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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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If I can just take you away for a minute -- What do we do about the exploding burqa?
Seems the whole burqa brigade has been taken up by the "guardians of the right Islam"(membership 25 million and growing).
Lets start with the Quran and the basic edict of "keeping your gaze down"..
Which leaves in the most simplest of words the commandment of please do not be a "tharki".
Men.. dont stare at women's boobs.. or their bums.. or otherwise
Women.. dont stare at the guy with the pecs.. or otherwise. etc (the rest I leave to imagination).
In the same it orders women to cover up themselves so that they do not end up showing off their curves and other stuff that causes little boys issues.

Now.. what that translates without all the xtra baggage is simple.
Dont wear stuff that will make a guy's heart pump or otherwise.. (unless he is your husband).
It has NO mention of what cloth, worn how.. NOTHING.

I wont splatter hadiath out here.. because simply Im not fond of copy pasting links from some half baked website.
But if one has taken the time to go through Muslim and Bukhari , one can reach the conclusion that whatever women wear.. it should try to show off your figure as little as possible.. in other words.. please try your best not to activate those hormones in men that get them thinking.
its does not by any definition ask you to walk in a mobile tent.. or otherwise.
Anybody who can come up with the word Burka in either the Quran or hadiath.. ill convert to "his" Islam.

I have specifically excluded all the discourse on complete purdah.. since it is off topic.

As far as the Burqa being a security threat.. it is possibly one of the most dangerous ones... if not for the current taliban's inability to walk like a woman.
The day they can do that.. nothing is safe.
see post # 36, 60, 138, 148.
and then tell me where did i dis agree if Quraan is quoted/???
As far as the Burqa being a security threat.. it is possibly one of the most dangerous ones

So what do we do? What are our options, realistic options?
Seems to me the whole checkpoint booths is not realistic and I think we should think of the use of women in burqa as a strategic decision - imagine ourselves as the islamist insurgent -- What do we achieve by training a cadre of women suicide bombers? I mean is there a shortage of teenage boys? What is our goal? Are we seeking to create particular kinds of social schisms? Where? for instance, schisms in pakhtunkhwa or in larger urban centers?
and where did any one quoted Qura'an and i did not agreed??? show me the post where i disagree???? none because a muslim cant say word when quraan or hadith is quoted. but people like you who twist all thing to suit them.
Quraan is very clear until you are blind. and your brain is not working.

Go back and read everything again. Then tell me whos brain is not working. Quran was brought down to promote common sense, which at the time was not common at all. For equal rights to all human beings, which again at the time were not being practiced. Everything you literally take from the quran is and will always be to jump start a cancerous society for that time and place. The world has moved on to larger problems since then.

Surah 7 Ayah 181
"And of those whom We created there is a nation who guide with the Truth and establish justice therewith."

Surah 103 Ayah 3
"Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance."

Surah 7 Ayah 55
"O mankind! Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret. Lo! He loveth not aggressors."
If I can just take you away for a minute -- What do we do about the exploding burqa?

Realistically not much can be done. For exploding people. Thats where the burqa has been used. They used planes, planes still fly, they used underwear and shoes, that is in my everyday use as well. Now not seeing a face and bombs does not match up. Even if you make them run around naked they will just find a way to put it inside themselves rather uncomfortably.
The Burqa – Islamic or Cultural?
By: Chris Moore

The Islamic world is experiencing a rise in women wearing the Burqa claiming it to be part of the Islamic dress code. Whether it is worn by choice or force is open to debate as very few women are able to, or prefer not to voice an opinion on the matter. Those who have, generally argue against the compulsory (by law as in Afghanistan) wearing of this garment with a minority claiming the right to wear it citing Quranic and Prophetic instruction.
A Burqa is an outer garment worn by women in Islamic societies for the purpose of concealing their bodies and/or face. It is mostly worn when a woman leaves her home and is compelled to wear it until she returns.
The Burqa is worn throughout Middle Eastern nations and most Muslim nations around the world, with a few liberal or democratic governments being less strict about its use. One such famous example is Turkey, where secular ideas prevail and give people the freedom to choose. Meanwhile, in stricter nations, women are forced to wear the Burqa; failure to do so can result in beatings, harassment or worse. Obviously a woman wears a Burqa but more specifically, conservative practicing Muslims wear it. Girls are not mandated to wear a Burqa until she reaches puberty but this notion is not practiced, as girls as young as six are made to wear the Burqa to physically and mentally prepare them for adult life.
Burqa falls under the category of Hijab. This is an Arabic word which means to veil or cover and refers to a woman’s head and body covering. In Saudi Arabia, women wear a loose robe called abaya and a face veil called niqab, while in nations like Tunisia or Turkey; Muslim women tend to wear only a headscarf. In Iran, they take a step further and the “fashion police” mandate all women to wear loose clothing – preferably a black or white robe – when going out, women are also supposed to wear either a full face veil or scarf. One of the extremes of Burqa is the Afghan Burqa, which was enforced by the Taliban. This burqa covers the entire body in loose clothing with the face (including eyes) being covered with only a grille for the women to look through.

What does The Quran say about the Burqa?

First of all it depends upon who you ask. There is disagreement in Islamic circles as to what extent Quran advocates the wearing of the Burqa. However, The Quran does not specifically mention the Burqa or tell women to wear such extremely confining clothes. Instead, it instructs men and women to dress and behave modestly in society (24:31), which the Ulama or “Scholars” do agree upon. Modern day Muslims base their authority regarding the Burqa on the Hadith or collected traditions of life in the days of Prophet Muhammad. It is important to note here that these “collected traditions” have no place in Islam, (please see relevant articles on this site). Most followers of these traditions know little of their origins or authenticity. For the thousands of traditions attributed to the Prophet only one bears notable credibility:

“Do not write down anything I say except the Quran. Whoever has written something other than Quran let him destroy it.” Reported by Ahmed Vol 1 page 171, also The Sahih of Muslim.

With contradiction and confused thrown up by the hadith and “scholars of Islam” let us consider what Quran, the word of God, says on the topic of a dress code.
For women; Cover your chest (24:31); Lengthen your garments (33:59) and for both sexes; The BEST garment is that righteousness and modest conduct (7:26).
The word Burqa is not to be found anywhere in the Quran, but as it falls under the heading of Hijab which is used in Quran we should explore its use. The Arabic word Hijab can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word include screen, barrier, cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider etc.
The word “Hijab” appears in the Qur’an seven times, five of them as “Hijab” and twice as “Hijaban”. See 7:46, 17:45, 19:17, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51. None of these “Hijab” words are used in the Qur’an in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today “the dress code for Muslim woman”. Hijab in the Qur’an has nothing to do with a woman’s dress code.

[7:46] A barrier (Hijaab) separates them, while the Purgatory is occupied by people who recognize each side by their looks. They will call the dwellers of Paradise: "Peace be upon you." They did not enter (Paradise) through wishful thinking.

[42:51] No human being can communicate with God except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier (Hijaban), or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise.

Another word commonly used to justify the wearing of the burqa or at best a veil is the word “Khimaar”, which can be found, along with the dress code for women in 24:31. Some Muslims quote this verse as a commandment for Hijab, or head cover by pointing to the word, khumurihinna, (‘their chest covering’), forgetting that God has already used the word Hijab, several times in the Qur’an. Those blessed by God can see that the use of the word “Khimaar” in this verse is not for “Hijab”, nor for head cover. Those who quote this verse usually add (head cover or veil) after the word Khumurihinna, and usually between parentheses, because it is their addition to the verse of God. Here is the most accurate translation of 24:31.

[24:31] And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests with their ‘khimar’, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to God, O you believers, that you may succeed.

Most of the translators, obviously influenced by fabricated Hadith translate the word as VEIL and thus mislead people into believing that this verse is advocating the covering of the head and face.
In 24:31, God is telling the women to use their cover (khimaar, being a dress, a coat, a shawl, a shirt, a blouse, a tie, a scarf . . . etc.) to cover their bosoms, not their heads, face or hair. If God willed to order the women to cover their heads, face or hair, He would have simply said, “Cover your head, face and hair.” God is neither vague nor forgetful! God does not run out of words. He does not wait for, nor need a scholar to apply the correct words for Him! God’s word, The Qur’an, is complete and fully detailed (6:114/5).
The Arabic word for Chest (Jayb) is in this verse, but the Arabic words for Head (Ra’s) or Hair (Sha’r) are NOT. The Commandment in the verse is clear - Cover your chest.
The last part of the verse 24:31 translates as, “They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies”. Details of the body can or cannot be revealed by the dress you wear, not by your head cover.
It is a crime that so many men who have coaxed, or pressured, or demanded that their women wear the burqa, or that their daughters wear a hijab prematurely, are most probably unable or unwilling to read The Quran and uphold its tenants, being totally dependent on the interpretations incorrectly preached to them by immoderate clerics and cultural exhortations not based in pure religion. The problem with so many clerics in powerful positions within many Islamic communities around the globe, is that these religious leaders do not allow for intellectual freedom, or personal interpretation when it comes to matters of self assessed modesty and female dressing because of the narrowness in which they view women’s supposedly intemperate sexuality and the lack of self-control in men.

Surely in 2009, human beings can be trusted to walk down the street, safe in the knowledge that a glimpse of hair will not cause a riot. A veil worn in any form should be a personal and independent choice, free of social pressure. A shroud should not be used to effectively excise a woman from the society in which they live and the possibilities of the freedoms we should all enjoy.

2:256 There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. God is Hearer, Omniscient.

Quran-Islam.org - True Islam

Oh noezzz .. Its Chris Moore and the American propaganda machine with relevant verses from the Quran.
Realistically not much can be done.

I think we have to approach it differently -- Why this tactic, I mean women - the burqa part makes for concealment -- but this decision was not taken lightly, it has to have a logic to it - a goal, a ambition --- as far as unintended consequences, far from turning people to religion, seems to me, that it will discredit religion
]Go back and read everything again. Then tell me whos brain is not working[/B]. Quran was brought down to promote common sense, which at the time was not common at all. For equal rights to all human beings, which again at the time were not being practiced. Everything you literally take from the quran is and will always be to jump start a cancerous society for that time and place. The world has moved on to larger problems since then.
leaving personal things aside....... now
here come the thing which i disagree very strongly.
the time has moved so should we leave our religion because it was revealed 1400 years ago. now we need new religion. ???
Islam has predicted every thing till the day of judgment. how can you say Islam does not have solution of the problems which are created now???
and I dont now why you quoted these Ayah???
So what do we do? What are our options, realistic options?

Anything that has made it to the checkpost.. is likely to explode..
You may be able to stop the walking Burka at the outer checkpost for inspection via.. say a scanner(where it may still explode). But what of the Burka in a car or a van?
Once inside the city.. a burka is better than harry potter's cloak of invisibility. You cannot ban it entirely.
One possible way is to create another stop a few meters behind checkposts specifically for Burkas.
As they do at certain times with Chadar's.
Security on alert as militants change tactics
Bureau Report

PESHAWAR, Aug 12: In view of frequent terrorism incidents in parts of Peshawar and changing tactics of militants, security has been put on high alert and in some areas additional force was deployed at the commercial markets to check movement of suspected people, officials said.

The Friday prayers were offered under tight security both in the city and Peshawar cantonment areas where policemen, including plainclothes officials, were seen alert on main entry points of the worship places. One lane of the Sher Shah Suri Road was closed near FC Plaza and traffic was diverted to the single lane. Similarly, the Peshawar Saddar Road was completely closed for traffic.

The police personnel also thoroughly checked people at different entry points to avoid any untoward incident. An official said that the suicide bombing by a woman on Thursday in Peshawar had scared the people and police alike because it was almost impossible for the force to check women bombers.

“The female suicide bomber has shocked all the officials and everyone is worried, as there is no mechanism in place for checking the women suspects,” the official said.

Chief of capital city police Imtiaz Altaf told the media persons that security had been put on red alert across Peshawar while investigation was underway in the recent sabotage acts.

When contacted, Cantonment Circle SP Shafiullah Khan said that special security measures were adopted at the main markets, which usually witnessed great rush of people coming for Iftar and Eid shopping. He said that women police had been deployed in plain clothes to keep check on the suspected women.

“The checking process has been tightened in all the areas. We are doing what is humanly possible to ensure protection of people,”
the SP said and added that additional force had also been deployed at the border area with tribal regions to stop infiltration of militants from Khyber Agency.


In a related development, an official source said that militants had been changing code names for their leaders and suicide bombers to dodge the intelligence officials.

He said that during interceptions of the militants’ phones it had been noted that the terrorists kept on changing code names like replacing the ‘fidayee or fidayeen’ for suicide bombers with zalmay (youth) and most recently with melma (guest).

He said that militants were using all the traditional terminologies for their leaders like amir and naib amir, but avoiding calling them with real names.


The investigators could not find any clue to the alleged female suicide bomber of the Thursday’s blast. However, the elderly woman killed in the attack was identified by her family members late on Thursday night.

The woman, 70, was identified as Grana, wife of Kachkol and a resident of Sheikhabad, street no 3, Peshawar.The family members said that Grana used to run a small-time shop in her house and had gone to buy some merchandise for her business.

Her son Sherin Zada told reporters that when his mother did not return after a long time they started search for her and ultimately reached the hospital after the Iftar time. Mr Zada said that he identified his mother and shifted her body to home on Friday.

Mr Zada said that he was surprised over the police’s earlier assertion that his mother was the accomplice of the alleged suicide bomber. He said that they were living in this area for around four decades and all the area people knew them well.
Black gangs in Birmingham dressed up in female Burkha and knocking on peoples doors asking for help during the riots as soon as people answered they were robbed :woot: need to ban this ASAP for national security
If I can just take you away for a minute -- What do we do about the exploding burqa?

Why not station female Army officers or something to check the women thoroughly in a separate area rather than let this latest trend increase? Also, it is best to use some sort of sensors for bomb detections at artificial check posts.
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