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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

this is not fair.
you don't reply to whole post,but reply to selective lines.
i n my previous post on page 16 i provided a link to book,read it you will get answers to your questions.
i have quoted some aayas of surahe tauba above but answer my one thing,why death come to you when it comes to hadith.why you not accept hadith as a reference.
after all Allah only order you for salah in Quran but method is given in hadith.

ok.. this thread isnt going anywhere. People will believe what they think is the right way. Just like I disagree on the laws you are for the laws and that fine and exactly how a democratic society should function. Similarly if a person want to insult the prophet but cannot because of fear of law will still think all those nasty things and nothing can be done about it. Its like if a girl is forcibly married to another man, she will go through all the motions of marriage but will think of her lover all the time.
ok.. this thread isnt going anywhere. People will believe what they think is the right way. Just like I disagree on the laws you are for the laws and that fine and exactly how a democratic society should function. Similarly if a person want to insult the prophet but cannot because of fear of law will still think all those nasty things and nothing can be done about it. Its like if a girl is forcibly married to another man, she will go through all the motions of marriage but will think of her lover all the time.
If he is thinking something bad he should keep it to to himself but if will speak it than we will react
'You are such a smart-arse, I bet you could sit on a tub of ice cream and tell me what flavour it is' - Peregrine

"There is nothing better to demonstrate intellectual bankruptcy than to resort to juvenile scatological puns to make personal attacks rather than respond to the discussion with a sensible counter-argument." -VCheng. :D
"There is nothing better to demonstrate intellectual bankruptcy than to resort to juvenile scatological puns to make personal attacks rather than respond to the discussion with a sensible counter-argument." -VCheng. :D

'Counter-Arguments are for those who have all the neurons on the job & dont have a mind like a steel trap, which is always closed!'- Peregrine
'Counter-Arguments are for those who have all the neurons on the job & dont have a mind like a steel trap, which is always closed!'- Peregrine

"The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his way."

I have nothing more to say to you. :D
ok.. this thread isnt going anywhere. People will believe what they think is the right way.

This is the CRUX of the matter. A blasphemy law is, by definition, a RELIGIOUS law. In this case, it has been incorporated into STATE law. It affects those who are not Muslims... people who do not believe in Islam. What if the U.S. created a national law that requires all citizens to bow down before a statue of Uncle Sam. Failure to pay homage will result in DEATH.

Of course this is ridiculous. Muslims in the U.S. do not believe Uncle Sam is a holy figure. Thus, accidental disrespect, vocalizing disbelief, saying "Uncle Sam is NOT of God" would result in execution.

I'm sorry to say, but non-Muslims in Pakistan are in the same boat, being physically forced to honor something they do not believe in. And importantly, their failure to do so does not, in any way, harm Pakistan or her Muslim citizens. So why should they be sanctioned?
I'm sorry to say, but non-Muslims in Pakistan are in the same boat, being physically forced to honor something they do not believe in. And importantly, their failure to do so does not, in any way, harm Pakistan or her Muslim citizens. So why should they be sanctioned?

They must be sanctioned because our Mullahs don't know any other means besides killing the blasphemer to shut him/her up.
Who has the time, knowledge and wisdom to refute the allegations of a Blasphemer?
Take the easy way .. kill/imprison him.
Of course this is ridiculous. Muslims in the U.S. do not believe Uncle Sam is a holy figure. Thus, accidental disrespect, vocalizing disbelief, saying "Uncle Sam is NOT of God" would result in execution.

Sorry if i was a bit harsh yesterday :angel:
"The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his way."

I have nothing more to say to you. :D

'If you argue with the stupid, they will drag you down to their level & then beat you with stupidity. Congratulations on your success'
I guess, i am done here :toast_sign:
What I do find interesting is that, of all the Abrahamic religions, only Islam did not make blasphemy a crime like Judaism and Christianity specified. However, it somehow crept into Islam to over centuries too. Perhaps it is only natural for all religions to tend towards intolerance if not understood properly.
What I do find interesting is that, of all the Abrahamic religions, only Islam did not make blasphemy a crime like Judaism and Christianity specified. However, it somehow crept into Islam to over centuries too. Perhaps it is only natural for all religions to tend towards intolerance if not understood properly.

Why find excuses?

Should not a religion ensure sanitisation from influences that are not in consonance with the religion?

If it allows, then one cannot blame other religions or trot it out as a excuse.

As they say - you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink!
Why find excuses?

Should not a religion ensure sanitisation from influences that are not in consonance with the religion?

If it allows, then one cannot blame other religions or trot it out as a excuse.

As they say - you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink!

I am not making any excuses.

Blasphemy is NOT a part of Islam, so it must be a deviance exhibited by misguided followers.

Pretty logical if you ask me, free of any excuses.
This is the CRUX of the matter. A blasphemy law is, by definition, a RELIGIOUS law. In this case, it has been incorporated into STATE law. It affects those who are not Muslims... people who do not believe in Islam. What if the U.S. created a national law that requires all citizens to bow down before a statue of Uncle Sam. Failure to pay homage will result in DEATH.

Of course this is ridiculous. Muslims in the U.S. do not believe Uncle Sam is a holy figure. Thus, accidental disrespect, vocalizing disbelief, saying "Uncle Sam is NOT of God" would result in execution.

I'm sorry to say, but non-Muslims in Pakistan are in the same boat, being physically forced to honor something they do not believe in. And importantly, their failure to do so does not, in any way, harm Pakistan or her Muslim citizens. So why should they be sanctioned?
Sir for your information we are not forcing anyone to accept Islam we are just saying don't talk bad against our PROPHET SAW
VCheng made an excellent point regarding tolerance, which is the antithesis of blasphemy laws. Early Islam had it. Judaism, and then more so, Christianity, went through terrible dark periods where people were killed in horrible ways for blasphemy. When we look in retrospect, we find the laws were abused for purposes of POWER, not religious purity. Dark Ages clergy had the power, and kept it, by abusing their authority to declare someone blasphemer or apostate. It's a power and control issue.

Sir for your information we are not forcing anyone to accept Islam we are just saying don't talk bad against our PROPHET SAW

I understand, but can you not see where this places people of other faiths? They must walk their life as if on egg shells, worrying constantly that they not offend a Muslim by accident. They must also worry that the laws might be abused for vengeance, to gain property, favor, or just out of misguided religious fervor.

I have heard it stated many times that Islam is a lifestyle as well as a religion. By definition, then, non-Muslims must adopt a Muslim lifestyle to survive. Maybe the woman doesn't want to cover her hair... Maybe the man enjoys alcohol in moderation. They live in fear.

Muslim scholars try to put aside these fears, discuss things like "dhimma" and "Jizya", and try to make it sound not so bad. But being a lower-class life form in any society is bad. There is no way to sugar coat it.

It is possible for people of many religions to co-exist peacefully, and equally. But first, discriminatory laws must be put aside.
This is the CRUX of the matter. A blasphemy law is, by definition, a RELIGIOUS law. In this case, it has been incorporated into STATE law. It affects those who are not Muslims... people who do not believe in Islam. What if the U.S. created a national law that requires all citizens to bow down before a statue of Uncle Sam. Failure to pay homage will result in DEATH.

Of course this is ridiculous. Muslims in the U.S. do not believe Uncle Sam is a holy figure. Thus, accidental disrespect, vocalizing disbelief, saying "Uncle Sam is NOT of God" would result in execution.

I'm sorry to say, but non-Muslims in Pakistan are in the same boat, being physically forced to honor something they do not believe in. And importantly, their failure to do so does not, in any way, harm Pakistan or her Muslim citizens. So why should they be sanctioned?

sorry to say sir but you don't have idea of exact problem.
first of all minority people are free to practice their faith.this implies that if a christian or jew deny the prophethood of Muhammad (saw) he will not commit blasphemy,because this is part of their faith.similarly hindus who don't have idea of angels and revelation if say that our prophet write Quran in a cave after analyzing the judism and christanity he did not commit blasphemy. because this is part of their faith.
-what blasphemy is what you wrote in your previous statement regarding Esa/jesus (as).
-this law is not minority specific,this law also applies to muslims.

if a non muslim think he can't digest his food until he can't abuse our prophet,then he should do it in his community,family (secretly)
what we want from him is he don't abuse our prophet infront muslims or openly.

-when we muslims dont use bad language towards yours gods and prophets then what excuse do you people have for the bad language against our prophet.does not it is our right to demand same thing in return?

-when you people say religion is personal matter then why inserting finger in someone's hole?

-we don't want from minority people to honor our prophet we want that they should not dis honor our prophet.there is a big difference b/w both cases.

i hope you will be honest in your reply.
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