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BREAKING!!! Half of US troops to leave Afghanistan by May 1: Taliban

what three way divide ?
pastun, uzbek, tazik ?

agree .:-)
possibly four way n 1990s it was basically a four way that turned into three way divided Afghanistan..

  1. the hikmatyar/burhunuddin group of mixed tajik pushtun from herat area but dominantly tajik
  2. the uzbeks under dostum
  3. the pushtoons mostly supporting the taliban
  4. hizb wahdat under hazaras
united Afghanistan will not happen as each ethnic group dont tolerate the other and is messing around the geography of Afghanistan..how do you think the tajik feels if Afghanistan talks about moving the boarder with pakistan..
hazaras might potentially form separate part..the reason why i mention it could be a four way divide
though historically tajiks dominated hazaras areas

uzbek--> general dostum
tajiks-->president bhurhunaddin

people who have lived in around Afghanistan/KPK and have seen the people upclose, noticed their divide, talked and dinned with them know much more than foreign generals who come for 2 years and than are fired..what i mention here is what happened in 1990s and what is highly likley to be repeated again....people use to laugh about USA getting tired in Afghanistan..guess what its happening

Yes, it will be a major problem. I have hope, in sha Allah, Afghans can get over their petty differences now that they see the exit of foreign powers. We will have to see if Taliban can form a cohesive government based on Islamic nationalism and peace with its neighbors.
any one watched "war machine" that is the amount of knowledge US generals have on Afghanistan

i am talking about very recent history..when Afghanistan was allowed independent..it formed itself in four different countries or its natural divide

Yes this pathetic excuse for a country called Afghanistan should be partitioned along ethnic lines.
its simply because the afghans dont own their country, they talk about taking chunks from Pakistan, work for indians..causing huge mistrust among ethnic groups..this was clear during the afghan identity card issue
any one watched "war machine" that is the amount of knowledge US generals have on Afghanistan

I am sure many people in Afghanistan who actually care for their country have realized the importance of keeping good relations with Pakistan, China, Iran, Turkey, and CARs. Afghanistan's brief stint as a puppet state of US and India caused suffering, corruption, humiliation, and set Afghans back two decades.

It is time for Afghanistan to shine, and Pakistan and all other neighbors will be keen to prevent another war in this region.
Yes this pathetic excuse for a country called Afghanistan should be partitioned along ethnic lines.

strange , here we see complete contrast of two nation theory .muslims can't live with muslims ?
I am sure many people in Afghanistan who actually care for their country have realized the importance of keeping good relations with Pakistan, China, Iran, Turkey, and CARs. Afghanistan's brief stint as a puppet state of US and India caused suffering, corruption, humiliation, and set Afghans back two decades.

It is time for Afghanistan to shine, and Pakistan and all other neighbors will be keen to prevent another war in this region.
nope unfortunately i dont see that..they instead think its Pakistan who is causing problems..when in fact we are trying to manage a mess

strange , here we see complete contrast of two nation theory .muslims can't live with muslims ?
two nation theory was for Indian Muslims differentiating them selves from indian hindhus because the later refused to give 1/3 presentation in the union/federation and refuse to accept the 1/3 law(an constitutional amendment will require more than 2/3 majority) ..this was hole fight 1/4 vs 1/3 presentation in centre and states powers
Definitely the members here. They know much more than these silly generals. And there's a reason for that, and it stares us in the face. I'm not going to reproduce it; it's a 100% guarantee of getting permanently banned.
"..They know much more than these silly generals. And there's a reason for that, and it stares us in the face." :D
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nope unfortunately i dont see that..they instead think its Pakistan who is causing problems..when in fact we are trying to manage a mess

There was a time also when different groups in Pakistan were bitterly divided against each other, especially after '71. Over time, our differences melted away into a solid, unified identity, mostly a result of our shared experiences of suffering during the WoT and the need to unite against our foes.

Pakistan has the largest influence on Afghan Pukhtoons, Turkey also seems to be nudging the Uzbeks toward us, and if Iran will work with us on the Tajiks and Hazaras, we can make the most of it, in sha Allah.

"And there's a reason for that, and it stares us in the face"....:enjoy:

25% of Pakistanis have Afghan origins. :enjoy:
There was a time also when different groups in Pakistan were bitterly divided against each other, especially after '71. Over time, our differences melted away into a solid, unified identity, mostly a result of our shared experiences of suffering during the WoT and the need to unite against our foes.

Pakistan has the largest influence on Afghan Pukhtoons, Turkey also seems to be nudging the Uzbeks toward us, and if Iran will work with us on the Tajiks and Hazaras, we can make the most of it, in sha Allah.

25% of Pakistanis have Afghan origins. :enjoy:
afghan was word used for pushtoon race(rather than calling them by the language they speak) till very recently in all domiciles/official documentation in pakistan and Afghanistan..thus when Afghanistan brought an ID card calling everyone afghani tajiks refused to accept it.it has nothing to do with Afghanistan..its about the whole region from attock to down in Baluchistan and Afghanistan

we removed that term in 1990s to avoid confusions and now using the word pathan or pushtoon

pakistan population has mixed due to migration pattern and increase in communication while it takes 24 hours from Peshawar to karachi..it takes days to week move from one end of Afghanistan to another

perhaps Baluchistan is the only place left where there is still divide otherwise racial lines have disappeared
Not really. If they are truly "fed up", they would have done complete withdrawal, not just half....and certainly not replace the half thats going with other (less command chain needed) ways to accomplish things on the ground where needed.

US 4 star General (theatre level i.e CENTCOM) I believe spoke on this just recently. He sees it completely different to most members here....I wonder who has better perspective on it?

@VCheng @Joe Shearer @padamchen @OsmanAli98

They are letting loose the dogs of war.

And there is/was never anything left of interest in Afghanistan ...

Cheers, Doc
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They are letting loose the dogs of war.

And there is/was never anything left if interest in Afghanistan.

Cheers, Doc
welcome ,
after a long time ?
welcome ,
after a long time ?

The universe is matter that just changes state and phase.

Cheers, Doc
"..They know much more than these silly generals. And there's a reason for that, and it stares us in the face." :D
There was a time also when different groups in Pakistan were bitterly divided against each other, especially after '71. Over time, our differences melted away into a solid, unified identity, mostly a result of our shared experiences of suffering during the WoT and the need to unite against our foes.

Pakistan has the largest influence on Afghan Pukhtoons, Turkey also seems to be nudging the Uzbeks toward us, and if Iran will work with us on the Tajiks and Hazaras, we can make the most of it, in sha Allah.
25% of Pakistanis have Afghan origins. :enjoy:

So, @GHALIB, we are being clearly instructed by an Authentic Pakistani Entity, no less, that any term or epithet applied to Afghans applies to 25% of Pakistanis.

Good to know.
drone strikes will do the work .

And who exactly is going to do those "drone" strikes?
Americans? They are packing and running and will be happy to just have escaped finally.

Wait and watch how the new government in Afghanistan is armed to the teeth by Russians and Chinese and facilitated by Pakistan. And how ISI helps them weed out the adversaries and foreign operatives in no time.

We took things easy with Afghanistan before and allowed them to deal with their own mess, but not this time around, now we know how important Afghanistan is for our own well being.
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