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Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

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Even if there was a contiguous stretch of land from Balochistan to Assam or whereever, it still wouldnt work, unless Bangladesh had lots of autonomy. I think under the Mughal Empire, it was possible to hold Bangladesh along with the other region of North India, only because Bharati power was annihilated. Who could the Bangladeshis have sided with to beat the Mughal Empire? Bharat was too weak. But siding with Bharat in '71 would have given them the edge. If you really wanted Bangladesh and Pakistan to work, you'd need a very powerful army. One that could fight off Bangladesh and India combining forces. One doesn't exist right now. Anyway, it's best not to join the two together.
Yes but geography plays a part in distinguishing one countries culture, society from another.

So a Baloch is not similar to a Punjabi or a Bengali and a Pastun!

A map would not amalgamate cultures and societies.

Our cultures and our attitudes are similar enough that we get on well with each other and are proud to be pakistanis. Most of the people of pakistan get on fine with other ethnic groups, there are always exceptions though but these are in the minority.

Doesn't appears so given what has been happening.

I'm not human? what are you on about. I didn't demean him one bit.

You are proving Jinnah to be incorrect. Check your post.

No you do want a wider ummah so dont say "i dont". Dont tell me what I should accept or presume to know about my beliefs, its none of your business

Why not?

Answer the question rather than get tangential. Can't once wax on the issue of ummah and when convenient, wane on it!
IF indians had a brain they wouldn't interject in here. but are you a muslim by any chance? as many a hindu have this tendency to pose as muslims in pk/bd fora. lol

By that logic, then one should not comment on anything since it does not concern anyone! Good logic!

Since you have no clue of names used in India, you should continue to remain confused.

And India is not a preserve of Hindus alone, in the event you are not aware of the fine distinction and instead are guided by your brainwashed opinions,

are you retarded? i dont know but may be you are. i did mention a 1,000 miles of hostile indian territory separating pakistan and bangladesh that ensures (to this day) that there can never be a successful unity amongst these brotherly people as long as indian hostile territory of a thousand miles is well indian/hindustani.
that needs to be captures and a CONTIGUOUS stretch of land from bangladesh to pakistan, from sylhet/chittagong all the way through bihar uttar pradesh delhi etc to baluchistan and sarhad is what'll work. then there'll be 'middle men' indians who're muslims in north india that'll bridge the gap between two extremities of subcontinental muslims. (geographically at two extremes are bd and pk)

Not as clueless as you are displaying.

Brotherly or sisterly feeling, you have no clue of strategy or of military planning, even though being contiguous is helpful. It is so evident.

Daydreaming that Indian Moslems will help you will also not help. What do you think the majority of Indian Moslems are?
salim said:
So a Baloch is not similar to a Punjabi or a Bengali and a Pastun!

A map would not amalgamate cultures and societies.

What? Can you type properly and phrase your points with proper sentences and grammar. Half the time I cant even understand what your trying to say.

Doesn't appears so given what has been happening.

A small uprising led by a minority in Baloch that has since been crushed and the problem fixed. It didnt have massive popular support. Problems in the NWFP that again aren't supported by the majority but by extremists and trouble makers, this problem is more religous then anything else.

You are proving Jinnah to be incorrect. Check your post.

Yeah he was wrong, so whats your point, that he cant ever be wrong? And by what stretch of logic does claiming someone is wrong equate to defamation?

Why not?

Answer the question rather than get tangential. Can't once wax on the issue of ummah and when convenient, wane on it!

I don't dictate to you what you should believe nor should you do the same. My personal beliefs are irrelevant to the argument at hand, which is "should bangladesh be part of pakistan".

As for Ummah, well I don't believe in the concept that all muslim nations should be ruled by Shariah.

And Yes I am being rational, I think you should practise it sometimes if that is at all possible for one such as yourself.

While I understand the anguish of the Pakistanis for losing out Bangladesh and ruining all the concept of ummah and the two nation theory and more so,having lost out to the arch rival, India, and I think they have reasons to feel so, I have a few questions for you.

Let us take it that 1000 miles separation was indeed a great obstacle.

1. How is it that this 1000 miles separation did not create Bangaldesh earlier and it suddenly became such a material instrument?

2. No matter who or which country wants to break another, is it feasible to do so, unless a large majority of the country being broken desire so? If that were feasible, then shouldn't Pakistan be broken by now given that there are many posts on this forum which suggests that the US is trying its best to do so?

3. Indeed, if let us say some external force managed to 'create' Bangladesh, which the population was so dead against, then how come there has no attempt by the govt of Bangladesh and the people of Bangladesh to reunite, even though they have been independent from 1971 i.e. more than 30 years?

Just a few questions to prove you are clueless and either a razaakar or a collaborator and not representative of the majority opinion of Bangladesh!

Nothing wrong with my intelligence.

Something is wrong with yours since you do not understand the concept of ummah out of sheer convenience!!

The phrase Ummah Wahida in the Qur'an (the "One Community") refers to all of the Islamic world unified. The Quran says: “You [Muslims] are the best nation brought out for Mankind, commanding what is righteous (Ma'ruf - lit. "recognized [as good]") and forbidding what is wrong (Munkar - lit. "unrecognized [as good]")....” [3:110]

there is big difference between senses and intellegence.

even if something is wrong with me i dont see any logic in your comments about Ummah.

1. The phrase Wahida used for one comunity i.e entire Muslim community is ummah. its not neccessarily that all Muslim countries should be one big State.

hence creation of Bangladesh does not mean it had defied ummah as being propogated by you.
Bangladesh is still a Muslim country that makes it part of Muslim ummah and not otherwise.

Totally puerile a thought!
If India wanted to make it a part of India or make it a surrogate, it should have done what US is doing in Iraq.

you mean India can make Bangladesh a part of India if India wants ?? and you think the same self-respecting Bangladeshis will allow india to make them indian slaves ???

secondly what US is doing in Iraq the entire world knows that US is licking its wonds rather than succeeding in taming Iraqis. so dont tell me India can conquer Bangladesh.

Because this type of sentiments I have seen on Pak forum which take Bangaldeshis as rice eating dark weakling compared to the big talk of the West Pakistan of racial supremacy, is the reason why self respecting Bengalis discarded Pakistan!

well Birgadier Ray Sir, the same can be said about Indians too.
In the similiar manner here Pakistani people from Punjab are also not fair and in the most cases they also dark and eat rice in dinner about 90 % of them eat rice at dinner so your accusation of racial supremacy about West Pakistan is not fit well with arguments for Bangladesh separation.

We had realised and did accept there was mistakes on political front from our side that led to poking of nose by Indians into the entire affair.
Its time the indians should accept they exploit the situation and were dreaming to unite BD but bravo Bangladeshis they did maintained their status.

Have courage and live with reality and not live in denial and delusions!

Only Wonder of BD, razzakar and collaborators, who are not Bengalis, who accept such insult and live with it.
.I am a Bengali and though not a Bangladeshi, I find it insulting and the Wonder must be razaakaar!

what a hypocracy what about all those Muslims who chose to remain in India and today they are still being called traitors and asked to go to Pakistan. Should they be called razzakaar too ?

BTW we did not loos BD to India as you claimed.
BD Is still an independent Muslim Nation which is now accused by India of terroris.

The poor Bangladeshi are killed on border with India brutally by Indian Border Forces on pretext of Infiltrating.
and still India has this border dispute with Bangladesh over few kilometers.
Firstly I must deal with Salim

Salim said:
While I understand the anguish of the Pakistanis for losing out Bangladesh and ruining all the concept of ummah and the two nation theory and more so,having lost out to the arch rival, India, and I think they have reasons to feel so, I have a few questions for you.

We were upset about loosing the war but not about loosing Bengalis. You can be part of India for all we care, just cause your muslim don't think we like you cus the truth is we dont.

Now Miss Jana (I didnt know you was a Miss until RR mentioned it btw..)

Jana said:
In the similiar manner here Pakistani people from Punjab are also not fair and in the most cases they also dark and eat rice in dinner about 90 % of them eat rice at dinner so your accusation of racial supremacy about West Pakistan is not fit well with arguments for Bangladesh separation.

I wouldnt say 90% of punjabis eat rice. its mostly ghosht and roti or something with roti. But yeh many punjabis are not fair I agree with you on that bit.

The main problem with the Bengalis is there own views about how other people 'discriminate' against them. I've saw it with my own two eyes here in England. Oh and the stereotype about Bengalis being tight is oh so true...
there is big difference between senses and intellegence.

even if something is wrong with me i dont see any logic in your comments about Ummah.

1. The phrase Wahida used for one comunity i.e entire Muslim community is ummah. its not neccessarily that all Muslim countries should be one big State.

hence creation of Bangladesh does not mean it had defied ummah as being propogated by you.
Bangladesh is still a Muslim country that makes it part of Muslim ummah and not otherwise.

A very convenient interpretation by you.

A caliphate is the Islamic form of government representing the political unity and leadership of the Muslim world. The head of state (Caliph) has a position based on the notion of a successor to Muhammad's political authority; according to Sunnis ideally elected by the people or their representatives, and according to the Shia an Imam desended in a line from the Ahl ul-Bayt. From the time of Muhammad until 1924, successive caliphates were held by various dynasties, including the Umayyads, Abbasids, and finally Ottomans.

The caliphate is the only form of governance that has full approval in traditional Islamic theology, and "is the core political concept of Sunni Islam, by the consensus of the Muslim majority in the early centuries."

Hence, the temporal manifestation of the ummah!

you mean India can make Bangladesh a part of India if India wants ?? and you think the same self-respecting Bangladeshis will allow india to make them indian slaves ???

Not can.

Could have hung around.

But India wisely quit!

Bangladeshis are no slaves and never will be. That is why they split. The attitude of Scorpion, amongst others, is an adequate indicator why they split.

secondly what US is doing in Iraq the entire world knows that US is licking its wonds rather than succeeding in taming Iraqis. so dont tell me India can conquer Bangladesh.


The Sunnis are now playing ball and have jumped on to the bandwagon!

well Birgadier Ray Sir, the same can be said about Indians too.
In the similiar manner here Pakistani people from Punjab are also not fair and in the most cases they also dark and eat rice in dinner about 90 % of them eat rice at dinner so your accusation of racial supremacy about West Pakistan is not fit well with arguments for Bangladesh separation.

Racial arrogance is evident amongst the Punjabis over the others. I have given enough links from the Pak media in various threads. Read them instead of being superficial and start haranguing on the same old tripe!

We had realised and did accept there was mistakes on political front from our side that led to poking of nose by Indians into the entire affair.
Its time the indians should accept they exploit the situation and were dreaming to unite BD but bravo Bangladeshis they did maintained their status.

You have had no option but to realise and understand and accept.

Do you and did you have any other option?

what a hypocracy what about all those Muslims who chose to remain in India and today they are still being called traitors and asked to go to Pakistan. Should they be called razzakaar too ?

If they were called so, then the Australian case would not have been fought by the Indian govt.

BTW we did not loos BD to India as you claimed.
BD Is still an independent Muslim Nation which is now accused by India of terroris.

I don't understand what you mean that you have not lost East Paksitan, now Bangladesh.

It is an independent nation and therefore is not a part of Pakistan.

The poor Bangladeshi are killed on border with India brutally by Indian Border Forces on pretext of Infiltrating.
and still India has this border dispute with Bangladesh over few kilometers.

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.

the rubaiyat - omar khayyam - 11th century

Therefore, the problems India has with Bangaldesh and vice versa will still not get Pakistan Bangaldesh back! No tears, no wit, no piety shall lure or wipe a line of their independent status!
bdwonder are u nuts? Not many pakistanis want places like uttar pradesh, bihar, chittagong as part of Pakistan.

If bengalis want part of India then fight for it, don't try to lump us in with your stupid plans and use the " my brother in islam" line of argument.

no bro it is you who appear ill-informed. but maybe not "nuts". chittagong is part of bangladesh and was part of east pakistan. how did so many "pakistanis" want chittagong to be its part back then?

and it's not about bengalis punjabis or sindhis, it's about islamic brotherhood.
if ethnicity is the dividing factor then britain should be invited since they used it so wonderfully in subcontinent and elsewhere too.
Even if there was a contiguous stretch of land from Balochistan to Assam or whereever, it still wouldnt work, unless Bangladesh had lots of autonomy. I think under the Mughal Empire, it was possible to hold Bangladesh along with the other region of North India, only because Bharati power was annihilated. Who could the Bangladeshis have sided with to beat the Mughal Empire? Bharat was too weak. But siding with Bharat in '71 would have given them the edge. If you really wanted Bangladesh and Pakistan to work, you'd need a very powerful army. One that could fight off Bangladesh and India combining forces. One doesn't exist right now. Anyway, it's best not to join the two together.

roadrunner bro, i urge you to explain in greater detail what you mean by "bharat". also what do you mean by holding bangladesh along with other region of north india. and what do you mean by bangladeshis fighting mughals? bangladesh was ruled by mughals whole of subcontinent (almsot) was, bangladesh is muslim why would it fight mughals.
i will reply to indian hindu poser "salim" inshallah only after he divulges his real identity.

are you a hindu mr "salim"?
mr "salim's" posts reveal a pathetic and sneaky trait common amongst indians, one such characteristic is assuming not only names but customs cultures mannerisms etc of the conquerors. in case of forums, what they do is assume muslim name while they're hindu in a muslim majority forum.
they like to hide under such banner.
It is the uninitiated and illiterate (those who cannot read the post) who want to know what I am.

My antecedents have been written by me many a time on this forum and it if people are so engrossed with their agenda that they do not read, then it is ridiculous of me to repeat it time and again as if it was some flag waving that is to be done.

I also cannot pander to the bone lazy who refuse to lift a finger to help themselves to read the post or undertake a search on the website.

I still await your answer as to who you are. From all indicators, it is that you are a razaakar or a collaborator.

If you find your independence too stifling, why stay in Bangladesh?

It is the perverted and narrow mindedness that is dividing the world into us and them. It might be surprising that names in India are used without a thought about whether it is Moslem, Christian, Hindu or Buddhists. Nothing sneaky about it. In fact, very broad-minded. And as an Indian, it is very satisfying a feeling.

Of course, such a situation does rankle some (like the good Wonder) who are not Indians since they have to display narrowminded inward looking insular attitudes.

Broaden your vista.

However, to satisfy your curiosity, it would suffice to say that I am not a Hindu.
mr "salim's" posts reveal a pathetic and sneaky trait common amongst indians, one such characteristic is assuming not only names but customs cultures mannerisms etc of the conquerors. in case of forums, what they do is assume muslim name while they're hindu in a muslim majority forum.
they like to hide under such banner.

You should see the names they come out with at the call centers when they want to sell you stuff :enjoy:

I had one calling himself "Rupert" recently
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