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British Muslim convert reported to authorities by college for wearing hijab

Spare me your nonsense and idiotic answers .In Iraq they've asked to be liberated,they were dancing in the streets of Baghdad and hugging US troops.In Lybia they begged for Western intervention.In Syria they still ask for Western intervention.In Palestine they teach children to stab Israeli elders.

You know what reeks more of inhumanity than my so called islamophobia......?....people blowing themselves up amongst us !! And you have the nerve,the audacity of asking people not be weary of muslims? after last night ? after Lee Rigby ? After Hebdo ? After Madrid ? ETC,ETC.....I'm God damn right people should be nervous and take a closer look at whome lives amongst us.Political corectness be damned....this is war !

dude dont mix Islam with the doing of some lunatics ..
France is not the first nor the last to suffer the terrorist attack , telling this to a Pakistani prospectus , we have fought this war from 13 years . and still body bags are counting in our homes ..
we stand with every country who is effected by the terrorism but targeting the religion is itself not the right way to solve things . what would Europeans wants after last night ? deport all Muslims ? even those who are born EU citizens , fine go ahead do it .. but than Other Muslims have right to ask all EU and their companies and Armies to Leave their countries ..
This war was never your's ( EU ) , EU has been dragged by US in every war they want to fight or plan to fights , they literally fcuked up EU in in the cover of Ally ..
what happen in France was horrible but based on Incidents as such targeting a Religion is itself stupid and it wont solve anything but create a huge Issue ..
those ISIS cunts wants exact same thing, that target EU countries , who are giving shelter to Syrian refugee's and than they want Europeans to Attack Muslims community in EU so they can get more recruits .. trust me that anyone who have studied Islam will never agree with ISIS and AQ , and those who are supporting their ideology are crazy retards ..
Buhuhuhu,here come the crocodile tears...........Ask the relatives of the 120+ Parisiens slaughtered last night "Why?"

She's a white girl being harrassed just because of her legal independent choice of choosing a religion she sees fit for herself.

Those are real tears buddy, not crocodile one's.

Go read the statement ISIS put out. They said that they will end the "gray areas" of co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims (westerners) and falsehood will be separated from truth.

Europeans acting disgustingly towards their fellow Muslim Europeans will only help ISIS in achieving this goal.

Buhuhuhu,here come the crocodile tears...........Ask the relatives of the 120+ Parisiens slaughtered last night "Why?"

West has been apathetic to religious terrorism when it was in the third world. Western agencies blamed Indian Security and Intel Agencies when Mumbai Happened. Was France's the entire security apparatus was sleeping or is it severely compromised ?

WHat has terrorism got to do with this case bigots? A muslim women is being targeted for practicing her religion in a secular country that supposedly champion freedom and "human rights". If u bigots can't stay on topic which is the state sponsored persecution of muslims in UK , then u should leave the thread and whine in that paris attack thread.

I dont think its wrong to report as they have been specifically asked to do so by law. Not doing it would have put them in soup, so one would rather err on safe side.
I however think the new law(that asks educational institutions to report their pupils some of which are very young) is wrong, they should not burden educational institutions like that.

They got a similar law penalizing home owners for giving their house on rent to illegals. This means govt is outsourcing its policing & intel gathering duty to other institutions/civilians, which is wrong. Ethnic minorities especially south asians will find it diffcult to get rented accommodation outside the ghettos.

If u think the law is wrong (which it is) , then how can u say its right for college to report?

The UK law is problem here. The current Prevent strategy and anti-terror law criminalises basic islamic practices and is targeted towards the UK muslim community. Even british police and other non-muslim academics attest to this fact. The term extremism is NOT defined and left to arbitary interpretation of non-muslim public , who r now made de-facto spies of British state. There r terms such as "non-violent extremism" which is specifically meant to silence muslims from espousing their views. Theresa May herself said its meant to target people who remain within law.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. British Muslims need to work closer together with security agencies to fight terrorism. Terrorists are coming from within the Muslim country, denying this reality is plain stupid. What this girl went through was not right at all, turning on innocent Muslims while ignoring terrorist facilitators in mosques around the country has been a hall mark of this failed counter terrorism policy. But the British establishment's denial of this problem has only helped further strengthen the network of terrorist recruitors and financiers.

Here comes the qadiani , justifying british atrocities againt muslims.

What that girl went through is exactly what the british gov want muslim girls to go through as they formulated current anti-terror laws with that in mind. People r being reported for letting their beard grow and not showing interest to music. Only islamophobes would justify such draconian laws.

If you study the profiles of known terroists and their backers, you will find it is mostly the "born again" Muslims who sympathise with their acts. One common theme amongst terroists is that they tend to be ones who have done every prohibited act under Islam than suddenly later on realised they've &£%$" up, so they look for the quickest way to paradise. Which is where the radical preachers come in and promise them heaven. It isn't that hard to identify potential terrorists.

As expected qadianis like u would blabber what your British masters tell u to . So strikingly similar to the neo-con narrative.
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@flamer84 Stop being so melodramatic. Nobody here cares about your dramas.

Sh!t like this happens everyday in Iraq/Syria..hell, attacks killed 100s in Turkey and Lebanon as well (40 died in Lebanon yesterday). And now attack happened in Paris.

All of those attacks are bad and may Allah have mercy on all of the people died in these attacks.

However, unlike you, we will not prioritize the 'white life' over other lives. For us, ALL lives are equally important.

I didn't see you throwing your teenage-girl melodrama when tragedies happened in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and so on. Don't expect us to be extra sad for Paris.

Killings in paris aren't any worse than killings in Lebanon...
Buhuhuhu,here come the crocodile tears...........Ask the relatives of the 120+ Parisiens slaughtered last night "Why?"

Did the French ask how the relatives of 224 Russians felt when they were making fun of their dead love ones?

But I guess we should all be sensitive to the French now.
@flamer84 Stop being so melodramatic. Nobody here cares about your dramas.

Sh!t like this happens everyday in Iraq/Syria..hell, attacks killed 100s in Turkey and Lebanon as well (40 died in Lebanon yesterday). And now attack happened in Paris.

All of those attacks are bad and may Allah have mercy on all of the people died in these attacks.

However, unlike you, we will not prioritize the 'white life' over other lives. For us, ALL lives are equally important.

I didn't see you throwing your teenage-girl melodrama when tragedies happened in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and so on. Don't expect us to be extra sad for Paris.

Killings in paris aren't any worse than killings in Lebanon...
No one even opened a thread for Lebanon...I came to know of it from a member on the Paris thread.... :(

Did the French ask how the relatives of 224 Russians felt when they were making fun of their dead love ones?

But I guess we should all be sensitive to the French now.
I so badly want to say Waiting for Charlie to include it as a joke in their next issue!

But I know such issues are insensitive and I dont wanna be termed French!
@flamer84 Stop being so melodramatic. Nobody here cares about your dramas.

Sh!t like this happens everyday in Iraq/Syria..hell, attacks killed 100s in Turkey and Lebanon as well (40 died in Lebanon yesterday). And now attack happened in Paris.

All of those attacks are bad and may Allah have mercy on all of the people died in these attacks.

However, unlike you, we will not prioritize the 'white life' over other lives. For us, ALL lives are equally important.

I didn't see you throwing your teenage-girl melodrama when tragedies happened in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and so on. Don't expect us to be extra sad for Paris.

Killings in paris aren't any worse than killings in Lebanon...

Except that those are muslim countries,those are their people,that is their level of civilisation.Nobody in Europe has to put up with this drama just because muslims were offered a home in here.It's not our ideology .
No one even opened a thread for Lebanon...I came to know of it from a member on the Paris thread.... :(

I so badly want to say Waiting for Charlie to include it as a joke in their next issue!

But I know such issues are insensitive and I dont wanna be termed French!

You can never ve french @Akheilos . You will never understand or respect laïcité .
@Luffy 500 the reason why I said its right to report is, they are abiding by law. Its an institution and everybody wants to play safe. Educational institutions did oppose the law that puts the burden on them but nobody listened.
If I was there, I would probably do the same, I dont want to lose my job.

Hopefully this episode force govt to amend the law, because school/college is for education not snooping on kids.
If you dont know what France has done I suggest you keep quiet it wasnt nice what they did and it wasnt too long agao...meaning it is fressh and most likely repeated like a broken tape recorder!

As for ISIS those are maniacs whom almost everyone considers NON MUSLIM...Just coz they claims Islam doesnt automatically make them Muslims! THIS is the sad part where people dont understand what islam is...It is a way of life and if yours isnt in accordance to Islam you really arent a Muslim no matter what you say and do! It isnt a citizenship that one grants nor a genetic make up that you are born with...It is a way of life and if yours doesnt fall in the definition than you simply arent one!

Killing is not allowed in Islam and it is clear that 1 killed (irrespective of religion, colour and caste) is like killing whole of humanity these thugs have killed soo many in Paris....that is killing humanity over and over and over...THAT is not Islam in Any language except bigotry!

Denial mode at full blast I see? Why ask 1 party to forget and move on when you cant practice what you preach?

How different are you from the mullah who also cant pracctice what he preaches?

They asked for peace and to get freedom from the same dictators imposed on them...Who was funding Saddam and giving him weapons? Who made Israel? Who backed Ghadaffi? Who was sponsoring Assad? And still is? You must be really blind or just plane ignorant!

People are just asking the West to own up their screw ups of placing BS in their land!

THAT MANY OF US CALL INHUMANITY ....World condemned Paris! For Charlie as well as for last night! There is no alternative theory it is inhumane

But you behaving in the same manner
....Show me the difference when you are falling on the other end of the same spectrum!

Yes I do! All millions of us! Not the 5-10 that caused Paris....Not the 200 who caused ISIS to be famous not the 1000 who asked AL QAEDAH - both which mind you was funded and trained by USA but


America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian
How America Made ISIS | Tom Engelhardt

Yes I have the audacity to ask you guys where are your tears when atrocities happen on our land? We still condemn REPEATEDLY ALWAYS- we still call inhumanity as inhumanity but do you? Why selective?

Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi
Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology
Ulama endorse fatwa against terror - The Times of India
Muslims Condemning Violent Extremism? Count the Ways. | United States Institute of Peace
Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The American Muslim (TAM)

Spare me the ignorance! Go educate yourself!

You sound no different than some war mongering ISIS retard! They want war and so do you! VERY SIMILAR!

My point wasn't to defend what France or any non muslim country has done. My point is, all these people who are committing these acts are not what Islamic law on war states. These people have no clue about Islam, that's all I am saying.
120+ Parisiens
and how many tears did you shed for this: WHO says 25,000 wounded a month in Syria; medicines lacking and cholera feared | The Japan Times

My point wasn't to defend what France or any non muslim country has done. My point is, all these people who are committing these acts are not what Islamic law on war states. These people have no clue about Islam, that's all I am saying.
And I agree with that...But some people love to blame laws over actions because they probably never could follow laws and think laws determine actions! Like there are laws against murder but people still murder now shall we blame laws talking about murder even if it is talking AGAINST murder? This is how narrow and stupid the thinking of some have become!
One common theme amongst terroists is that they tend to be ones who have done every prohibited act under Islam than suddenly later on realised they've &£%$" up, so they look for the quickest way to paradise. Which is where the radical preachers come in and promise them heaven. It isn't that hard to identify potential terrorists.

That is a very good point and holds particularly true for ISIS recruits.
France hasnt carried out that many strikes to have killed thousands. On the contrary its your beloved ISIS and their buddies Al qaeda who have killed thousands and thousands of Syrians and Iraqis. Selective outrage again, typical victim mentality prevalent among many British Muslims.
Since QADIANI do not regard any non qadiani as muslim,only in press for connivance, your pro colonial status quo established since the end of first world war in 1918 is well understood.If these "muslims "are fighing to get
Rid off this de-facto colonialism run and maintained by local thugs and crooks pampered by de-facto colonial powers,they are commiting crimes in the eyes of your NABI,mirza gulam amad ,who was against any jehad against British Raj.

You can never ve french @Akheilos . You will never understand or respect laïcité .
Yea...I an never be French coz I dont find humour in death!

Nor can I be hypocritical enough about presenting humour in deaths of other nations and not my own!
Is ther ban in Hijab in UK ? although they say its freedom for all in europe
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