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Pakistan must provide support to its true allies in Afghanistan: Dr Latif Pedram and Tajiks.

Unfortunately, we have some afghans among out Pashtuns population which prevents us from pissing off Afghan Pashtuns by supporting tajiks etc.

they should be disregarded, anyone who has a problem with us supporting tajiks or anything that furthers our national interest in afghanistan is free to join ttp and then get cooked alive by a drone :cheesy: or better sit down and understand the situation
Too much estrogen flotaing around in men these days due to too much processed food consumption and social media.

@313ghazi , you gonna let this fly? Now, you gotta respond.

Faisalabad vs Mirpur epic showdown.
@Bleek :pop:
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Need to deport the 9 million Afghans living in Pakistan first.
impossible due to how they've practically blended in.

rather we need stricter laws in Punjab, Sindh, Karachi. Stricter laws against crime, deporting people if they misbehave

these areas above are practically the only places actually running the little this country has to offer yet being ruined by jahil hooliganism of junglees!
impossible due to how they've practically blended in.

rather we need stricter laws in Punjab, Sindh, Karachi. Stricter laws against crime, deporting people if they misbehave

these areas above are practically the only places actually running the little this country has to offer yet being ruined by jahil hooliganism of junglees!

They haven't blended in. It's pretty obvious where they live.

Should give the non Pashtun Afghans amnesty. The Afghan Pashtuns should be deported along with their kids regardless if born in Pakistan or not.
They haven't blended in. It's pretty obvious where they live.
local provincial governments must take notice and notify the provincial police and what not to take action otherwise the little productivity we have will be ruined by crime, theft, and hooliganism.

these people specicialise in victim mentality liberal aspects and claiming they are oppressed meanwhile the liberals ignore their actions.

unfortunately very same situation to the west with black and other immigrant pops.
We tried our best with afghans

We had more pashtuns In Pakistan then Afghanistan could every had and all they did was try to scew us every single time, bomb blasts, disrespectful of our borders and sovereignty

Beyond basic trade,.we need to continue to work with anyone willing to defend our strategic interests

Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbeks they have all had enough and so have we
Facts. It is impossible to co-operate with kar damaghs high on superior white race and creating loy Afghanistan.

Their greed and hatred is far greater than their common sense, it has costed Pakistan too much, and will only get worse. Terrorism, social destabilisation, damage to infrastructure, economy. Stuck in an endless proxy war.

If we were to switch our country's positions, they probably would have nuked several cities of ours and celebrated.

Our kindness is weakness.

@313ghazi , you gonna let this fly? Now, you gotta respond.

Faisalabad vs Mirpur epic showdown.
@Bleek :pop:

Do what you will, I'm not getting involved. Ramadan is around the corner, you'll be locked up in a few weeks. :cheesy:
Dr Latif Pedram is an ethnic Tajik who is the leader of the National Congress party of Afghanistan and the former member of parliament from Badakhshan.

He has consistently expressed his views that he and the Tajiks of Afghanistan/Khorosan do not seek any animosity with Pakistan at all, and do not support the separatist goals and hatred of Pakistan and it's people, like the others in Afghanistan are hell-bent on.

Dr Latif Pedram exclaims that the paritionist goals of Pakistan are a zionist project and the Tajiks stand firmly against it.

He strongly advocates for national unity on the condition of equal share of power between all ethnic groups, and not only for some individuals/ethnicities.

We should stand firmly with such parties that seek to form a peaceful and co-operative government that is fair to all stakeholders and ethnicities, rather than Pashtun chauvinists and ultranationalists who do not mind seeing the region burn down for their own selfish goals.

Opinions on the above? It seems that soon the Taliban project will prove to be an incredible failure as the little pro-Pak sentiments die out or are forced out by the overwhelming organic hatred based in Afghan society and history. This makes the oppressed Tajik ethnicity a natural ally against a common enemy.

It seems like a no-brainer to me. A Tajik government which will naturally be more progressive will prevent the emboldened sentiment of Pashtun ethno-ultranationalists and chauvinists we are witnessing today.

@PanzerKiel @Signalian @Maula Jatt @Menace2Society @villageidiot @fitpOsitive @Sayfullah @Areesh @_NOBODY_ @SQ8 @M. Sarmad
Since Pakistan is responsible for giving Afghanistan the gift of "Islamic fundamentalists", it's only fair it receives the same gift it desires for others.
No running away from that.
Islamic fundamentalism good for thee, not for me? Nope
Do what you will, I'm not getting involved. Ramadan is around the corner, you'll be locked up in a few weeks. :cheesy:
That's why I'm trying my best to rack up some points before that. :enjoy:
While he's not wrong, and Tajiks are probably the only group in Afghanistan that would gladly accept the Durand line, Pakistan should stay out of Afghanistan'a affairs...at least to a certain extent.

Perhaps give some support to the tajiks to make them a viable threat to the taliban and ISKP, but only that much and nothing more. This way Pakistan can keep the taliban on a leash, and have another partner in the region that'll deal with ISKP on Pakistan's behalf.
Afghanistan has been and is a threat

Then shouldn’t have tried to be their saviours and let them fight their own wars. But American $$$$ were too enticing.

Also check your racism. Imagine I make this about Punjabis in centre taking these decisions but I am not a racist and I don’t like racism even to win an argument

Another Pashtun nationalist defending his cousins on the other side of the border :lol:

I don’t know what part of the world you live in that you don’t know such a simple thing as Pashtuns in KPK actually hate Afghans so much and blame them for all the problems. Calling them cousins lol

Pashtuns weren’t blowing themselves until Pakistan told them it’s patriotic thing and jihad or some BS.

What else would you call a racist? A country of Pashtuns, Uzbeks, Balochs, etc and you only see Pashtuns.
Then shouldn’t have tried to be their saviours and let them fight their own wars. But American $$$$ were too enticing.
History doesn't begin in 2001 or 1980...

Have a read:

Always historically been a huge problem since inception. These are undeniable objective facts.
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History doesn't begin in 2001.

Have a read:

Exactly my point. Why did we fight wars for them and become their saviours??

This mess is our own and CIA created, at least the TTP part of it.

I don’t know what fcking genius thought training terrorists in your own country is a great idea. What if they turn rogue.

This is why countries like America, China will never train them in their own backyard
Bleek has a single minded agenda against Afghanistan. Haqqanis are controlling half the country and are following Pakistani Army orders. Hitmen are killing TTP leaders inside Afghanistan. This is the height of influence and cooperation.
Yes, Afgjani Tajikistan, Uzbek and non Pushtoon population are far more sensible and reliable than the high on testosterone and drugged up Chokra-baans. Oh I mean Talibaans.

However lots of them are Shia and What Iran tells them to do, becomes a religious duty for them .
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