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Brief Chinese incursion into Ladakh

I am not saying whether India can or cannot beat China.
I am just saying no one else is going to intervene, like ISRO2 claimed.

Sir in a kargil war which country intervene? It was israel. Sir even that time our enemy was america. They were into pakistan. Then too they warned pakistan to end war. Nawaz sharif told that himself in rally how he met president clinton and were watching CNN. on that news flash india took controll of tiger hills. Clinton told sharif what's happening are u watching? Pakistan loosing war. He than phone our prime minister atal. And pakistan packed bags and left behind their own soldiers to die. Sir that time america was india's biggest enemy but then too america in a way helped india. Now america and india's friendship way too strong. Israel helped india that time and now india had became way too strong and have support of all major powers. So sir if you think no country would help india then thats foolishness. America never said before they would help india but now america says that in open. Benefit of being democrasy is a support of major powers sir.
China is fighting India to the last Pakistani.Did you realize that

Ha ha ha. NO.
Pakistan is fighting its own war with India over Kashmir.
China is not involved.

Sir in a kargil war which country intervene? It was israel. Sir even that time our enemy was america. They were into pakistan. Then too they warned pakistan to end war. Nawaz sharif told that himself in rally how he met president clinton and were watching CNN. on that news flash india took controll of tiger hills. Clinton told sharif what's happening are u watching? Pakistan loosing war. He than phone our prime minister atal. And pakistan packed bags and left behind their own soldiers to die. Sir that time america was india's biggest enemy but then too america in a way helped india. Now america and india's friendship way too strong. Israel helped india that time and now india had became way too strong and have support of all major powers. So sir if you think no country would help india then thats foolishness. America never said before they would help india but now america says that in open. Benefit of being democrasy is a support of major powers sir.

You really need to stop watching too much "Incredible India" media and get out more often.

Btw, this thread is about China/India so, from your attention on Pakistan, I take it you have given up against China?
Ha ha ha. NO.
Pakistan is fighting its own war with India over Kashmir.
China is not involved.
Who gave you nukes?
Who armed you to the teeth?
Who is giving your planes?
Indeed it is fighting India to the last Pakistani
Who gave you nukes?
Who armed you to the teeth?
Who is giving your planes?
Indeed it is fighting India to the last Pakistani

Nukes were home developed.
Weapons come from different sources.

"Incredible India" media delusion are no substitute for a reality check.

But, yes, the West will fight China to the last Indian and, judging from your avoidance of the thread topic, you guys have pretty much given up against China, it seems.
In every thread involving India n China, Indians automatically shift their focus on Pakistan

Who gave you nukes?i
WE worked for it, we had all the right in the world to go nuclear to stop India from threatening our very existencem btw who Introduced nuclear weapons in usb continent??

Who armed you to the teeth?

u ppl are stock piling weapons from every corner of globe this measn we must start blaming USA, Russia, France n Israel and dont tell me Indian weapons are for shows

And should i say that Americans want to fight China till last Indian :azn:
i would say,

Neither India nor China have the balls to trigger a war against eachother-- be it a short one or a nuke... so guys relax ;)
That would be the 'deeper-than-ocean-higher-than-mountains' friend of yours.

Hehaa now they our friend can easily blame ur former Commi Super Power friend.
Now tell me who took 'panga' with China?
In every thread involving India n China, Indians automatically shift their focus on Pakistan

WE worked for it, we had all the right in the world to go nuclear to stop India from threatening our very existencem btw who Introduced nuclear weapons in usb continent??

u ppl are stock piling weapons from every corner of globe this measn we must start blaming USA, Russia, France n Israel and dont tell me Indian weapons are for shows

And should i say that Americans want to fight China till last Indian :azn:

Mam if america decides to end china then that would be end of china. Russia done same mistake by taking head on america and ended up braking itself. Mam you are taking india lightly. Way too lightly. Please do see 1967 chacola war in which india shown china what india made of. It was revenge of 1962. China backed off in 1967 in chacola war. Please do some research. India good at defending mam.
Ha ha ha. NO.
Pakistan is fighting its own war with India over Kashmir.
China is not involved.

You really need to stop watching too much "Incredible India" media and get out more often.

Btw, this thread is about China/India so, from your attention on Pakistan, I take it you have given up against China?

No sir i haven't. Forgive me for comparing pakistan and india. Pakistan not in indian league. India far ahead and growing rapidly. Sir too much of media means face of democrasy. Chinese media dont have that freedom sir.
Nukes were home developed.
Weapons come from different sources.

"Incredible India" media delusion are no substitute for a reality check.

But, yes, the West will fight China to the last Indian and, judging from your avoidance of the thread topic, you guys have pretty much given up against China, it seems.

Why China Helped Countries Like Pakistan, North Korea Build Nuclear Bombs
By Alex Kingsbury
Posted January 2, 2009

Former U.S. Air Force Secretary Thomas Reed knows nuclear bombs better than most people. For starters, he designed two of them when he worked at the Livermore National Laboratory as a weapons designer.

His new book The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation, co-written with Danny Stillman, the former director of the technical intelligence division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, rewrites much of the public understanding about how countries with nuclear weapons came to acquire them. All countries that built bombs, including the United States, spied on or were given access to the work of other nuclear powers. In particular, the book is a scathing indictment of the Chinese government, alleging that it intentionally proliferated nuclear technology to risky regimes, particularly Pakistan.
Reed recently spoke with U.S. News's Alex Kingsbury. Excerpts:

How has the Chinese government reacted to the allegations in your book?
At first, they objected to some of this reporting, which was first published in Physics Today, but they later withdrew all objections. The Chinese experts in the weapons labs were probably surprised that we found out all this information and were able to put it all together. In public they say one thing, but behind closed doors and after hours, they are more open. All scientists want the credit for having solved certain problems by themselves without outside help. In fact, in 1949 Klaus Fuchs spied for the Soviets at Los Alamos and when he was released from prison in 1959, fled to East Germany where he met China's chief atomic bomb scientist to whom he explained the inner workings of the Fat Man bomb [which the United States dropped on Nagasaki in 1945].

What was the Chinese strategy behind encouraging proliferation once they had mastered the atomic bomb? The way you describe the Chinese intentionally spreading nuclear technology to countries like Pakistan and North Korea seems both shockingly lax and shortsighted.
Shockingly lax? Yes. Shortsighted I'm not so sure.

Think of it as three constituencies: China in about 1982, under Deng Xiaoping, decided to proliferate nuclear technology to communists and Muslims in the third world. They did so deliberately with the theory that if nukes ended up going off in the western world from a Muslim terrorist, well that wasn't all bad. If New York was reduced to rubble without Chinese fingerprints on the attack, that left Beijing as the last man standing. That's what the old timers thought.

The current Chinese government is far more cautious, though it continued to push technology to North Korea. When the North Koreans decided to test, they clearly did so without a Chinese permit and it really frosted the Chinese because it threatened to prompt Japan and South Korea to start their own programs. They didn't worry about terrorism at all.

The younger generation is adamant about keeping a lid on nuclear technology. They don't want to see Los Angeles blown up because they just sold us 10,000 pairs of sneakers. Those last two forces are contending with each other and it remains to be seen what will happen.

Why , as you say in the book, did the Chinese give the technology to Pakistan?
Pakistan can be explained by a balance of power: India was China's enemy and Pakistan was India's enemy. The Chinese did a massive training of Pakistani scientists, (just like the Russians had done for them) brought them to China for lectures, even gave them the design of the CHIC-4 device, which was a weapon that was easy to build a model for export. There is evidence that A.Q. Khan used Chinese designs in his nuclear designs. Notes from those lectures later turned up in Libya, for instance. And the Chinese did similar things for the Saudis, North Koreans, and the Algerians.

Did the Chinese further assist in the Pakistan program?
Under Pakistani president Benazir Bhutto, the country built its first functioning nuclear weapon. We believe that during Bhutto's term in office, the People's Republic of China tested Pakistan's first bomb for her in 1990.There are numerous reasons why we believe this to be true, including the design of the weapon and information gathered from discussions with Chinese nuclear experts. That's why the Pakistanis were so quick to respond to the Indian nuclear tests in 1998. It only took them two weeks and three days. When the Soviet Union took the United States by surprise with a test in 1961, it took the U.S. seventeen days to prepare and test, a device that had been on hand for years. The Pakistani response makes it clear that the gadget tested in May 1998 was a carefully engineered device in which they had great confidence.

Is sharing nuclear tests common?
The United States conducted nuclear tests in Nevada openly and with full disclosure in the 1990s on behalf of our U.K. allies. We speculate on Israeli access to the U.S. test results. For their part, the Chinese admitted to having conducted hydronuclear and radiation effects tests for France, but most tellingly they also implied—they certainly did not deny—the test of a Pakistani device. The South Africans also apparently worked with the Israelis on a nuclear test in the South Pacific in 1979.

Are Chinese proliferation programs ongoing?
Since 1991, China has been assisting the raw-materials side of the Iranian nuclear program with shipments of uranium, instructions on the design of a conversion facility in Eshfahan, and an enrichment facility at Karaj. China has been using North Korea as the re-transfer point for the sale of nuclear and missile technology to Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.

ou also write that Israel was given assistance in developing their bomb while the United States looked the other way.
In the wake of the Suez crisis in 1956, the French and the Israelis initiated a joint nuclear weapons program that resulted in a test in the Algerian desert. At that test in 1960, two countries went nuclear with one shot.

Is the world safer or more dangerous with all these powers?
The world is safer for having all the permanent UN Security Council members possess nuclear weapons. I think having North Korea, Pakistan, and India is probably not a good idea. Nuclear proliferation, above all, is not inevitable as many thought at the dawn of the nuclear age

Why China Helped Countries Like Pakistan, North Korea Build Nuclear Bombs - US News and World Report

Libyan Arms Designs Traced Back to China
Pakistanis Resold Chinese-Provided Plans

By Joby Warrick and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, February 15, 2004; Page A01

Investigators have discovered that the nuclear weapons designs obtained by Libya through a Pakistani smuggling network originated in China, exposing yet another link in a chain of proliferation that stretched across the Middle East and Asia, according to government officials and arms experts.

The bomb designs and other papers turned over by Libya have yielded dramatic evidence of China's long-suspected role in transferring nuclear know-how to Pakistan in the early 1980s, they said. The Chinese designs were later resold to Libya by a Pakistani-led trading network that is now the focus of an expanding international probe, added the officials and experts, who are based in the United States and Europe.

The packet of documents, some of which included text in Chinese, contained detailed, step-by-step instructions for assembling an implosion-type nuclear bomb that could fit atop a large ballistic missile. They also included technical instructions for manufacturing components for the device, the officials and experts said.

"It was just what you'd have on the factory floor. It tells you what torque to use on the bolts and what glue to use on the parts," one weapons expert who had reviewed the blueprints said in an interview. He described the designs as "very, very old" but "very well engineered."

U.S. intelligence officials concluded years ago that China provided early assistance to Pakistan in building its first nuclear weapon -- assistance that appeared to have ended in the 1980s. Still, weapons experts familiar with the blueprints expressed surprise at what they described as a wholesale transfer of sensitive nuclear technology to another country. Notes included in the package of documents suggest that China continued to mentor Pakistani scientists on the finer points of bomb-building over a period of several years, the officials said.

China's actions "were irresponsible and short-sighted, and raise questions about what else China provided to Pakistan's nuclear program," said David Albright, a nuclear physicist and former U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq. "These documents also raise questions about whether Iran, North Korea and perhaps others received these documents from Pakistanis or their agents."

The package of documents was turned over to U.S. officials in November following Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi's decision to renounce weapons of mass destruction and open his country's weapons laboratories to international inspection. The blueprints, which were flown to Washington last month, have been analyzed by experts from the United States, Britain and the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

Weapons experts in Libya also found large amounts of equipment used in making enriched uranium, the essential ingredient in nuclear weapons. That discovery helped expose a rogue nuclear trading network that officials say funneled technology and parts to Libya as well as Iran and North Korea. A central figure in the network, Pakistani metallurgist Abdul Qadeer Khan, acknowledged in a televised confession last month that he had passed nuclear secrets to others. Pakistan's president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, then pardoned Khan.

Of the many proliferation activities linked to Khan's network, the selling of weapon designs is viewed as the most serious. The documents found in Libya contained most of the information needed to assemble a bomb, assuming the builder could acquire the plutonium or highly enriched uranium needed for a nuclear explosion, according to U.S. and European weapons experts familiar with the blueprints. At the same time, one of the chief difficulties for countries trying to build nuclear weapons has been obtaining the plutonium or uranium.

Libya appeared to have made minimal progress toward building a weapon, and had no missile in its arsenal capable of carrying the 1,000-pound nuclear device depicted in the drawings, the officials said. However, weapons experts noted, the blueprints would have been far more valuable to the other known customers of Khan's network.

washingtonpost.com: Libyan Arms Designs Traced Back to China

this is from washington post

You really need to stop watching too much "Incredible India" media and get out more often.

Btw, this thread is about China/India so, from your attention on Pakistan, I take it you have given up against China?

India doesn't need to give up on China India is growing fast and the gap wont be increasing anytime. China doesn't have the ability to bring war into India's territory

But the West will fight China to the last Indian.

Off topic..

I have never failed to be amused by variations on this quote; it sums up perfectly the cynicism in geopolitics.

It was used in WWII at the outset when the British swore they'd fight Hitler to the last Pole and the last bullet.

There's another great alleged military exhortation that apparently originated from Russia's habit of absolutely wiping out any opposition on the battlefield. It also encapsulates Communist groupthink perfectly:

We will fight such a battle for peace that not a stone will be left standing.
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