this is not fair.
you don't reply to whole post,but reply to selective lines.
i n my previous post on page 16 i provided a link to book,read it you will get answers to your questions.
i have quoted some aayas of surahe tauba above but answer my one thing,why death come to you when it comes to hadith.why you not accept hadith as a reference.
after all Allah only order you for salah in Quran but method is given in hadith.
ok.. this thread isnt going anywhere. People will believe what they think is the right way. Just like I disagree on the laws you are for the laws and that fine and exactly how a democratic society should function. Similarly if a person want to insult the prophet but cannot because of fear of law will still think all those nasty things and nothing can be done about it. Its like if a girl is forcibly married to another man, she will go through all the motions of marriage but will think of her lover all the time.