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Blogger Thaba Baba Murdered

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A little saner than most of the long drawn out posts, at least no mention of Jamat, Rezakar and terorist.

If you have issues with any poster and post, report as per forum rules, no ones stopping you or other "mainstream Bangladeshi's" you speak for.

As for Awami-bashing and India-bashing, that is our Allah (SWT) given right, since India hijacked Awami League in the 60's and wreaked havoc with our landmass and population. As long India interfere's in Bangladesh matters and put its hand where it does not belong, all Bangladeshi's have the right to make noise and eventually uproot all Indian interference, lock stock and barrel.

bla, bla, bla....

There is a difference between pointing out the things that India does wrong e.g. BSF border killings, water issues, interference in domestic affairs....

and you and the goal of the rest of the 4.6% gang here which is to create hatred and hostility towards India the country and civilization (not just the policies of the New Delhi government) and also to Hindus.

You have called Hindutva the greatest enemy of Muslims on earth, which shows how sane you are Mr "I want to report/censor anyone who disagrees with my views".

Anyway you want to block all criticism of a "certain" organization in Bangladesh and silence anyone opposed to them and your own anti-India agenda.

Anyway in the real world none of us Bangladeshis are like you or the rest of the 4.6% club.

You can ask:
@CaPtAiN_pLaNeT @animelive

and others how Idune and others here abused them merely for having different opinions. Captain_Planet was immediately tagged as an "Awami thug" etc whenever he opened any positive thread about the Bangladeshi economy as Idune's agenda is to make it look like Bangladesh is in a state of collapse due to Awami rule. So any positive news about Bangladesh thwarts his agenda.

Animelive was also called malaun and other things by the 4.6% club (now kalu_miah will ask for a ban on the words 4 and 6....:lol:) merely for holding different opinions.

Now Md_Akmal and Al-Zakir are openly gloating over the murder of a Bangladeshi citizen.

Yet we (mainstream Bangladeshis) are the villains here.


leaving Shahbag controlled page aside, check all other facebook pages.... Majority are criticizing the blogger!
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leaving Shahbag controlled page aside, check all other facebook pages.... Majority are criticizing the blogger!

We are Muslims and no one would support those who insult our religion.

You are merely stating the obvious.
You can ask:
@CaPtAiN_pLaNeT @animelive

and others how Idune and others here abused them merely for having different opinions. Captain_Planet was immediately tagged as an "Awami thug" etc whenever he opened any positive thread about the Bangladeshi economy as Idune's agenda is to make it look like Bangladesh is in a state of collapse due to Awami rule. So any positive news about Bangladesh thwarts his agenda.

Animelive was also called malaun and other things by the 4.6% club (now kalu_miah will ask for a ban on the words 4 and 6....:lol:) merely for holding different opinions.

Now Md_Akmal and Al-Zakir are openly gloating over the murder of a Bangladeshi citizen.

Yet we (mainstream Bangladeshis) are the villains here.


If they can they will try to ban on every words that go against them.
Our country is not a failed one. And any random guy cant prove it.
They cant change our views by sharing their disputed views to some thousand viwer.
Anyone who is bangladeshi cant post anything bad on another countries' forum.
I can open a bunch of thread here against jamat shibir. But thats not my will.
By doing those posts it also ruin our reputation.
I can also remember our gov. isnt that open minded. I get several requests to report about abusive websites that posts against us.
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On rare occasion specially when they preach Atheism to Muslim. Surely you don't want to see your love ones get brainwashed by them. I am interested to know what do you think of me now?

1. I am a man.

2. Valentine's day was yesterday.



I don't know you and you shouldn't be too bothered or "interested to know" what I think of you as you are some anonymous online forum user. I'm not really bothered about your personal life or personality, but I do think violence doesn't solve things.
What shame? USA & their allies killing extremist all the time:sniper:. sry couldn't find drone emote :lol:. Why we feel shame than?

P.S- I am very tolerable person but when people insult Islam & Mohammad (PBUH) it crosses the line.

It obviously crosses the line.But you can't just kill him.There has to be a trial and the accused has to defend himself and that is when the judge can pass judgement.if the judgement is execution than he has to be executed.NOT killed on the street!
But killing him? I do not support it, none of us should support it. One can have different views, but it does not justify killing IMO.

The killing could be part of big game plan....we got to wait a bit more.
I found it on facebook.News blogger killed with kobi bhai's avatar.I was like WTF:woot:...did he kill him??:P

I dont know these guys here r highly suspicious. Anyting can happen. Someday back kobi made a comment that he wanted to kill someone with his bare hand. :undecided:
And today so many viewers in this particular page highly suspicious.
If they can they will try to ban on every words that go against them.
Our country is not a failed one. And any random guy cant prove it.
They cant change our views by sharing their disputed views to some thousand viwer.
Anyone who is bangladeshi cant post anything bad on another countries' forum.
I can open a bunch of thread here against jamat shibir. But thats not my will.
By doing those posts it also ruin our reputation.
I can also remember our gov. isnt that open minded. I get several requests to report about abusive websites that posts against us.

hamer and gang making threats that they will get Bangladesh AL govt. involved to silence posters in this forum if we do not follow their party line.
If they can they will try to ban on every words that go against them.
Our country is not a failed one. And any random guy cant prove it.
They cant change our views by sharing their disputed views to some thousand viwer.
Anyone who is bangladeshi cant post anything bad on another countries' forum.
I can open a bunch of thread here against jamat shibir. But thats not my will.
By doing those posts it also ruin our reputation.
I can also remember our gov. isnt that open minded. I get several requests to report about abusive websites that posts against us.

This is their plan.

1. Label anyone who disagrees with them by labelling them an "Awami thug" or "dalal" and shut them up, so forum
is just basically an India, Awami-bashing sub-forum.

Worked very well (Idune was doing it regularly) then a few nationalists and normal Bangladeshis became more active.

2. Ban the word "raz-akar", now in place.

3. Report anyone who uses the word "Jamati" (though them calling people Awami is fine).

4. Insult Bangladeshi nationalists as "RAW agents" and "Hindutva" (as per kalu_miah's plan yesterday).

5. Then continue.....

Restricting everything we can say whilst feeling entitled to attack us non-stop and then harass us out of the forum and then restore the forum to what it "should be", a boring Awami-bashing forum for Jamati supporters and others including Kalu_miah.

What it should be is a forum where Bangladeshis of different political opinions be free to express their own opinions, thus a wide variety of different opinions.

hamer and gang making threats that they will get Bangladesh AL govt. involved to silence posters in this forum if we do not follow their party line.

You are a liar.

I have made no such post.

I am reporting you.
The blogger who got killed, has a point of view on religion that doesn't match with me. And he insulted Islam in so many ways. THAT is wrong in so many ways. But he didn't kill or rape anyone. He didn't deserve to get killed like this. Shibir is starting something which they cannot survive.

Also @all of my Bangladeshi brothers (Except rezakar sympathizers), I deeply regret showing support for violence against Shibir earlier in this forum. I was wrong.
1. I am a man.

2. Valentine's day was yesterday.



I don't know you and you shouldn't be too bothered or "interested to know" what I think of you as you are some anonymous online forum user. I'm not really bothered about your personal life or personality, but I do think violence doesn't solve things.

:lol: I didn't meant your view on my personal life or personality. I wanted to know am i still considered as a Mainstream Bangladeshis or not in your point of view after reading my post?

P.S- I am also a man and didn't know you bend that way :lol:. Kidding. Valentine's day :astagh: is a Bid‘ah.
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