Oh Ok, I didn't read this earlier. Now I understand where you guys are coming from. As if its that easy to solve the whole mess.
Let me be very clear, Even if United States transfer all of its economy and all of its military equipment to Pakistan, even then sealing the border is practically impossible.
its 2700 km long most difficult border on earth with all kind of terrain, caves, rivers, mountains. I see you guys don't really study geographic & economic implications . If that would have been a solution, we would have done long ago. Even I would have asked for it if it was a simple open and close issue.
Gaza border is some 40 km and no terrain, its plain ground and Israel has built walls, top class sensors, top class equipment and still its not fool proof and every now and then Hamas was able to penetrate.
US the super power under president trump was building a Wall with mexican border because they simply cannot close the border. No country on earth can close a border. Its practically impossible.
I hope this would give a world view and overall sense of the scale of the problem. Your only solution is better relations with Afghanistan. Your only solution is making them your friends. That's the only way out.
Please read above. There is no other solution. No country can seal a border like the one which exists between AF-Pak. Not even in 1000 years. Secondly, look from Taliban's prespective, why on earth they would want to make another enemy in the form of TTP when its not a threat to their own country. AF-Taliban will only collaborate with Pakistan when it will trust our military and govt. That's on us. They have to do action on our behalf that's a big thing. We need to do alliance with them. Otherwise you tell me what are really our options?