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Bollywood 's Anti-Pakistani Movie Shows World's one of the Most Beautiful Capital ''Islamabad as a Desert''

Watch this YouTube clip. Your own countryman is telling Sana Amjad that your people name their kids after bollywood actors.

Sana amjad lahori :lol:

Kanjari fooling Pajeets for YouTube subscribers
Totally amazing living conditions in Pakistan. How many super white/fair, Muscular Models can you see?

What will you call those Pakistani people who lap up Bollywood movies and even name their kids Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan?
Who is more chuttiyas now?
Well its not our fault that hundreds of millions of hindus are huge fans of people who are named after the people who ruled them for centuries
What will you call those Pakistani people who lap up Bollywood movies and even name their kids Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan?
Who is more chuttiyas now?
Spoken like a true ignorant, Shahrukh is an old Persian name and Salman is an Arabic name that has existed for more than a thousand years.
Reminds me of those American movies that always portray Arab countries with tents,desert,Yemeni style houses and the scenes always start with traditional early 20th century Arabic music

Reminds me of those American movies that always portray Arab countries with tents,desert,Yemeni style houses and the scenes always start with traditional early 20th century Arabic music

Aye last guys not Arab, he is that Pakistani dude from TikTok
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