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British Muslim convert reported to authorities by college for wearing hijab

Yea...I an never be French coz I dont find humour in death!

Nor can I be hypocritical enough about presenting humour in deaths of other nations and not my own!

You can never be french because you will never be able to respect the beauty of a state which does not let religion interfere even a wee bit into its affairs .
Since QADIANI do not regard any non qadiani as muslim,only in press for connivance, your pro colonial status quo established since the end of first world war in 1918 is well understood.If these "muslims "are fighing to get
Rid off this de-facto colonialism run and maintained by local thugs and crooks pampered by de-facto colonial powers,they are commiting crimes in the eyes of your NABI,mirza gulam amad ,who was against any jehad against British Raj.
But jihad doesnt lead to killing innocents...Jihad just means to strive! Not to blindly kill and cause mischief...In the Quran this behaviour OF harming an innocent is termed as causing mischief....and it is called HARAM!
WHat has terrorism got to do with this case bigots? A muslim women is being targeted for practicing her religion in a secular country that supposedly champion freedom and "human rights". If u bigots can't stay on topic which is the state sponsored persecution of muslims in UK , then u should leave the thread and whine in that paris attack thread.

If u think the law is wrong (which it is) , then how can u say its right for college to report?

The UK law is problem here. The current Prevent strategy and anti-terror law criminalises basic islamic practices and is targeted towards the UK muslim community. Even british police and other non-muslim academics attest to this fact. The term extremism is NOT defined and left to arbitary interpretation of non-muslim public , who r now made de-facto spies of British state. There r terms such as "non-violent extremism" which is specifically meant to silence muslims from espousing their views. Theresa May herself said its meant to target people who remain within law.

Here comes the qadiani , justifying british atrocities againt muslims.

What that girl went through is exactly what the british gov want muslim girls to go through as they formulated current anti-terror laws with that in mind. People r being reported for letting their beard grow and not showing interest to music. Only islamophobes would justify such draconian laws.

As expected qadianis like u would blabber what your British masters tell u to . So strikingly similar to the neo-con narrative.

Lol. I live in this country, I have the beard that you believe is unjustly targeted. A British person on the street can not tell I am a "qadiani", to them I look like just another Muslim. I have never been abused, nor spat on. Uncomfrotable looks yeah, but that is to be expected when bearded baboon terrorists clothe themselves under Islam thn carry out atrocities. While ignorants like you sitting thousands of miles away tell me how it is in this country. Why don't you ask the half a million compatriots of yours why they are still living in this kaffir country? Under Islamic law, if you feel you are being persecuted for your religion, you are advised to leave that place. Why aren't the pious Muslims leaving? Why are Millions of Muslims from countries that are supposedly being destroyed by france etc are still coming here? Something doesn't add up does it? But then again I am not expecting many logical comments from you. Your job is to further divide muslims and non muslims, the same job that is being done by ISIS and other terrorists. People like you are the political/moral arm of terrorists. Don't preach to me terrorist.
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Except that those are muslim countries,those are their people,that is their level of civilisation.Nobody in Europe has to put up with this drama just because muslims were offered a home in here.It's not our ideology .
Those people are backed , funded and controlledby your dramatic people...kindly do read up about support/ weapons/ funds givent by some to SADDAM, GHADAFFI, ASSAD, MUBARAK - just to name a few!

THEIR PEOPLE OR NOT...THE money and orders is what speaks loudest!
Since QADIANI do not regard any non qadiani as muslim,only in press for connivance, your pro colonial status quo established since the end of first world war in 1918 is well understood.If these "muslims "are fighing to get
Rid off this de-facto colonialism run and maintained by local thugs and crooks pampered by de-facto colonial powers,they are commiting crimes in the eyes of your NABI,mirza gulam amad ,who was against any jehad against British Raj.

Acha bhai karo jihad, Now tell me where you live so I can report you to the authorities. Be a mard e momin.
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Except that those are muslim countries,those are their people,that is their level of civilisation.Nobody in Europe has to put up with this drama just because muslims were offered a home in here.It's not our ideology .

What do you mean by those are Muslims and their people? A criminal organization is killing Muslims in Syria/Iraq (hence refugee crisis) and it has killed Parisians in France.

For you, clearly, life of Parisians is more important and to thousands of innocent children, men, and women killed that are non-white--you just say "oh they are Muslim" and shrug your shoulders.

That is your "civilization" and hence, nobody really gives a sh!t about your melodrama here.

Paris was just another attack from ISIS, and not even their worse one's. Syrians/Iraqis are the biggest victims in all of this.

Lets move on..lol
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British Muslim convert reported to authorities by college for wearing hijab - Islam21c

Iman, 19, is a white Muslim convert. Her college suspected she may have been radicalised and reported her under the government’s counter-extremism policy, Prevent.

“I converted two weeks before Ramadan started and decided I was going to start wearing the hijab, so I let my college know I’d be fasting just to ease them into it,” she said.

“I guess that was enough for them to contact Prevent.

“Maybe they thought I was in [Islamic State] or running away to Syria, I don’t know what went through their mind.

“Obviously they were concerned, thought the worst and Muslim stereotypes were pushed on me.

“I don’t think they are doing that for people who become Christian, Hindu and Jewish – or atheists, even. Why is it just Islam?

“After I was reported I had a meeting with officers in which they questioned me about my views and beliefs.

“When they were satisfied I wasn’t at risk, they tried to recruit me to work with them.

“I can’t be a Muslim girl who is just trying to get an education, work and do normal things.

“I’ve either got to help fight radicalisation or I am becoming radicalised.

“There is no middle ground, I can’t just be a normal Muslim. I have to be on one [end of the] spectrum or the other.”

Published by BBC News

More than half of all Muslims in the UK believe government policies have had a negative impact on their lives, according to a new report.

A study by the Islamic Human Rights Commission found many Muslims feel they have been treated with suspicion and mistrust.

The report’s authors say the government’s security and anti-extremism measures, among other policies, have fuelled discrimination against Muslims in Britain.

Iman, 19, is a white Muslim convert. Her college suspected she may have been radicalised and reported her under the government’s counter-extremism policy, Prevent.

Divya Talwar reports for Asian Network and the Victoria Derbyshire programme.


@Akheilos @qamar1990 @Zarvan @Talwar e Pakistan @Saiful Islam
Appreciate the college for taking it seriously. She can be investigated for possible radicalization.
As far as I know nope...I have also seen people use face veil in universities...so it is as freedom as it goes....

There is no ban on any Islamic commandments in this country. Yet some people living here are still ungrateful. It is easy to see why some of the locals here are starting to get P!ssed off?
@Luffy 500 if the people targetted were non-muslims.. say hindus(for whatever reason) would you still oppose the law, or would you say 'yeah its okey, hindus deserve it for bombing every place'.
You might not be equally agitated(which is understandable) but what will be your view?
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