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Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

no he is strange, he trolls more on Indians and viets, he just has some issue with CCP

We all know ChineseTiger is just a CCP lover, not a chinese lover. For him, CCP=China, and if CCP gone China WILL GONE!!! He is a true PRC keyboard warrior, I mean Party's Republic of China keyboard warrior. For him, it does not matter you love China or not. As long as you love CCP, you are his internet comrade. ;)

Of course, even you love China so much, to the point of go to war for China, but if you dont love CCP, you are his sworn enemies! I am pretty sure he hate those ROC soldiers who kill PLA soldiers in the civil war to the bone, even though those soldiers had killed dozens of japanese soldiers during WWll :coffee:

PS. CCP lover =/= communism or socialism supporter :azn:
PS. CCP lover =/= communism or socialism supporter :azn:
Right,dude, Im socialism supporter , not that CCP

Base on Marx's theory, China doesnt meet any essential conditions to become communist society :pop:
Marx predicted a proletariat revolution would take place in a heavily industrialized country like Germany or England. Heavy industry is what created capitalism and its inherent class struggle between the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. In an agrarian economy like Russia's was at the time, the two classes were not drawn distinctly enough to create enough impetus for the workers to revolt. The Russian Revolution was driven by politics, whereas Marx predicted a revolution driven by economics.Where did Karl marx think a communist revolution would take place first
Right,dude, Im socialism supporter , not that CCP

Base on Marx's theory, China doesnt meet any essential conditions to become communist society :pop:

Although I hate you guys always troll chinese threads, but what you post on here about Marx and communism is true.
Though i really dont like these western ideologies, and i dont think they suit Asian countries, as they focus too much on revolution and stuff, which doesnt neccessarily to drive reformation.

And I got to say, all current self-proclaimed "socialist" country governed by single self-proclaimed "communist" party are more or less fvck up, since all of their foundation are inspired by USSR, and has inherited some if not most of their flaws. Though PRC is lucky as we are the one who is the most deviant among these countries.
Last time I heard, it was some idiot defector from the mainland who spilled all the beans on China's ICBMS after he walked into a CIA outpost in southeast asia, not any spies from Taiwan. In fact America has accused several people from Taiwan of spying on America and passing on military secrets to the mainland.

Taiwan is always helping USA to spy on China, it is the truth.

While you always got scapegoating because of your yellow skin, a white man will never trust you in deep of his heart, no matter how you swear allegiance towards them.
Although I hate you guys always troll chinese threads, but what you post on here about Marx and communism is true.
Though i really dont like these western ideologies, and i dont think they suit Asian countries, as they focus too much on revolution and stuff, which doesnt neccessarily to drive reformation.

And I got to say, all current self-proclaimed "socialist" country governed by single self-proclaimed "communist" party are more or less fvck up, since all of their foundation are inspired by USSR, and has inherited some if not most of their flaws. Though PRC is lucky as we are the one who is the most deviant among these countries.

CPC uses the western ideology, but CPC doesn't bow to the white men, while your KMT fellows are nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards who let their own mother and sister got fcked by their white masters.
CPC uses the western ideology, but CPC doesn't bow to the white men, while your KMT fellows are nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards who let their own mother and sister got fcked by their white masters.

What the heck you talking about, I hate CCP just as much as I hate KMT, both of them are just having their mind and soul fvcked by their respective white masters, and dont forget 中华苏维埃共和国。
Taiwan is always helping USA to spy on China, it is the truth.

While you always got scapegoating because of your yellow skin, a white man will never trust you in deep of his heart, no matter how you swear allegiance towards them.

The spy was not from Taiwan


IN 1995, a middle-aged Chinese man walked into a C.I.A. station in Southeast Asia and offered up a trove of secret Chinese documents. Among them was a file containing the top-secret design of the American W-88 nuclear warhead that sits atop the missiles carried by Trident submarines.

He told a story to the C.I.A. that was so bizarre it might just be true. He said that he worked in China’s nuclear program and had access to the archive where classified documents were stored. He went there after hours one night, scooped up hundreds of documents and stuffed them into a duffel bag, which he then tossed out a second-story window to evade security guards. Unfortunately, the bag broke and the papers scattered.

Outside, he collected the files and stuffed them back into the torn bag. Although many of the documents were of interest for their intelligence content, it was the one about the W-88 that roiled American counterintelligence most because it contained highly classified details about a cutting-edge warhead design.

And look who was accused of spying on America?

Wen Ho Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CPC uses the western ideology, but CPC doesn't bow to the white men, while your KMT fellows are nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards who let their own mother and sister got fcked by their white masters.

Your accusing everyone who doesn't agree with the CPC of being a KMT fan. I told you what alot of those people think of the KMT already.
All the Chinese above posters are residing outside China and Taiwan, in the "white man countries". Hopefully a Resident Chinese - Chinese Dragon can share his thoughts.
All the Chinese above posters are residing outside China and Taiwan, in the "white man countries". Hopefully a Resident Chinese - Chinese Dragon can share his thoughts.

I support ChineseTiger1986. :tup:

It has nothing to do with ideology for me. I don't care about ideology, socialism or capitalism or whatever. I only care about what is practical.

The CCP is the government of China, that is the fact. And the CCP is currently our best practical chance of returning China to a powerful position in the world.

Also, I have nothing against Taiwanese. I know some Taiwanese who are very pro-China and who are Chinese nationalists.
CPC uses the western ideology, but CPC doesn't bow to the white men, while your KMT fellows are nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards who let their own mother and sister got fcked by their white masters.

You guys also need to stop behaving like racist westerners who see everything through race. We have White Han Chinese people in Gansu and other northwestern provinces. One of them was a friend of my family, he and his family fled with the KMT to Taiwan. He had blonde hair and looked 90% white and he only spoke Mandarin. They are probably descended from the Indo European Tocharians who lived in Gansu during the Qin dynasty. Liqian village has a high concentration of them. The Roman descent theory is BS as I said they are most likely Tocharian descendants.
What the heck you talking about, I hate CCP just as much as I hate KMT, both of them are just having their mind and soul fvcked by their respective white masters, and dont forget 中华苏维埃共和国。

CPC has betrayed its former white master, but KMT does not yet break away from USA.

Your KMTers will always be the spineless dogs just like your eunuch leader Ma.
You guys also need to stop behaving like racist westerners who see everything through race. We have White Han Chinese people in Gansu and other northwestern provinces. One of them was a friend of my family, he and his family fled with the KMT to Taiwan. He had blonde hair and looked 90% white and he only spoke Mandarin. They are probably descended from the Indo European Tocharians who lived in Gansu during the Qin dynasty. Liqian village has a high concentration of them. The Roman descent theory is BS as I said they are most likely Tocharian descendants.

Those colored eyed people in north western China are the mixture between Indo-European caucasoids and mongoloids, the racist whites from the western world won't accept these people as their own kind.

PS, Tocharians are the Indo-Europeans in the east, being closely related to the Celts and religiously Buddhists, they were far more docile than the war-loving Anglo-Saxons.
The CCP is leading China to a better country, this is a fact. Besides, we are now living in one of the best period in Chinese history. We can't let any factor to destroy the hard-won achievement we have gained. The CCP is indeed bad, but can you even replace it and do better than it? If you don't have any good idea how to solve the serious issues within the government such as corruption, then you better let them be that way and stop causing troubles like those 義和團 and 太平賊.
The CCP is leading China to a better country, this is a fact. Besides, we are now living in one of the best period in Chinese history. We can't let any factor to destroy the hard-won achievement we have gained. The CCP is indeed bad, but can you even replace it and do better than it? If you don't have any good idea how to solve the serious issues within the government such as corruption, then you better let them be that way and stop causing troubles like those 義和團 and 太平賊.

CPC offers them the one country two systems policy, yet those greedy KMT parasites are still not satisfied and wanna take the whole China.

Just look at the KMT corruption on a tiny Taiwan, you cannot imagine if they have the whole Mainland China.
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