herself.

The main reason for India is they know the McMahon line is both ILLEGAL and UNSUSTAINABLE. Massive internal people's resistance in those regions, and their affirmative support to be part of China threatens India gravely. China hopes for peaceful return of stolen land, and NOT annexation of India's land. Just like with Taiwan in 1990s where a power-sharing offer was made (and reject then), India is offered an extremely fair Land-Swap (land east of Kashmir for southern Tibet) but India rejected.

Life is unfair for India, while China has huge land up north (Siberia) - but India's expansion is kept in check. In the west by Pakistan, up north by China, and to the east by Myanmar. Hence the 'conflict' with these nations. It is unfortunate for hundreds of millions of Indians.

My personal remedy is that Indians emigrate to EU, GCC, Africa, Oz, USA, Canada, South America by the hundreds of millions. If each country that has sparse land takes a few dozen million Indians then India will have more room to breath. :smitten:
^^ Maybe 100 million or so can migrate to Tibet, along with the quarter million tibetan refugees. They'll get their country back and India will have more breathing room.
^^ Maybe 100 million or so can migrate to Tibet, along with the quarter million tibetan refugees. They'll get their country back and India will have more breathing room.


Yes, that is India's propaganda that they feed to Indians -- that Tibet was "Indian". Sorry Tibet was always "MONGOLOID". Didn't I say earlier that the main issue of Kashmir and NE region is to wrap around and annex Tibet?! :agree:

Sorry but China (and SE Asia) is already FULL. We have no vacancies left. :no:

Like I said, don't punish the innocent (Asians) but the guilty (Europeans) -- they are the land-grabbers, not us! :smitten:
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